It’s Friday again. Do you know what THAT means? It means that it’s time for Scott Voelker to field your Amazon private label questions again… and it’s one of the highlights of his whole week. If you’re a seasoned Vet at private label sales, or brand new, chances are that you’re going to hear a question on these Friday “Ask Scott” episodes that helps you move your Amazon business forward. And if you’d like to ask your own question, Scott’s going to tell you how you can do that on this episode, so be sure to listen.


Have you heard of Scott’s “999 Method” of tracking your competitor’s sales?


A listener wants to know if there is a way he can estimate how much of a product is being sold by one of his competitors. There are all kinds of reasons you might want to do that, and Scott walks through them briefly on this episode. But he also points out two ways you can do that very thing, one using software (Jungle Scout) and another that you can do on your own, over a period of just a few days, and it will cost you nothing. Scott calls it the “999 method” and you’ll find out how you can do it, on this episode of The Amazing Seller.


I hear you talk about waiting for UPS to pick up some of your items. How do you get a UPS account and how much does it cost?


When the time comes to ship your products to Amazon’s warehouse, there are a couple of ways you can do it. First, you can load up the boxes in your car and drive them down to your nearest UPS store or packaging store and let them take it from there. Or, you can have UPS come to your house and pick up the products. If you’re only shipping one box, it may be a bit too costly to have them come to your house, but if you have multiple boxes, it may be the most cost effective. Hear Scott’s explanation of this simple task, on this episode.


I’m about to start using Amazon PPC. What kind of conversions am I looking for to know if I’ve got a good campaign going?


One of the most confusing parts of promoting your private label products on Amazon is learning how to build and manage effective pay per click campaigns. A listener who is just starting out on PPC asked what kind of conversion numbers she should be looking for from a campaign, and even though the variables are many, Scott’s got a general guideline that he suggests any Amazon seller should look for. He’s also going to explain what those numbers mean for you and your product sales.


Do you know how to dial in your Amazon PPC campaigns to be the most effective?


No matter how cool or beneficial your private label product is, you’ve got to get people to your product page before you’re going to make much profit selling it. That’s where Amazon PPC comes in (pay per click). It’s Amazon’s tool for placing advertising on a customer’s search results page that has to do with the items they are searching for… and it’s YOUR way to get your products seen by people who are looking for exactly what you’re selling. But PPC is not an easy thing to fine tune, and on this episode Scott walks you through the exact steps he uses when he’s setting up his own Amazon PPC campaigns.




[0:25] Scott’s welcome to this Q&A Episode.[0:37] The live event is SOLD OUT![1:52] Scott’s reasons for doing the podcast.