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Rock Your Brand Podcast

1,293 episodes - English - Latest episode: 18 days ago - ★★★★★ - 931 ratings

How do I start an online business? How do I build a brand online? How do I get traffic and attention to my online business? The biggest question is, can I start a business online and replace my current JOB? Welcome to The Rock Your Brand podcast show where we answer ALL of these questions and a ton MORE! Scott Voelker, the host will share with you everything you need to know and help you to build a Future Proof Business that will allow you the ultimate Freedom. Scott shares tips and strategies he used himself to build multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses over the past 18 years. Along with sharing Scott’s tips and strategies, he also interviews top business experts, such as Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Rick Mulready, James Clear, Chris Ducker and so many more. Scott also shares his private coaching calls with listeners and students to show exactly what it takes to build a successful online business and brand. With millions of downloads and counting, The Amazing Seller “The Take Action Effect” movement is growing everyday and now it’s YOUR TURN to create the life you want and deserve. Are you in? Let’s Do THIS!

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TAS 229 : Ask Scott Session #68 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

July 15, 2016 08:30 - 28 minutes - 19.6 MB

It’s time for you to get your Amazon private label questions answered from Scott Voelker, an experienced private label sales professional who is actively building his business both on and off Amazon every single day. You can submit your questions and hear others ask their real life PL questions and Scott will give his best suggestions, answers, and tips for how to resolve the problems that are presented. If you want to ask your own private label questions, listen to this episode to find out ...

TAS 228 : (Update) Not So Impressive Monthly Numbers + My NEW (Master Plan)

July 13, 2016 08:30 - 42 minutes - 28.9 MB

Scott has long been a champion of working the Amazon sales engine to build your business - and he still is. On this episode he’s going to say that over and over. But he also wants to be known as an Amazon seller who will speak the truth about what’s really happening as Amazon gets more and more crowded and as Amazon adjusts its algorithms as a result. He’s not abandoning Amazon (no way!) but is beginning to notice why he’s got to think bigger, broader, and make things a little less dependent...

TAS 227 : 5 Tips to Find Your Work and Life Balance and not Get Overwhelmed

July 11, 2016 08:30 - 26 minutes - 18.1 MB

Scott just completed a physical move of over 800 miles. He’s in his new home office and doing his first recording of the podcast from there, on this episode. The planning, preparation, and pressure of the move got Scott thinking about the simple but important things he’s been able to do that enabled the move to go smoothly… and as usual, he’s got to share what he’s thinking with you. So today you’re going to hear Scott’s thoughts about work life balance and how to avoid the overwhelm that ca...

TAS 226 : Ask Scott Session #67 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

July 08, 2016 08:30 - 20 minutes - 13.8 MB

It’s time for Scott’s favorite part of the week, the episode where he gets to answer your Amazon private label questions on the show. Today’s episode is filled with questions from real Amazon sellers who are in the trenches, building their own business to benefit themselves, their family, and the world. Today Scott answers questions about choosing a second product, aiming at a particular market, shipping to Amazon USA when you live in a different country, maximizing your PPC (Pay Per Click) ...

TAS 225 : Truck Cast Episode) Business Building Tips + LIVE Product Ideas in One Niche

July 06, 2016 08:30 - 35 minutes - 24.1 MB

If you’re a fan of The Amazing Seller Podcast you’ll recognize right away that this is not your normal episode. Scott and his Dad, Papa V., were driving a moving truck to Scott’s new home and decided to use the time on the road to record an episode of the podcast. It’s a fun ramble around the topics of business building and pursuing a particular market niche for your business. You’ll hear Scott and Papa V. brainstorm product and content ideas live as they drive (hey, that rhymes), on this ep...

TAS 224 : 3 Red Flags for Bad Product Selection and How to Avoid Them!

July 04, 2016 08:30 - 8 minutes - 6.06 MB

The number of questions Scott gets week after week about whether or not a product idea is a good one are so numerous that it’s prompted him to record this episode. There are certain things that make for a great private label product opportunity and other things that make for a lot of trouble and very few sales. On this episode Scott highlights 3 of the main things you should look for that would serve as warning signs or red flags that the product you’re looking at is not a good idea to inves...

TAS 223 : Ask Scott Session #66 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

July 01, 2016 08:30 - 29 minutes - 20.6 MB

This is the Friday Ask Scott episode of The Amazing Seller podcast where you (and people like you) get to ask their particular questions about Amazon sales. On this episode Scott fields question about choosing a product when the market appears to be very crowded, how to differentiate products, and what to expect when having products shipped from China. You’ll get a great taste from the type of things Scott is able to answer and learn how you can submit your own questions regarding Amazon pri...

TAS 222 : (Hot Seat) My Product Just Won't SELL (WHY?)

June 29, 2016 08:30 - 58 minutes - 40.5 MB

If you’ve not experienced the frustration of a well selected private label product that simply won’t sell yet, you probably will in time. When a product won’t sell but it looks like the market is a pretty good niche to be in, there are usually some fundamental things wrong with the product listing itself. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott Voelker and his friend Chris Schaeffer look over a real life product listing of a product that’s having those exact problems and true to form, t...

TAS 221 : How to Use Amazon's Tools to Launch and Rank Products (Live at Seller's Summit)

June 27, 2016 08:30 - 1 hour - 42.5 MB

Today’s episode is a bit unusual for the Amazing Seller podcast because it’s a recording of a live event where Scott was asked to speak about using Amazon’s tools to launch and rank products. He spoke at the Seller’s Summit, an event put on by Steve Chou of and was a great opportunity for Scott to meet many people interested in making money online. His talk was very well received and serves as a great introduction to those who are unfamiliar or new to the Amazon plat...

TAS 218 : 5 BIG Takeaways from Seller’s Summit Conference

June 27, 2016 08:30 - 34 minutes - 23.5 MB

One of the most powerful things that any entrepreneur can do is to make sure they are around others who are of the same mindset that they are. The energy and motivation that surrounds getting together with those kinds of people increases your level of energy and motivation just from being around them. On this episode Scott reveals the top 5 takeaways he had from spending time with like-minded people at the recent Seller’s Summit. Be sure you listen to Scott’s takeaways and learn some tips ab...

TAS 220 : Ask Scott Session #65 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

June 24, 2016 08:30 - 32 minutes - 22.1 MB

There are so many things to learn when it comes to selling a private label product on Amazon. But you don’t have to learn it all from scratch, you’ve got a friend who’s been down the road a bit farther and is willing to help you get going and be a success. Scott Voelker publishes these Friday “Ask Scott” episodes to answer your Amazon private label sales questions. If you’d like to submit a question to Scott for one of these Friday Q&A episodes, you can find out how to do that on this episod...

TAS 219 : 7 Figure Seller Shares Advanced Marketing Strategies Using Email and Facebook Ads

June 22, 2016 08:30 - 47 minutes - 32.7 MB

  When Scott attended and spoke at the Seller’s Summit a few months ago he met Mike Jackness, an Amazon seller who makes over 7 figures from his private label products and the two of them hit it off right off. Mike got into private label sales when he purchased a website that was already selling its products on Amazon. Over time, he replaced all of those products with his own private label products and began working to drive traffic to his products outside of Amazon through Facebook Ads, c...

TAS 217 : Ask Scott Session #64 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

June 17, 2016 08:00 - 8 minutes - 6.06 MB

Your opportunity to hear and ask your own questions from an experienced Amazon private label seller is here - it’s the Friday “Ask Scott” session. Today’s episode features a handful of questions about adding products to your private label lineup, how to utilize the analytics provided from your Amazon seller account, , and tons more insight surrounding those topics. If you are getting into sales on Amazon, don’t reinvent the wheel. Listen to these Ask Scott episodes to ensure that you aren’t ...

TAS 216 : Why Amazon Suppressed My Listing and Didn’t Know (Check Your Listing)

June 15, 2016 08:00 - 30 minutes - 21.1 MB

Have you ever had a time where you saw your Amazon private label product sales drop for a day, or two, or more? What have you done to check on that once you notice it? If you’re not checking on it, you could be missing out on sales because your listing is suppressed by Amazon for not adhering to the terms of service. On this episode Scott shares his own story of how a new product he place onto Amazon was suppressed, why it was suppressed, what he did to fix the problem, and what he suggests ...

TAS 215 : 5 Reasons to Reconsider Having 2 or More Amazon Seller’s Accounts (Pros and Cons)

June 13, 2016 18:53 - 31 minutes - 21.9 MB

It makes sense that when your Amazon business is up and running well, you may want to add a totally different brand or niche to your overall business strategy. There are so many opportunities that kind of approach can provide. When heading in that direction it might be tempting to open a second seller account with Amazon. Is it legal (with Amazon)? Should you do it? Scott’s got some very clear ideas about the subject and is eager to share them with you on this episode, so be sure you listen ...

BONUS EPISODE : 2 Tweaks That Increased Sales Without Spending More Money on Ads with Greg Mercer

June 11, 2016 08:00 - 48 minutes - 33.1 MB

Any little (or big) thing we can do to increase the likelihood of people who search for our products to actually click on our product is worth the time it takes to get it done. On this bonus episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast Scott is chatting with his friend Greg Mercer about the testing he’s been doing on his Amazon listings and the great increases in click-throughs and sales that have come as a result. You’re going to want to hear how these simple tweaks can increase your bottom line w...

TAS 214 : Ask Scott Session #63 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

June 10, 2016 08:00 - 29 minutes - 20.5 MB

When you’re starting something new it’s great to be able to ask someone who has been down the path before you. That’s what these Friday “Ask Scott” sessions are for… an opportunity for you to ask Scott the pressing questions that are on your mind about private label selling and selling on the Amazon platform in particular. There are many things Scott has learned the hard way that you don’t have to learn that way. You can glean lots from what Scott has to share and he’s happy to do it. Be sur...

TAS 213 : How and When to Sell Your Products on Amazon Japan (step by step)

June 08, 2016 08:00 - 57 minutes - 39.2 MB

You may have noticed lately that Amazon is advertising within your seller account for their non-U.S. sales platforms. They are trying really hard to get current sellers to expand into different marketplaces. For some time Scott has been giving that option some thought but when he received an email from today’s guest, Nick Kemp, he was even more interested. Nick has been selling on the Amazon Japan marketplace for some time and is experiencing a good deal of success. In this conversation Scot...

TAS 212 : The Simple Process for Getting Ungated to Sell Your Products on Amazon with Chris Shaffer

June 06, 2016 08:00 - 40 minutes - 28 MB

The Amazon sales platform is open to 3rd party sellers (like you) to sell products to people who are already shopping for things they want and need. That’s the amazing benefit it is to sell your products on Amazon. However, there are certain categories where not just anyone can sell products. Amazon’s reasons for doing this is mainly to protect the consumer by ensuring that the people selling products in those categories are legitimate sellers who are not selling items that will be harmful o...

TAS 211 : Ask Scott Session #62 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

June 03, 2016 08:00 - 29 minutes - 20.5 MB

If you’re an Amazon seller, either through Retail Arbitrage program or through private label products, you know how frustrating it can be when you hit a snag in your business and don’t feel that you have anywhere to turn. Wouldn’t it be great to have a “voice of experience” you could turn to who could guide you through the challenges? That’s EXACTLY what you get on these Friday episodes of the Amazing Seller. Scott Voelker does his “Ask Scott” session to field your questions about Amazon sal...

TAS 210 : How Stay at Home Mom Turned $100 into $73k in Sales and Still Growing

June 01, 2016 08:00 - 44 minutes - 30.8 MB

Any change to your life and lifestyle will require you to make some sacrifices. Today’s guest is a tremendous example of a person who was willing to put in the kind of hard work required so that she could do what she wanted in her life - stay at home with her kids. Raquel’s story is one that we hear all the time, a parent who longs to have the time with her children and is willing to do anything to make that happen. You’re going to hear a tremendously inspirational story as Raquel tells how ...

TAS 209 : The Man That Taught Me How To HUSTLE and NEVER Give UP! (in LIFE and Business)

May 30, 2016 08:00 - 59 minutes - 40.6 MB

Every one of us has a legacy that has bred us, the things that have made us into the people that we are. Sometimes those are negative influences, sometimes they are not so good. On this episode of the show Scott shares a conversation with his Dad that he recorded recently to share some of the legacy of his own life. In Scott’s eyes his Dad is a great example of someone who was always willing to work hard and earn the money needed to care for his family and take care of his obligations. He’s ...

TAS 208 : Ask Scott Session #61 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

May 27, 2016 08:00 - 32 minutes - 22.4 MB

Whenever you’re starting something new it requires that you do a lot of learning at the front end. You should never just jump in and figure it out on your own because there are so many people who have traveled the path ahead of you that you can learn from. That’s why Scott does these Ask Scott episodes - to be that trusted and experienced resource to anyone who wants to get started with Amazon private label sales. You can ask your own questions and have them answered on the podcast, so be su...

TAS 207 - How to Create Your Business Success Plan (Scott’s LIVE Keynote)

May 25, 2016 08:00 - 1 hour - 44.4 MB

Every single one of us is on our own journey, but much of where we wind up depends on the choices we make. Scott recently had the opportunity to speak at the Rocky Mountain Resellers conference and was able to share his story and inspire many people to take action and move forward with their business ideas.This episode is the audio version of Scott’s keynote presentation from that event and you’re going to hear his story of moving into the Amazon sales platform and all the experiences that b...

TAS 206 : Why Some People HATE Me for Helping YOU (Should I Stop?)

May 23, 2016 08:00 - 27 minutes - 19.1 MB

Over the years Scott has gotten tons of great encouragement about the efforts he’s making to help others learn from his mistakes and the path he’s taken to build a successful private label sales business. He loves the positive feedback and would never stop doing what he does. But sometimes there are people who urge Scott to STOP giving away so much free information. They believe that he’s doing a disservice to those who are already selling on Amazon. Scott disagrees wholeheartedly and on thi...

TAS 205 : Ask Scott Session #60 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

May 20, 2016 08:00 - 29 minutes - 20.4 MB

Many people ask why Scott’s invested so much time and energy into putting out this podcast and doing his free workshops. Is it to sell his course? No, it’s not. Scott recently ran into a woman who reminded him why he’s doing all the work he is for the TAS brand. Her husband had just quit his job because their private label business, built according to Scott’s instructions and tips, had finally made it possible for him to quit and work the FBA business full time. That’s what Scott is about - ...

TAS 204 : The Launch Experiment That Helped Me Rank Page 1 (Results)

May 18, 2016 08:00 - 27 minutes - 18.8 MB

It’s always helpful to hear from someone who’s launched a private label product on Amazon from scratch - and has done so recently. Well, even though Scott Voelker has been doing private label sales on Amazon for some time, he’s still starting new products and ideas now and then to experiment and to expand his business model. On today’s episode Scott walks you through his latest product launch and hones in on the things he did differently this time. The results he’s gotten have been spectacul...

TAS 203 : How to Turn Frustration (Product Dud) Into Success (Real Story)

May 16, 2016 08:00 - 32 minutes - 22.2 MB

    Part of the equation in business is that you’re going to hit roadblocks and frustrations. It’s simply going to happen. Today’s episode highlights a real Amazon seller’s disappointments with his product sales and Scott has a lot to say about it. There are more bright spots in this listener’s situation than he recognizes and some things he could still do to improve the listing itself and possibly drive sales higher. Listen in to Scott’s response to this frustrating story so you can hea...

TAS 202 : Ask Scott Session #59 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

May 13, 2016 08:00 - 25 minutes - 17.7 MB

  It’s time to crank up the volume and get your own personal coaching for your Amazon FBA private label business. You’re going to hear real life questions from real life private label sellers who have hit a roadblock in their business. Scott Voelker is going to answer those questions from his own experience and from the things he’s learned helping Amazon sellers get their problems addressed. If you want to ask your own question, you can do that just like the listeners on this episode by go...

TAS 201 : How To Protect Your Listing from Hijackers and FIGHT BACK with Jon Haver

May 11, 2016 08:00 - 43 minutes - 30.1 MB

One of the most frustrating issues sellers run into on the Amazon platform is when they get some success under their belts with a great product and then wake up one morning to find that someone has hijacked the Amazon listing where they sold their product. It’s a black hat way that people without morals try to take over your listing with an inferior product while claiming that they are selling the identical product. It hurts your sales and could ruin your entire brand if you don’t safeguard ...

TAS 200 : Simplify The Process and Take Action (Your Success Plan)

May 09, 2016 08:00 - 1 hour - 43.1 MB

This episode of the podcast ispretty special because it’s only been a bit longer than a year thatScott has been publishing the show and he’s already reached 200episodes - and for this episode he wanted to do something special.That’s why he’s doing something a bit different - a solo show -that covers the information he spoke at the Rocky MountainResellers conference in Denver, Colorado at the end of April, 2016.It’s a motivational, inspirational, get started talk that will giveyou practical w...

TAS 199 : Ask Scott Session #58 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

May 06, 2016 08:00 - 25 minutes - 17.8 MB

You’ve found the show notes pagefor this episode of “Ask Scott” - the place where you can ask your own real-life private label questions and receiveanswers. But there’s more benefit than just asking your questions -you get to hear the answers Scott Voelker gives to other people’squestions. It’s like learning from the problems and mistakes othersare making so that you don’t have to experience them yourself. Somake sure you take the time to listen to this episode to get aneducation from the ex...

TAS 198 : (Loop Hole Exposed) How Amazon Paid Me $958.05 Without Selling More Product

May 04, 2016 08:00 - 29 minutes - 20.1 MB

  This one is no joke. Scott wasable to get money from Amazon that was rightfully his, withoutselling a product. It has to do with product refunds and damagedproducts that Amazon has processed in the past, and he owes it allto Jacob, today’s guest. The cool thing about it is that todayJacob is going to give you the step by step process for getting themoney that is due to your seller account and he’s going to show youhow you can use his automated service to get those refunds creditedto your ...

TAS 197 : (Hot Seat) What Should I Do to Get Sales Going Again?

May 02, 2016 08:00 - 40 minutes - 27.9 MB

Todays’ episode of The Amazing Seller is one ofthe “Hot Seat” editions where Scott joins forces with his friendChris Schaeffer to analyze a product that has been submitted forappraisal in hopes that Scott and Chris can give some advice toincrease sales and success. Today’s product is one that is in avery competitive space and the seller is curious if he’s reachedhis limit and should simply give up on the product and move on.Chris and Scott both say, “No way” and give plenty of tips as tohow ...

TAS 196 : Ask Scott Session #57 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

April 29, 2016 08:00 - 29 minutes - 20.2 MB

It’s time once again for the Friday edition ofthe Amazing Seller podcast. Why is that special? Because theseFriday editions are the “Ask Scott” version of the show where ScottVoelker answers your questions questions from real life Amazonsellers who have run into a snag, hurdle, or issue of confusion intheir Amazon Private Label business. Scott’s got over a year ofexperience doing his own private label business and has also hadthe opportunity to learn from numbers of experienced guests as he’...

TAS 195 : How TAS Listener Turned $65 into $1,100 Profit in 90 Days (Real Story)

April 27, 2016 08:00 - 1 hour - 41.5 MB

Many people get hung up, never giving an onlinebusiness or private label sales a go simply because they think theydon’t have enough money. Today’s story should dispel all the mythsfloating around that say that you have to have a lot of cash to getstarted online. Ken is a regular guy who found a way to leverage$65 into $1,100 in profit in just 90 days and now has begun his ownprivate label business that is doing very well. Even moreincredible is a new service he’s begun to help Amazon sellers...

TAS 194 : Income Update: Numbers are Down and WHY I'm Excited!

April 25, 2016 08:00 - 26 minutes - 18.4 MB

It is so easy to hear all the stories about business online and success that others are having and to think that the journey toward that success is easy. But that is the furthest thing from the truth. On this episode Scott he's going to give you an inside look into his income figures for the first quarter of 2016. He's doing this to show you that even those who seem to be successful have their down turns in both profit and success. He wants you to go into your private label business with you...

TAS 193 : Ask Scott Session #56 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

April 22, 2016 08:00 - 28 minutes - 19.5 MB

You have just landed on another episode of The Amazing seller where Scott is answering your questions about private label sales on Amazon. You can get your questions asked and answered on this special Friday episodes. Today's episode features 3 questions, one about product quality issues, another about a first product that is barely breaking even, and the final question about keeping procedures for Amazon private label sales. There's a ton to learn and lots of fun ahead so be sure you listen...

TAS 192 : How to Use Social Media to Sell Products with Laura Roeder

April 20, 2016 08:00 - 47 minutes - 32.6 MB

If you have been on the internet for any length of time you already know that the social media room can be one of the most overwhelming but effective ways of getting your content and products out there for people to see. On this episode of the podcast Scott is talking with an expert at social media about how to use it effectively to increase traffic to your website and product listings. Laura Roeder joins us today to share about her experience with social media and to give some great tips on...

TAS 191 : Zero to $100k per Month in Less Than 1 Year (TAS Listener Story)

April 18, 2016 08:00 - 49 minutes - 34 MB

If you’re entirely new to the idea of private label sales, this is the perfect episode for you to hear. Today’s guest is a regular guy from Australia who began his private label journey from square one. David had no prior business experience, no understanding of how private label sales on Amazon work, and very little in terms of resources. When he found this podcast he was turned on to the idea right away and began making plans. In this conversation you were going to hear that David took it ...

TAS 190 : Ask Scott Session #55 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

April 15, 2016 08:00 - 27 minutes - 18.9 MB

What are your current struggles in building your Amazon private label business? Do you have the resources you need in order to deal with those hurdles effectively? If you don’t, this is the episode for you. This is a Friday edition of the Amazing Seller, which means that it’s an “Ask Scott” episode. These are episodes where Scott fields question from Amazon sellers about the confusion and issues they are dealing with in their own Amazon business. This is a ‘real life’ episode where you will ...

TAS 189 : Product Research Validation Full Workflow (Reduce the Risk)

April 13, 2016 08:00 - 28 minutes - 19.9 MB

How helpful would it be to you if you were able to have a step-by-step instructional walkthrough of the best way to research and validate potential products for Amazon private label business? Would that be something you'll be able to use? In today's episode Scott is doing exactly that. He takes you through every tiny step he goes through to research a potential product and ensure that it is the best chance he has of launching a great, profitable product. There are no guarantees, but this is ...

TAS 188 : (Hot Seat) Is My Product Still Worth Selling on Amazon?

April 11, 2016 08:00 - 33 minutes - 23.4 MB

Being on the “Hot Seat” doesn’t necessarily sound like a pleasant thing. But in this case it could be a powerful helpful place to be. Today's episode of the podcast is a “hot seat” edition where Scott and his friend Chris look over an existing Amazon product listing to supply tweaks and suggestions on how to maximize sales. Today's hot seat participant has a product that has begun to sell much less than it once did and he's curious if he should even put in the effort to maximize its potentia...

TAS 187 : Ask Scott Session #54 - Your Amazon FBA Questions

April 08, 2016 08:00 - 32 minutes - 22.7 MB

Wouldn’t it be great to have experienced advice every step of the way as you launch your business? What if that “mentor” was willing to answer your questions every single week to help you on your business journey? That’s exactly what every Friday’s episode of The Amazing Seller is - it’s Scott Voelker’s Q&A with listeners where you get to ask your questions about private label sales and Scott gives his answers.Today’s episode has great questions and Scott’s seasoned answers - and you’re sure...

TAS 186 : What Sellers NEED to Know about Patents - Trademarks and Copyrights with Attorney Ted Lymes

April 06, 2016 08:00 - 49 minutes - 34.4 MB

There are many, many ways you can make mistakes when selling your private label products on the Amazon platform. One of those has to do with three legal areas: patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Today’s episode is not meant to scare you but to make you aware of the issues involved in those three areas and equip you to protect yourself and protect your own rights when it comes to the use of your product and brand names, images, and unique characteristics. You’ll want to listen carefully to ...

TAS 185 : NEW Tweak on Amazon Product Launches (I’m trying this)

April 04, 2016 08:00 - 28 minutes - 19.9 MB

  For very long time Scott has recommended a specific approach to launching new products on the Amazon platform. But he's making some adjustments based on the feedback and input he's received from some of his friends who are selling products on Amazon as well. On this episode of the podcast Scott is outlining the specifics of these tweaks and telling you why they work as well as they do. On future product launches he's going to be trying the suggestions and will report back to you in the fu...

TAS 184 : Ask Scott Session #53 - Amazon FBA Questions

April 01, 2016 08:00 - 36 minutes - 25.5 MB

Welcome to this episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. You’ve landed on the Friday version which an “Ask Scott” episode. This is where Scott Voelker fields your questions relating to Amazon private label sales and answers them for you. On this episode Scott is addressing questions about keywords and product rankings (and gives tons of resources on that one), whether potentially great products should be pursued if the competition for sales is high, how to do market research effectively, and t...

TAS 183 : Amazon Suspended My Product (Now What?)

March 30, 2016 08:00 - 31 minutes - 21.7 MB

It wasn’t too long ago that Scott received a bad news email from Amazon. One of his products, a bundle of items, was suspended by Amazon and he was being required to rectify the situation that caused the product to be suspended. On this episode Scott is going to walk you through the exact steps he took to address the situation with Amazon and give you a ton of things to think about when it comes to dealing with Amazon directives like this. If you haven’t had this issue yet, you will, so be s...

TAS 182 : How I Stumbled on this NEW Product Idea and YOU Can TOO!

March 28, 2016 08:00 - 35 minutes - 24.7 MB

New product ideas can come from anywhere. Really, you might be surprised where you discover the next great thing. On this episode Scott’s going to share with you exactly how he discovered his latest product idea quite by accident and how it’s proving to be a pretty good product from the first go ‘round. Listening to this episode will inspire you to think a little more outside the box about your next product idea. So be sure to listen and start dreaming about your next product! There are som...

TAS 180 : How To Protect Your MONEY When Ordering Product from China (Real Examples)

March 23, 2016 08:00 - 45 minutes - 31.6 MB

One of the scariest parts of building an Amazon private label business is the fact that at some point you have to send off a big chunk of money to a supplier you have never met, in a factory or warehouse that you cannot inspect in most cases, and trust that you are products are going to arrive at your location or the Amazon warehouse as promised and in good shape. Today's episode deals with that exact subject in the experiences of one Amazon Seller who had trouble getting his product payment...


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