Hey, hey! Welcome to this episode of The Amazing Seller podcast, the best place you can hear how to run and manage your successful Amazon Private Label business! Scott Voelker has an amazing thing going on here, passing out free information and tips for those who want to create their own private label business, selling products on Amazon. It’s great to have you here and you’re invited to listen, interact, and learn from the TAS community both on this site and on Facebook. Take some time to listen to this episode and you’ll understand the incredible value that is packed into every one of these episodes.


This episode: How to find a sourcing agent for your products.


One of the most important but most uncertain parts of any Amazon based business is finding and sourcing products. If your supplier is in China or some other part of the world, that interaction becomes more and more difficult. To make this piece of the process easier, you might want to consider finding an agent in country who can work with you to get your products sourced. It’s a great step toward simplifying your product selection and ordering process and could serve to further your business both now and in the future. Scott gets questions about this often, so be sure you listen to get all his tips.


Consider finding a sourcing agent to be the same as conducting a job interview.


When you’re looking for a sourcing agent, you want to get the very best person you can. This person will be an integral part of your team, someone who could make your business grow at a much faster rate and in unique and powerful ways. You want to take great care in finding just the right person. Scott’s got some very practical tips to help you go exactly that, on this episode, so make sure that you find the time to listen to Scott’s tips - and begin brainstorming how these principles might be a benefit to your business.


Is pricing the main thing to be concerned about in finding a sourcing agent?


You might think that the main thing you’re going to be looking at in finding an agent is the price they can get for your products. While that is a very important thing to consider, you also want to consider a handful of other things that have nothing to do with price. Is the agent easy to work with? Are they able to offer you additional products that go along with your product line? Can they combine products, provide printing, packaging, and other things essential to your business? If you want to know the kinds of things you should consider, listen to this episode!


How well can a potential sourcing agent work with you? It’s vitally important that you know.


The questions you ask as you interview potential sourcing agents will help you know if they are the right fit for your company. You want to know if the person is going to be easy to work with overall. That means they have to be able to communicate clearly and understand what you are saying as well. Can they follow directions? Can they get things done that you need to be done? Are they flexible and responsive. All these issues and more need to be considered and you can hear Scott’s take on every one of them, on this episode.




[0:05] Welcome to this episode: Do you need a product sourcing agent?[0:58] Thanks to the TAS Facebook community and the new criteria to allow people into the group.