There are lots of people who hear of what’s going on with Amazon private label sales and think that they can’t get into it without a huge investment. But that’s not true, and this interview episode is proof. Today, Scott is chatting with Travis, a normal guy who calls himself an “average Joe.” Travis heard about private label sales on Amazon and decided he was going to make it work even though he didn’t have software to research his product ideas or a huge budget to do it. You’re going to be blown away by the success Travis has had simply by following some common sense steps.

Getting the product idea first.

Travis’ first private label product idea was a product that is a popular trend right now, so he wasn’t sure if he should go with it or not. But getting a good price on the product and the possibility of a good sized margin prompted him to take the leap. So with $1500 spent in products and fees Travis was able to get his first product onto Amazon. His story is an amazing one because his approach was truly a “bare bones” attempt and his hard work and risk taking has paid off. You can hear the exact steps Travis went through on this episode of The Amazing Seller.

Playing with the price to get his product off the ground.

When Travis first got his bare bones product onto the Amazon selling platform, his competition was pricing their products are around $15 each. He decided to go below that at  $9.99 each. He wasn't sure what kind of effect that would have but went to sleep after posting his product consoling himself that he shouldn't expect much the first few days. He woke up to 5 sales of his product and he didn't even have any reviews on it yet. You can hear Travis’ amazing story as he shares it with Scott on this episode of The Amazing Seller.

Pay per click right away and no reviews.

One of the things Scott recommends to new sellers is to get their product onto the Amazon platform and then do a couple of giveaways to prompt reviews for the product.  But Travis wanted to see what would happen if he didn't have any reviews but started with PPC right away. That's what he did, just using a broad search PPC campaign, and his sales began almost immediately. In his first month he sold over a thousand products and still has not secured any reviews for his product. He's hoping that organic reviews will happen soon, but  also knows that he eventually needs to get a giveaway going to get his review started. Travis's gutsy approach is one you'll enjoy hearing about it, on this episode.

Proof that private label sales can be done with a small budget and low amount of experience.

Today's guest has never done Amazon private label sales before. He did not have a large bank row and had absolutely no experience sourcing or selling products online. The only education he had was listening to the episodes of this podcast. the results he's gotten are amazing. Within his first month Travis has well over $1,000 worth of sales and is already ordering more products to replenish the ones that have been sold. He expects to expand this product into multiple products, possibly variations of the same product, and even adding accessories to his product line. It's proof that Amazon private label sales is the real deal and anyone can do it.

OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER[0:05] Scott’s introduction to the podcast![2:52] Get in on Scott’s free live workshop.[3:21] Travis’ backgr