Isn’t it great when you’re able to ask an experienced person how to do what you need to do? You get all kinds of insights and tips that you wouldn’t even think about asking for. The Friday episode of The Amazing Seller (this one) is where Scott answers your questions about Amazon Private Label sales and shares them with the entire TAS community. You’re able to ask your own questions by going to - as well as learn from the many other questions that are asked and answered on these Ask Scott episodes. Be sure you subscribe so you don’t miss any of his answers.

I need to makeover my listing page. How should I go about it?


As you get going with your Amazon Private Label sales, you’ll realize down the road that some of the steps you’ve already taken need to be refreshed or updated. A listener today says that he’s ready to go back and makeover his product listing page and asks Scott how he should go about doing that. Scott’s got some great insights on that issue as well as some past conversations with podcast guests to point you to. Do you need to update your product listings? You won’t want to miss this episode for all the tips and tricks you need to know.


I was wondering what I need to change if I’m selling a generically labeled product on Amazon?


Is it possible to take a product from Aliexpress or Alibaba that is already generically labeled, and sell it as your own? That’s a common situation you might run into as you’re getting trial products and trying out different possibilities and you need to know what’s ethically right and what’s even possible if you’re going to do it right. On this episode Scott’s going to walk you through that issue and tell you what he would do in those shoes. It’s a great, practical issue that you can learn from, on this episode.


I have a unique product that fits within a broader niche. How do I research whether it’s as good an opportunity as I think?


Today's episode of the podcast, one of our Friday editions were you can ask your own questions, a listener ask Scott about a specific variation of a broader product, and whether it is possible to find out the viability of the product selling well on Amazon. It's a very busy broad niche but the unique qualities of this particular product are what makes the listener believe it will really be a big seller. Scott's got some good insights on the issue, and you can hear the mall on this episode.


Have you attended one of Scott’s live workshops? They’re free!


One of the amazing things about what Scott does through The Amazing Seller podcast, is that every month  he provides and absolutely free workshop to walk new Amazon private label sellers through the 5 steps he takes to research purchase and launch a brand new product on Amazon. If you have never been a part of one of these workshops, you are missing out. The end with live question and answer sessions where you can get clarity on anything that you didn't quite catch the first time. Listen to this episode to find out how you can register to be a part of the next free workshop.




[0:04] Scott’s introduction to the podcast![0:30] How you can get your questions answered on these “Ask Scott” episodes.