635 episodes - English - Latest episode: 6 days ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating

Pastor Deb is committed to spreading the Gospel while engaging and relating to people through sound teaching, relatable content, and humor.  Pastor Deb is also a die-hard apologists who love teaching about the foundations of Christianity, the biblical archaeology that proves the bible as the inerrant Word of God.  This podcast is meant to strengthen the faith of unbelievers, and enlighten, inspire, and transform unbelievers. 


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Why Jesus

July 10, 2023 13:00 - 19 minutes - 13.1 MB

This morning I want to help some of you who may be struggling with understanding the importance of Jesus and also help others be able to better explain who Jesus was and why it is so important that our faith rest in Him. John 1: contains two of the most important verses in the Bible, as these verses give insight into the depth of God’s love for us, access to salvation, and the core of the strength of our faith. www.BibleDeliverance.org

ICE: God is calling us to put our lives on ice

July 09, 2023 15:00 - 59 minutes - 40.9 MB

I want to tell you this morning that God is calling us to put our lives on ICE for the sake of His Kingdom.  I am talking about integrity, commitment, and execution.  All three of these characteristics hinge on the element of truth and how one handles and prioritizes truth in their life.  ICE is often times used as a preservative, keeping things from spoiling in the heat.  And if truth be told, we live in a culture, where it's getting pretty hot. Hot with things that violate the mandate and...

What Road Are You On?

June 27, 2023 11:00 - 16 minutes - 11.2 MB

A Damascus Road experience can be different for each of us it is a point where God gets "real" with you and His truth shines so bright in your face like it did Paul that you can’t ignore. It may be like the young man Casey in the story, God may have to sit you down and get you off to yourself.   The truth is we don’t have to wait for a Damascus Road experience, truth is we don’t know what price we may have to pay to get there.  We can just be honest with ourselves and God and pray this pra...

A Godly Sermon w/o Scripture

June 25, 2023 13:00 - 50 minutes - 35 MB

This morning's message title is: "A SERMON WITHOUT SCRIPTURE Your initial response may be, "I am not about to listen to a sermon without scripture".  Well, sometimes we have to just go back to the basics.  And the basics of Christianity involve learning, understanding, and being able to teach others about the validity of the Bible.   Real truth can always be validated through various sources and that is what is explored in this message today.   Today's message shares historical, archaeolo...

Your Reality Show

June 22, 2023 11:00 - 13 minutes - 9.09 MB

Why do we allow ourselves to be entertained by what is displeasing to God allowing seeds to be planted that disrupt God’s plans for our lives? What we look to entertain us is in turn entertaining Satan. Imagine the real reality show he gets to enjoy at our expense.  Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. This morning I would like to encourage you to be more conscientious of the company you keep, and what you allow to enter the gateways to y...

Q & A: Polygamy

June 21, 2023 03:00 - 23 minutes - 16.1 MB

Answering a submitted question about polygamy with scriptures, and an outline of God's purpose for marriage, covenant and leadership. www.BibleDeliverance.org

Hmmm Humility

June 20, 2023 05:00 - 14 minutes - 9.99 MB

1 Peter 5:6  Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, www.BibleDeliverance.org

Juneteenth: A God Thing

June 18, 2023 03:00 - 51 minutes - 35.3 MB

I want to make a public announcement, Juneteenth is not a black holiday, it is a holiday to celebrate the exaltation of humanity, and the victories of freedom. If we limit the celebration of Juneteenth to just celebrating the freeing of black people from slavery, then only blacks will deem it necessary to acknowledge and or celebrate.  But when we as a nation embrace the exaltation of humanity and begin to calculate the victories realized and utilized by the entire human race through the f...

That's A Whole "Lot"

June 06, 2023 03:00 - 22 minutes - 15.6 MB

Much of Lot’s life is a picture of the consequences, decisions, and dysfunction birthed out of greed and complacency regarding sinfulness. YES, Lot knew God, but he chose to live among people who would lead his family into sin, he knew God, but turned from the will and way of God and settle in the complacency of a sinful atmosphere.  A lesson stems from this question that prayerfully invokes an awakening.  When one is content in a lifestyle of sin, not only are they slaves to the sin or sin...

Identity Crisis

May 28, 2023 11:00 - 56 minutes - 38.7 MB

 The problem is that the who and what we represent in our daily lives do not sync with our God-ordained purpose.   We move throughout our lives, barely scraping the surface of our talents and with little focus on fulfilling our God-given life assignment. We too often look to others to direct our purpose. In turn, we adopt patterns, habits, and norms that steer us to look outside ourselves for consistent approval and establish our identities. Material things and money have become what the ...

Stand Down

May 25, 2023 11:00 - 15 minutes - 10.9 MB

Tired, frustrated, and feeling like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.  It's time to stand down, pass the baton and let God take it to the finish line. Col 3, Ez 2, and Psalms 46 www.BibleDeliverance.org

Don't Pop Off

May 24, 2023 10:00 - 18 minutes - 12.9 MB

Don't be so quick to pop off, responding to situations, gossip, and so forth like the commoners.  Hold your head high and conduct yourself like royalty because your father is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and everything you do, and everything you utter reflects on Him. www.BibleDeliverance.org

When was the last time GOD ANSWERED YOUR PRAYER?

May 23, 2023 03:00 - 18 minutes - 12.8 MB

When was the last time God answered your prayers?  Regardless of how long ago it was.  Regardless of how big or small you deem the prayer request was.  The fact that your prayers were answered is your personal evidence that God does answer prayer. Some of us have been praying awhile for something or about a situation, and it seems God does not hear our prayers. Let me assure you God hears every prayer.  And for every prayer, He answers. We tend to think our prayers are not heard or have go...

GOD can and will use anyone

May 17, 2023 04:00 - 11 minutes - 7.66 MB

~Noah was a drunk ~ Abraham was too old ~ Isaac was a daydreamer ~ Jacob was a liar ~ Leah was ugly ~ Joseph was abused ~ Moses had a stuttering tongue ~ Gideon was afraid ~ Samson  was a womanizer ~ Rahab was a prostitute ~ Jeremiah and Timothy were very young ~ David was an adulterer and a murderer ~ Elijah was suicidal ~ Isaiah preached naked ~ Jonah ran from God ~ Naomi was a widow ~ Job went bankrupt ~ John the Baptist ate bugs ~ Peter denied Christ ~ The disciples fe...

The LIGHT Challenge

May 16, 2023 10:00 - 18 minutes - 12.5 MB

Walk obedient to the the word of God, being light in darkness Galatians 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, Matthew 5:16  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 6:1-2 ESV / 93 helpful votes  “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from yo...

Honoring Perfectly Imperfect Mothers

May 13, 2023 17:00 - 44 minutes - 30.7 MB

We honor our mothers, not their perfections but their imperfections as well.  For it is because of who our mothers are wholely as women, flaws and all. that have nurtured, steered, and loved us unconditionally. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, even those who have mothered children not born from their wombs.   www.BibleDeliverance.org

BLESSED to be a blessing & to be more BLESSED

May 11, 2023 05:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

Every morning we get up, we’re blessed, with every breath we take we’re blessed. And out of love for God and in compliance to His will we need to be more intentional about being a blessing. Some are so narrow-minded they think to be a blessing to someone means you have to give of your finances and or resources,  and there is nothing wrong with that when you are giving because of your love and faith and God there should be nothing that you are comfortable withholding. But kindness can be a ...

First Day Of Your Future

May 09, 2023 01:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

Don't miss the beauty and the scenery of the journey God has you on while gazing in your review mirror. Forget the job you didn't get Forget the bad business deal Forget the failed marriage Forget the relationship you thought was the one Forget the ugly words someone spewed at you Forget those who to advantage of you. There is so much ahead of you.  So much more God has in store for you. www.BibleDeliverance.org


May 07, 2023 02:00 - 51 minutes - 35.5 MB

Sometimes, we as believers become so consumed with policing people that we forget our mission is the exalt the word of God and be the example of righteousness.   We tend to be more committed to who is right; political party, man, woman, domination, or affiliations based on our personal preference, than we are to the righteousness of God. We have to shift from who is right to what is right according to the Word of God.  There comes a time, likely several times in a believer's life when they ...


April 30, 2023 03:00 - 1 hour - 52.1 MB

Pastor She & The Kingdom of God - Some of you might have read today’s sermon title and pondered whether this message would be edifying to your soul.  In short, yes.  This message will prove to be edifying to everyone who listens and embraces the word of God, whether male or female. I was recently asked a question concerning female pastors by someone who I love and hold dear to my heart.  Someone that I know loves God and studies the Word of God.  So my thought was if this person is asking q...

Caught Up In An Affair

April 26, 2023 01:00 - 21 minutes - 14.6 MB

There is a difference between being in a covenant relationship with God and just having an affair with him.  We can be deceived into engaging in just an affair with God. An affair feels good, an affair will stroke our egos and even pacify some insecurities.  But it is a covenant relationship that leads us to trust God despite the trends of the world, despite our title, income, valleys, and victories.  It is in a covenant relationship where we embrace that God loves us totally and complete...

Developing A Winning Mindset

April 20, 2023 03:00 - 25 minutes - 17.6 MB

Day in and day out, I hear people talk about their goals, desires, and dreams, which are usually followed by comments of defeat.  Things like if I had this, or knew this one, or if I was better at this, or if I could do this then I could…And the kicker statement is… I have been just praying for a miracle, praying God opens some doors or releases his favor on me. Winners don’t pacify defeat; winners are not just dreamers; winners are more than talk.  Winners are doers.  A winning athlete und...

Beyond Easter

April 16, 2023 01:00 - 40 minutes - 28 MB

Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday are glorious celebrations; it is a time when we are intentional about paying homage to the sacrifice that Jesus made and what it meant to humanity. As awesome, miraculous, and life-changing as the resurrection of “Jesus, the Christ” was and is, there is much more Christians need to understand to be more effective in our witness.  Because what good is our faith if we can’t effectively minister to an unbeliever?  Consider today's message a training session for ...

Created For God's Glory

April 13, 2023 01:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

Isaiah 43:7 Everyone who is called by my name, I created for my glory Life busies itself all around us. The very atmosphere of the world in which we live is filled with distraction, demand after demand, and noise that goes beyond what we can hear but what convolutes the essence of our existence. To embrace that we were created for God’s glory and govern our lives according to requires discipline, intentional effort, and a sincere relationship with God.   Think about it for a moment; I mea...

RESURRECTION SUNDAY! Detach The Cross From Religion

April 09, 2023 13:00 - 47 minutes - 32.5 MB

This morning I want to talk to you about “Detaching the Cross From Religion.”  You may think, “Hmm, that is an unusual topic for Resurrection Sunday.”  Give me a few moments, and you will better understand why it is the perfect sermon for Resurrection Sunday. I never understood the surprise of the people when they found an empty tomb; Jesus prepared them for His resurrection during His life as He raised Lazarus from the dead.   My thought would have been, “OK, Lazarus was dead, laid dead fo...

Good Friday - Remembering The Crucifixion

April 07, 2023 12:00 - 18 minutes - 12.6 MB

Matthew 27 The Crucifixion of Jesus 32 As they were going out, they met a man from Cyrene, named Simon, and they forced him to carry the cross. 33 They came to a place called Golgotha (which means “the place of the skull”). 34 There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it. 35 When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots. 36 And sitting down, they kept watch over him there. 37 Above his head they placed the w...

Passion Thursday - Remembering the Last Supper

April 06, 2023 11:00 - 15 minutes - 10.8 MB

We are still exalting Passion Week, aka Holy Week, and today is Passion Thursday, also known as Maundy Thursday.  Maundy Thursday is the name given to the day Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples, known as the Last Supper. Two important events are the focus of Maundy Thursday. The word Maundy is derived from the Latin word for “command.” The “Maundy” in “Maundy Thursday” refers to the command Jesus gave to the disciples at the Last Supper, that they should love and serve one ano...

PASSION WEDNESDAY (Jesus anointed & betrayed)

April 05, 2023 11:00 - 27 minutes - 18.7 MB

It's Passion Wednesday.  Today we commemorate the anointing of Jesus' feet and the betrayal of Judas. The anointing of Jesus was an act of worship, God deserves our worship. He doesn’t hold back from us and we should not hold back from Him, we should be willing to worship and exalt God at all costs. So, like Mary in this story, we should give our wholehearted devotion to God. Jesus reveals in Matthew 22:37 that the greatest commandment of all is to, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your h...

Passion Tuesday (PASSION WEEK)

April 04, 2023 03:00 - 22 minutes - 15.5 MB

When someone is dying, and they know their days are numbered, their words, the last things they choose to speak, the last wisdom they are intentional about sharing, their loved ones deem their words as priceless. I had the pleasure of experiencing that when my dad passed, and in the midst of his talking, it dawned on me, “you should be recording this,” so I did.  I am so glad the last words and the last things Jesus’ was intentional about doing and saying on His way to the cross were record...

HOLY MONDAY (Passion Week)

April 03, 2023 03:00 - 20 minutes - 14 MB

Passion Week, aka Holy Week, is about commemorating and acknowledging what Jesus did and deemed important enough to address before making the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Holy Monday is the day Jesus cleansed the temple, was praised by local children, and cursed the fig tree (Matthew 21:12–22).   First, I want to set the scene for you. Although the people were praising Jesus, most did not believe he was the Messiah. However, they were willing to honor, worship and give praise to one th...

Palms & Praise

April 02, 2023 13:00 - 35 minutes - 24.2 MB

Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, it's when the people laid down palms and branches in front of Jesus as a sign of honor. The big question I have for you all today is, as the people chose to honor Jesus with such grandeur and praise ritualistically, how sincere were their hearts? In Luke 19:41-42 the scriptures tell us that as Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, and HE WEPT over it and said, “if you, even you, only know on this day what would brin...

Slaying Giants w/o A Sword

March 19, 2023 13:00 - 47 minutes - 32.3 MB

You know, in everyone’s life, there comes a time when you will have to slay a giant and sometimes several giants and different times in your life. I want to talk to you about being victorious over the giants in your life.  Many of you know the story of David and Goliath, but there are some details I want to elaborate on that are often missed.   Very important information and lessons to be equipped when slaying giants. www.BibleDeliverance.org

TRUTH About Truth & Love

March 15, 2023 16:00 - 24 minutes - 16.9 MB

Initially, this message was to address just the importance of walking in the truth.  We serve an all-knowing God and He knows there is someone who needs to hear the “love” component side of truth as well. My mother used to say, “it's your lil red wagon; you can pull it or push it.”  This was her way of telling someone that how they utilize their free will in making decisions and choices for their life comes with the weight of accountability. The real truth about truth is it weighs much les...


March 05, 2023 05:00 - 50 minutes - 35 MB

When we operate independently of GOD’s principles we create our own gods intentionally or unintentionally, as we establish our own "truths",  which fall contrary to the mandates and will of GOD.  We live in a society where “GOD”, is utilized for such things as Christenings, invocations, and benedictions, while we remain distant from Him concerning everything in between. We pray to GOD when things aren't going our way, worship Him as long as things are going our way, but really don't trust H...

The Power of Time

February 26, 2023 14:00 - 39 minutes - 27.2 MB

There is no difference between a billionaire and a beggar, it doesn’t matter whether you are young or old, tall or short, we all have the same amount of hours in a single day and we all have access to the gift of free will.  What makes the difference in any life is how time and free will was and are utilized.  You know what establishes value in our economy, supply and demand, when supplies are low or demands are high, the value goes up, and the valued price of the product or service goes up...

Do All Religions Lead to God?

February 23, 2023 00:00 - 8 minutes - 5.8 MB

No two religions can be right, as every religious doctrine contradicts another, so all can not lead to God.  Don't be deceived. All religions do not lead to God.  In Joshua 24:15, it reads: “Choose this day whom you will serve ... but as for my family and me, we will serve the Lord”.  The Lord the scripture is referring to is the Lord of the Lords, the King of Kings, the creator of all things.  www.BibleDeliverance.org www.BibleDeliverance.org

The God of The Ages vs The God of This Age

February 21, 2023 14:00 - 11 minutes - 8.25 MB

The God of the ages is God Almighty, the transcendent, consistent, sinless, flawless God, the only God worthy of worship or our submission.   Satan is the god, lowercase g o d of this age.  See, ungodly gods do not transcend time; they are not consistent; they tend to take what was meant to bless, and pollute it, defile it. Look at our world. We have transcended from simply the computer age to the media age.  The mind God gifted to human beings was able to create phenomenal technology, lif...

Don't Be Like Pharoah.

February 21, 2023 05:00 - 12 minutes - 8.79 MB

God said he would hardened Pharoah's heart, so how can God just hold Pharoah responsible for the hardening of his heart?  Listen for the answer www.BibleDeliverance.org

The Common Sense Of God

February 19, 2023 07:00 - 1 hour - 43.1 MB

“Common sense” is defined as the simple perception of facts. Jesus is evidence of the common sense of God. Stay with me, and I will explain how we can be sure of that. Jesus is evidence of the Common Sense of God. www.BibleDeliverance.org


February 15, 2023 03:00 - 10 minutes - 7.06 MB

Let’s be honest; we have all felt at one time or another that our prayers may have fallen on deaf ears. Prayer is our wireless connection to God, and His divine wireless plan has assured us that no prayer, no call, will ever be dropped and that we have access to him from anywhere, any time. I recently google the world’s population. Did you realize there are over 8 billion people on earth?  Now imagine for a moment if just ¼ of those people pray daily.   Listening to and honoring those pra...

Your Genesis

February 09, 2023 04:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

Genesis marks the beginning, the baseline, the standard.  We all have our own Genesis how we respond and nurture it determines a lot of our successes and failures. www.BibleDeliverance.org


February 07, 2023 23:00 - 11 minutes - 7.65 MB

Imagination, what a gift!  Our imaginations can undergird our goals, dream and vision, continue to inspire us and exalt what can live beyond our lives.  However, if improperly used our imaginations can cause insecurities, doubt, failures and our very own demise. www.BibleDeliverance.org


February 05, 2023 16:00 - 1 hour - 51.3 MB

For anyone to prove or to be absolutely certain there is no GOD, he or she would have to actually be GOD themselves, possessing at least 2 godly characteristics. One would have to be omnipresent (the ability to be present everywhere at once and have been present before the beginning of time and able to be present after end-times) and omniscient (the ability to possess all awareness and understanding of all things: past, present, and future).   The Bible tells us,  “In the beginning, GOD cre...

Unquenchable Thirst

February 01, 2023 03:00 - 12 minutes - 8.71 MB

We tend to find every reason under the sun to put off aligning our lives with God’s ordained purpose We are even arrogant enough to think we somehow have plenty of time to put our affairs with God in order as if we control time We make time to pursue everything we desire.  We build and beautify our homes, showcase our success, boast about the fine cars we want, and drive The scripture refers to how when we pursue things putting the building of God’s temple on the back burn how our thirst ...

What Is THIS?

January 31, 2023 05:00 - 14 minutes - 9.98 MB

There are many misconceptions about the identity of the Holy Spirit. Some view the Holy Spirit as this mystical unexplainable force.  Some want to challenge that the Holy Spirit is a power source similar to electricity for lack of a better word, that gives you a tingling controlled by God but not fully a being Himself. Then  others want to suggest the Holy Spirit is just another name for Jesus, in spirit form. Neither of these ideas line up with what the Bible actually says about the Holy ...

BLESSINGS? Label Carefully

January 29, 2023 05:00 - 58 minutes - 40.2 MB

The goal of this morning’s message is not to make you lose faith and hope in the awesomeness of God and His extraordinary blessings but to keep you from being deceived by Satan. I calculated my blessings in dollars and cents, trips, luxuries and how quickly my desires were being met, and how accessible the this I wanted was. But those so-called blessings as I so proudly labeled them were coming to me outside of the will the God. What I was calling blessings, were distractions, web entangle...

Nothing Can Separate Us

January 17, 2023 05:00 - 15 minutes - 10.6 MB

I want to remind you this morning, that what ever mess you make, what ever trips you up, will not separate you from the love God.  God doesn’t count how many time we fall or fail, he is more concern with how and if we get up and if we embrace the wisdom that comes with our mistakes.   God’s ultimate desire is that we bring to him our bruises, as he  is not only our father but  the ultimate healer  Romans 8:35-37 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or p...


January 08, 2023 05:00 - 36 minutes - 25.2 MB

Imagine being in a class and having to take a test, when the test results are returned you discover you’ve failed.  Now imagine being bold and arrogant enough to go to the teacher demanding a higher grade, and blaming the fact failed because you cheated off of your neighbor's paper, and their answers were wrong.  But then imagine the teacher's response being “well everyone in the classroom had different tests”. Not only would you have revealed your arrogance but you would have clearly shown...

Faith In GOD and Faith in YOU

January 05, 2023 08:00 - 15 minutes - 10.3 MB

In order to accomplish the will of God it will require faith in Him and faith in yourself.  Faith in yourself acknowledges the consistent presence of God.  Faith in yourself is necessary as it confirms you believe in that you can do all thing through Christ who strengthens you. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through him who ...

The Living Water Fast

January 04, 2023 01:00 - 16 minutes - 11.5 MB

 "Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."  John 4:13-14 As we embrace this season we recognize we are being called to be to do differently, and we are calling for a  water fast.  This water fast is symbolic of sacrificing the things, the attitudes, the mindsets, and the distractions we have accepted and...