A Damascus Road experience can be different for each of us it is a point where God gets "real" with you and His truth shines so bright in your face like it did Paul that you can’t ignore.

It may be like the young man Casey in the story, God may have to sit you down and get you off to yourself.  

The truth is we don’t have to wait for a Damascus Road experience, truth is we don’t know what price we may have to pay to get there.  We can just be honest with ourselves and God and pray this prayer.

Lord, I have sinned against you, even been comfortable with sin.  But Lord I come before you today, committed to living my life according to your Will and your way.  Lord, I ask that you protect me and direct me as I seek to give you glory, with a heart that has been transformed by my sincere desire to please you Amen

Then I suggest you commit to studying the Word of God, pick up your Bible, and don’t start in Genesis, begin with the book of John.

I say start with John because John wrote his Gospel to convince us that Jesus is exactly who He says He is—the Son of God, the promised Rescuer to whom the whole Bible points. The Holy Spirit inspired John to write this book in a way that would lead us to believe in Jesus. John’s ultimate goal is that we would come to know Jesus personally and be reconciled to God through Jesus, that we would experience the life that is truly life.

Hopefully, you can see why this book would be a fantastic place to begin your Bible reading.

Whatever road you are on, whether you are a believer needing to renew your faith and commitment, or whether you never have accepted Christ as your savior,  you can have your Damascus Road experience today.
