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Next Episode: TRUTH About Truth & Love

When we operate independently of GOD’s principles we create our own gods intentionally or unintentionally, as we establish our own "truths",  which fall contrary to the mandates and will of GOD. 

We live in a society where “GOD”, is utilized for such things as Christenings, invocations, and benedictions, while we remain distant from Him concerning everything in between. We pray to GOD when things aren't going our way, worship Him as long as things are going our way, but really don't trust Him enough to live according to His principles. We, like Eve, are deceived by Satan (Genesis 3:4) into thinking GOD is perhaps withholding from us assets that could better our existence and life experience.

We worship pagan gods; false religions, cults, celebrities, material things, immoral acts, independent truths, and even self. None of these gods are new, as references to them are mentioned all throughout Old and New Testament scriptures.   

As believers, our allegiance and alliance should be to the One true GOD, The Alpha, and Omega, The One who is The Beginning and The End, The Creator of all things.

GOD in His consistency is also triune in the nature of His character as He is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient.