Previous Episode: Slaying Giants w/o A Sword

Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, it's when the people laid down palms and branches in front of Jesus as a sign of honor.

The big question I have for you all today is, as the people chose to honor Jesus with such grandeur and praise ritualistically, how sincere were their hearts?

In Luke 19:41-42 the scriptures tell us that as Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, and HE WEPT over it and said, “if you, even you, only know on this day what would bring you peace, but it is hidden from your eyes”.

What I want to say to you this morning is don’t get so caught up in the physical exaltation of praise and the grandeur that comes with a celebration that you forget who Jesus was, His message, and what His sacrifice meant not just to the body of Christ but to you individually, to what God created for you to fulfill.

Like the people welcoming Jesus to Jerusalem, if we get caught up in the physical, in only what is seen with our eyes, we cheat our hearts and discount our souls, and then find ourselves living lives as hypocrites while declaring to serve God and love Jesus.