Every morning we get up, we’re blessed, with every breath we take we’re blessed. And out of love for God and in compliance to His will we need to be more intentional about being a blessing.

Some are so narrow-minded they think to be a blessing to someone means you have to give of your finances and or resources,  and there is nothing wrong with that when you are giving because of your love and faith and God there should be nothing that you are comfortable withholding.

But kindness can be a blessing to someone, 

A word of biblical wisdom can change a person’s life, 

Truth shared in love can turn someone to God,

And sharing of testimony can keep someone from stumbling and falling. 

A sincere compliment and soothe one'S insecurities.  

A listening ear and sincere concern can boost someone’s confidence

A good morning can shift the atmosphere and tone of someone’s day. 

A smile can turn anger into humbleness. 

These things are all blessings, blessing that if exalted can in turn bless you.
