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Modern Wisdom

805 episodes - English - Latest episode: 15 days ago - ★★★★★ - 1.8K ratings

Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

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#447 - Ayelet Fishbach - The Psychology Of Human Motivation

March 14, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Ayelet Fishbach is a Professor of Behavioural Science and Marketing at the University of Chicago and an author. The ability to motivate ourselves to do the things we want to do and stop doing the things we don't would be a superpower. Sadly, motivation tends to be fleeting if it's not outright elusive and relying on YouTube motivational speeches can only help so much.  Expect to learn why your goal setting is probably all wrong, why plans to not do something are much less likely to succeed, h...

#446 - Dr Duncan French - The UFC's Cutting-Edge Training Protocols

March 12, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Duncan French is the Vice President of Performance at UFC's Performance Institute. The UFC has some of the world's top athletes, now backed by cutting edge data-driven interventions from some of the most advanced protocols and coaches on the planet. Duncan is using everything from diagnostic tools to recovery, VR training, psychedelic supplementation, scientifically-backed rep range protocols and peri-training nutrition. Expect to learn how Duncan navigates the politics between fighters' g...

#445 - Matt Rudd - Does Anyone Care About Men's Mental Health?

March 10, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Matt Rudd is Deputy Editor at The Sunday Times Magazine and an author. Men between the ages of 45 and 49 are at the highest risk of attempting to take their own life. In a world filled with accusations of patriarchal overreach, it seems odd that men are suffering so much with their mental health. It's not good for them, or their wives, or their children. Matt researched men of all ages to work out why men are unhappy and what we can do about it. Expect to learn why your 40's might be the weir...

#444 - Mary Harrington - Modern Society Is Failing Men & Women

March 07, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Mary Harrington is a writer and contributing editor at UnHerd. It's hard to say that either men or women have a firm place to stand right now. The age-old wisdom which both groups traditionally relied on is out of the window and we're now TikTok dancing our way through an existential apocalypse where Girlbosses and Men Going Their Own Way battle it out for nihilistic supremacy. I wanted Mary to help me conduct a post-mortem. Expect to learn why the porn you start out watching is going to lead...

#443 - Tom Nash - The Financial Impact Of Russia's Invasion

March 05, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Tom Nash is a financial analyst, investor and a YouTuber. The stock market has had a wild couple of years. Rounding that off with a full scale Russian invasion makes understanding the current global financial situation and how to not end up on the receiving end of some market and currency movements even more complex. Thankfully Tom is Russian and he's here to help. Expect to learn why Russia's economy has started struggling so quickly. just how big of a deal being taken off SWIFT is, what it'...

#442 - Jake Hanrahan - What Is Life Like On The Ground In Ukraine?

March 03, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Jake Hanrahan is a conflict journalist, documentary filmmaker and the founder of Popular Front. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going for a week but it's felt like a year. Social media, YouTube and news channels have been awash with stories from on the ground and even the Wikipedia page has had over 500 contributors and is more than 20,000 words long. I wanted to find out what life is actually like on the ground in Ukraine from someone who's been there. Expect to learn what protectio...

#441 - Anna Codrea-Rado - The Danger Of Obsessing Over Productivity

February 28, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Anna Codrea-Rado is a productivity journalist, author and a podcaster. Productivity Dysmorphia is the persistent feeling of dissatisfaction after working, no matter how much you've got done. It's the inability to see your own success, to acknowledge the volume of your own output. And it's everywhere. I wanted to ask Anna how we can deal with this modern malady. Expect to learn why you can't hack creativity, how Anna deals with her workaholism, what the AntiWork subreddit has got right, whethe...

#440 - Shane Benzie - Creating The Perfect Running Form

February 26, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Shane Benzie is a running coach, movement specialist, researcher and the founder of Running Reborn. Shane has travelled around the world to observe and analyse African tribes, Nepalese sherpas and Arctic Inuits in an effort to uncover the fundamentals of elite human movement. He's now applying what he learned to correct and enhance the form of the world's best runners. Expect to learn how sherpas can be so strong, why changing your running cadence isn't a solution, whether minimalist running ...

#439 - Glenn Geher - Positive Evolutionary Psychology

February 24, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Glenn Geher is Professor of Psychology and Founding Director of Evolutionary Studies at the State University of New York and an author. Ancestral lifestyles are a big trend at the moment. Taking influence from our paleolithic past to inform how we eat, train and move in the modern world. But taking an ancestral approach to our psychological wellbeing is much rarer and this is Glenn's work - what can insights about our past teach us about how to enjoy the present. Expect to learn why depressio...

#438 - Michael Easter - Learn To Embrace Discomfort

February 21, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Michael Easter is a contributing editor at Men's Health magazine, columnist for Outside magazine and Professor at the University of Nevada. The world is pretty comfortable right now. Between air conditioning, Amazon Prime, Deliveroo, Netflix, Google Maps, soft beds and automatic cars, you can get through big stretches of life without encountering any real discomfort. Michael has spent years researching why discomfort is so important to our health and fulfilment, and how to reintroduce it to y...

#437 - Daniel H. Pink - How To Overcome Regret

February 19, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Daniel Pink is a psychologist, speaker and an author. Regret is the most common negative emotion humans talk about. It's even the second most common overall emotion which we talk about after love. And yet our relationship with it is pretty terrible. Having no regrets is not only a bad tattoo from the 90's but also a philosophy that robs of us valuable insights from life. Expect to learn the most common types of regrets people have in life, whether action or inaction is the cause of most suffe...

#436 - Dr Jordan B. Peterson - Your Life Is Built For More

February 17, 2022 05:58 - 2 hours

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist and an author. Letting go of the good for the great is a terrifying prospect and most people fear risking what they have for what they want. I flew out to Texas to sit down with Jordan and discuss his principles for how to get past the things which keep us stuck in life. Expect to learn how to deal with feelings of loneliness from thinking in a different way, which skin-colour emoji Jordan uses,...

#435 - Michael Malice - The Corporate Press Are Losing Control

February 14, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Michael Malice is an author, political commentator & podcaster. No matter what your political affiliation, the ferocity of the press's approach to any story right now is quite intense. The volume seems to only get louder and louder as they try to maintain the attention that 2020 gave them. I wanted to ask Michael just what is going on. Expect to learn what Michael thinks about the Canadian truckers' protest, whether Whoopie Goldberg deserved cancelling, why ambient anxiety is the outcome that...

#434 - Chris Sparks - The Mindset Rules Of A Poker Professional

February 12, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Chris Sparks is the former #4 online poker player on the planet, a productivity coach and an investor. Having a high performance mindset is something everyone wants. Being able to achieve without stress or anxiety, maximising output whilst minimising suffering. As someone who coaches both himself and some of the world's brightest on getting more out of their game, Chris has learned a lot about balancing growth, goals and internal peace. Expect to learn what it feels like to play in an invite-...

#433 - Coleman Hughes - Joe Rogan & Spotify's Censorship Battle

February 10, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Coleman Hughes is a writer, rapper, political commentator and a podcaster. Joe Rogan has been in the eye of the storm over the last few weeks. I wanted Coleman to help me work out why the mainstream media has such a target on his back and whether this is going to be the standard operating procedure for anyone who gets this big again in future. Expect to learn why a coordinated conspiracy is less likely than jealous opportunism, what Coleman Hughes thinks about black people being protected fro...

#432 - Geoffrey Miller - An Evolutionary Psychologist's Dating Advice

February 07, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Geoffrey Miller is an evolutionary psychologist, Associate Professor of psychology at the University of New Mexico and an author. Geoffrey has been writing about sexual selection and dating dynamics for over 30 years. His work has provided the foundation which much of the modern Red Pill, Pink Pill and Manosphere dating advice has been based on. I wanted to find out how much of this guidance is accurate and how much has been lost in translation. Expect to learn how evolutionary psychology can...

#431 - Bridget Phetasy - Are Women Being Lied To By Modern Culture?

February 05, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Bridget Phetasy is a comedian, writer and a podcast host. When California isn't on fire it's having Amazon trains looted and stores robbed without prosecution. Bridget and her new baby bump has managed to survive, but aside from the dangers of LA, what dangers does the culture hold for men's and women's roles in modern society? Expect to learn whether Bridget looks back on her 20's and 30's differently now she's a mother, her thoughts on slut shaming, whether we need to have an opinion on eve...

#430 - Dr Nate Zinsser - A Battle-Tested Guide To Unshakable Confidence

February 03, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr. Nate Zinsser is the Director of West Point's Performance Psychology Program, a Mental Performance Coach and an author. Having genuine faith in our abilities is a trait all of us want. To be able to step into our chosen arena and not only perform well but to do it without dreading that we'll fail. Nate has coached some of the US Army's best and brightest for 3 decades alongside world champion NBA, NHL, NFL and track & field stars to fulfil their potential and create true confidence. Expect...

#429 - Nina Power - The Crisis Of Modern Masculinity

January 31, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Nina Power is a social theorist, philosopher and an author. Between incels and toxic masculinity, manspreading, mansplaining, MeToo, MGTOW, Red Pill and Mens Rights, working out what men want from life is a question that both men and women are struggling with. Nina is trying to work out whether men have a firm place to stand in the modern world any more, and why masculinity is under attack. Expect to learn Nina's post-mortem on men's role in society, how masculinity's crisis hurts women and t...

#428 - James O'Keefe - The State Of Modern Journalism

January 29, 2022 06:00 - 57 minutes

James O'Keefe is an investigative journalist and the Founder of Project Veritas. Faith in mainstream media is at an all-time low. At a time when we need better quality information, pretty much everything seems like it's been made with spin in mind. Creating an alternative type of journalism is filled with legal, ethical, organisational and personal dilemmas and today James explains some of the biggest ones he faces. Expect to learn what it feels like to have Anthony Fauci call you out by name...

#427 - Carl Benjamin - Surviving The Madness Of 2022

January 27, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Carl Benjamin is the YouTuber formerly known as Sargon Of Akkad, a political commentator and host of The Lotus Eaters Podcast. Every year we don't think the world can get any weirder and then every year, reality manages to exceed our expectations. I had to get Carl back on to try and make sense of what's happening. Expect to learn Carl's thoughts on Jordan Peterson getting called out by Ethan Klein and HasanAbi, how society has lied to young girls, whether the pope should have told pet owners...

#426 - Ben Bergeron - Stop Living A Life Of Complacency

January 24, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Ben Bergeron is the Owner of CrossFit New England, Founder of CompTrain and an author. Ben has tested his high-performance philosophy on the biggest stage in the world having been the coach behind 6 CrossFit Games Championships. Today we get to go through some great insights for how to take charge of your direction and reach full potential in work, sport, family and life. Expect to learn Ben's process for deciding how to make changes in life, how to turn your inner critic into a coach, why tr...

#425 - Louisa Nicola - How To Maximise Your Brain's Performance

January 22, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Louisa Nicola is a Clinical Neuroscientist, Neurophysiologist and high performance coach. Maximising performance isn't just about being as physically fit possible, it's ensuring that your brain is operating at its peak condition all the time. Louisa works with NBA superstars and trading floor managers to refine and enhance their brain function using the latest research. Expect to learn Louisa's non-negotiable supplements for brain health, how to get to sleep more quickly at night, why throwin...

#424 - Steven Pinker - The Problem With Trying To Be Rational

January 20, 2022 06:00 - 48 minutes

Steven Pinker is a Cognitive Psychologist at Harvard University, a psycholinguist and a Best Selling Author. It would be nice to always make the right decision. To escape the prison of human emotions and biases and operate from a purely rational place. Steven's new book breaks down rationality into it's components in an attempt to understand just what we're all missing from our mental makeup. Expect to learn why betting websites are the most accurate forecasters of the future, why learning li...

#423 - Life Hacks 207 - The Gym Edition

January 17, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Jonny & Yusef from Propane Fitness join me for another Life Hacks episode. It's the new year and everyone is back in the gym so I figured that we'd go through some of our favourite exercise variations and training hacks to add a bit of spice into whatever your new program is. Expect to learn how to make bench press even more focussed on your chest, the ultimate skull crusher variation, Jonny's favourite Rep Scheme for muscle growth, how to get motivated if you're not feeling like training, wh...

#422 - Dr Joe Henrich - Evolution, Psychology, Monogamy & Culture

January 15, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Joe Henrich is Professor of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University and an author. Humans like to think that we're sovereign individuals with agency over our preferences and actions. But we are also a part of our social environment and Joe has teased apart some fascinating trends which explain how our location and culture have huge impacts on the way we behave, our preferences on everything from dating to work and family life to religion. Expect to learn why the things we consider to...

#421 - Hamza - How Men Can Survive The Modern Dating World

January 13, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Hamza is a personal development coach and a YouTuber. Many young guys would rather watch porn and play video games than connect with the real world. This creates swathes of lonely, disconnected men and leaves women with fewer and fewer good options in the dating market. Meanwhile, Red Pill YouTube and the Manosphere can be a negative influence which keeps men stuck and demonises women, rather than helping everyone become better, happier, more attractive people. Expect to learn the biggest mis...

#420 - Charlie Houpert - How To Build Genuine Charisma And Confidence

January 10, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Charlie Houpert is the Founder of Charisma on Command, a podcaster and a YouTuber. Most people wish that they were better communicators. More engaging, more confident, and more charming. Charlie runs the biggest charisma channel on YouTube, Charisma on Command, with more than 5 million subscribers and has taught thousands of people how to be more attractive and compelling in their communication. Expect to learn the 5 archetypes of charismatic communication, how to greet someone with genuine e...

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life

January 08, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko are Philosophy Professors at the University of Notre Dame and authors. How to lead a good life is one of the biggest quandaries that humans struggle with. How to think about status and money and love and death are huge challenges. Today we get to find out some of philosophy's answers to life's most fundamental questions. Expect to learn the role of truth in leading a good life, what history has to teach us about responsibility and agency, why Socrates was the w...

#418 - Johann Hari - Why You Can't Pay Attention And Focus

January 06, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Johann Hari is a writer & a journalist. You probably struggle to focus on the task you're doing. You probably wish that you could pay attention for longer and that you were less easily distracted. Why is this such a common problem? Is this a byproduct of the modern era? Technology? Social Media? Johann has travelled the world trying to work out what is going on. Expect to learn how your attention system works, whether attention loss is reversible, whether modern life is going to further decre...

#417 - 250k Q&A - Habits, Happiness & Red Pill

January 03, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

I hit 250k Subscribers on YouTube!! To celebrate I asked for questions. Yet again I was blown away by how good the questions were so I tried to fit as many in as I could. This cult really is very insightful. Expect to learn which 5 guests from the podcast I'd start a business with, my opinion on blending a desire for improvement with happiness, what belief I hold that most people disagree with, why thots are selling Bitcoin, my thoughts on the manosphere, how I limit phone use, why I'm ethica...

#416 - End Of Year Review: 2021's Lessons, Hacks & Fails

December 30, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Jonny & Yusef join me to recap our favourite lessons, hacks and stories from 2021. Expect to learn why Yusef spent Christmas praying to Hasbullah, Jonny's strategy for becoming more productive by taking things out of your life, the ultimate reason to do simple tasks as soon as they appear, why moral tastes explain the explosive reactions we've seen this year, how extracting yourself from your business might make it more effective and much more... Sponsors: Join the Modern Wisdom Community to ...

#415 - Leo Kearse - JK Rowling, Trans Athletes & Blackfishing

December 27, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Leo Kearse is a comedian, writer and a YouTuber. I brought Leo on to discuss the most important news stories of the last few weeks. Real hard hitting stuff today like why JK Rowling has been written out of the new Fantastic Beasts trailer, how Sainsbury's are signalling their virtue by telling shoppers that they're racist on Twitter, why Jessie from Little Mix has been accused of appropriating black culture because she has ginger curly hair, how Nicki Minaj is rehabilitating people's personal...

#414 - Aaron Alexander - Engineer Your Body To Improve Your Mind

December 23, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Aaron Alexander is a manual therapist and movement coach, founder of the Align Method and an author. Health & fitness has been broken down into a very compartmentalised, reductionist view. Muscles are trained in isolation, mindfulness practise doesn't occur in the gym, physicality isn't thought of when you sit down at your desk. I wanted to speak to Aaron to explain how we can take a global, aligned, macro-view of our body's wellness to impact more than just how we look but how we feel, think...

#413 - Cory Allen - How To Use Mindfulness In Daily Life

December 20, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Cory Allen is an audio engineer, meditation coach and author. Mindfulness meditation is great. But it is supposed to be in service of a mindful life, rather than simply a way to spend 15 minutes of your day. I wanted to ask Cory about how he advises people to take their practise off the meditation cushion and into their daily life. Expect to learn how to use touch to bring yourself back to the present moment, Cory's favourite cues for reinforcing daily mindfulness, why the clothes you're wear...

#412 - Zack Telander - Doping Scandals & Olympics Corruption

December 18, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Zack Telander is a weightlifter, coach & YouTuber. ZT joins me to discuss my recent trip to Nashville to see Mikhaila & Jordan Peterson, why I think Canada has committed an act of international sabotage by poisoning me, the International Olympic Committee's newest bombshell threat to the entire weightlifting world, why corruption is so rampant in weightlifting, what Zack thinks can be done about drugs in sports and much more... Sponsors: Join the Modern Wisdom Community to connect with me & o...

#411 - Eddie Jones - Lessons In Elite Leadership

December 16, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Eddie Jones is the Head Coach of England Rugby Union Team. Eddie has played for Australia and coached the South Africa, Australia, Japan and England national teams. And after decades at the peak of elite sport, he's picked up a tip or two about how to lead a team and deal with setbacks. Expect to learn the 5 values that every leader needs to have, Eddie's non-negotiables for making him the best leader he can be, why he bought a samurai sword to attack some fruit with, his tips on how to make ...

#410 - Vincent Harinam - Why Is The Modern Dating Market A Mess?

December 13, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Vincent Harinam is a data scientist, law enforcement consultant and writer on social phenomenon and the dating market. Between Tinder and OnlyFans, polyamory and Red Pill, incels, simps, sugar daddies and gold diggers, it's difficult to say that romance is alive and well in modern culture. Vincent has written some of the best articles and done huge deep data dives to uncover why the modern dating market is such a mess. Expect to learn why smart women are less likely to get married, why simpin...

#409 - Andrew Chen - An Angel Investor's Secrets For Rapid Growth

December 11, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Andrew Chen is a General Partner at Venture Capital Firm Andreessen Horowitz, an author and Board Member at Maven, Substack and Clubhouse. Andrew has worked with some of the fastest growing companies on the planet. He was head of Global Driver Acquisitions at Uber and an early investor in Clubhouse, plus he's spent 3 years researching companies like Tinder and Substack to deconstruct how they use network effects to supercharge their growth. Expect to learn how running college parties can help...

#408 - Jake Humphrey - How To Build A High Performance Mindset

December 09, 2021 06:00 - 57 minutes

Jake Humphrey is a television presenter, journalist and host of the High Performance Podcast. Jake has spent a career talking to some of the highest performing humans on the planet, but it wasn't until he began his podcast that he really started to unpack their tools, tactics and mindsets. Today we get to hear some of the most important lessons he's uncovered. Expect to learn why holistic high performance is so important, who Jake was most shocked by on the podcast, the most important insight...

#407 - Jamie Metzl - China's Plan For Global Domination

December 06, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Jamie Metzl is a futurist, geopolitical expert and Founder and Chair of the global social movement OneSharedWorld. The war between East and West is unfolding in front of our eyes. From Chinese land grabs in the South China Sea to bugged electronics and squeezed trade sanctions, tensions seem to be rising below the surface. Expect to learn what China's anti-US propaganda looks like, why tennis star Peng Shuai's disappearance is so disturbing, why the CCP has stopped children from playing compu...

#406 - Rob Pope - The Man Who Ran 15,000 Miles Across America

December 04, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Rob Pope is an ultra endurance runner and an author. For 20 years, Forrest Gump's famous route across America 5 times has stood as pure fiction. Not only had no one completed it, but many runners claimed it would be physically impossible and that the punishing 15,000 miles would claim any athlete who attempted it. Then Rob came along. Expect to learn why Rob committed to one of the toughest races of all time, how Twixes and Gas Station Sandwiches fuelled his performance, why he got chased dow...

#405 - Scott Capurro - How To Survive Thanksgiving & LGBT Politics

December 02, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Scott Capurro is a comedian, writer and an actor. I needed some advice for how to survive my first thanksgiving in America and also to try and make sense of what I've been seeing since I've been out here. Scott started shouting about the British but I think he tried his best to help. Expect to learn why Scott got banned from Australian TV, why the Women's March sent out a problematic email, how the internal politics of the LGBT community are messed up, why a focus on race is causing people to...

#404 - Adam Lane Smith - 13 More Harsh Psychology Truths

November 29, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Adam Lane Smith is a psychotherapist and an author. Adam wrote one of the best threads on Twitter which I've seen this year, our first episode on this ended up being an absolute favourite so here we go again with some more uncomfortable psychology insights. Expect to learn why RedPill alpha gurus are taking advantage of you, why "I love you but I'm not in love with you" is a red flag, how men & women bond differently during sex, why needing to be right will keep you friendless and stupid, why...

#403 - Richard Betts - Why Is Climate Science So Disputed?

November 27, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Richard Betts MBE is Head of the Climate Impacts strategic area at the MET Office, the lead author on several reports from the IPCC and a Professor at the University of Exeter. There are few areas of science as contested as the climate. I wanted to speak to someone who has been researching this area for more than 3 decades to discover out why there is so much disagreement over fundamental questions like whether the earth's warming is actually caused by humans? Can we stop it? How accurate are...

#402 - Paul Bloom - Why Pain & Suffering Are Necessary For A Good Life

November 25, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Paul Bloom is Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Yale University and an author. People do strange things to feel pleasure. Eating spicy food, having rough sex, watching scary movies. On top of that, they make huge sacrifices to find meaning, like having children or starting a business or training for a marathon. This suggests that perhaps there is more to living a good life than simple hedonistic pleasure. Expect to learn the four ways th...

#401 - Rory Sutherland - The Psychology Of Transport, Google Maps & Bear Attacks

November 22, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Rory Sutherland is the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Advertising and an author. Transportation is getting quicker. As we reach close to terminal velocity for getting from A to B, behavioural scientists should be looking at how journeys can be made more enjoyable, not quicker. Yet Google Maps and public transport never takes this into account. Expect to learn why all Indian restaurants deserve a Michelin Star, why the crema on your coffee was a branding stunt, why Rory is in love with his new Ford M...

#400 - Special: 19 Lessons From 400 Episodes

November 20, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

To celebrate 400 episodes on Modern Wisdom, I broke down some of my favourite lessons, insights and quotes from the last 3 and a half years. Expect to learn why perfectionism is procrastination masquerading as quality control, Seth Godin's best advice for beating imposter syndrome, the biggest lessons I took from Jordan Peterson, how Ryan Long can predict the future of the internet, why framing is everything, Morgan Housel's best investment advice, why I'm adamant that Jonny Wilkinson has tak...

#399 - Rob Orchard - Terrible Journalism & Interesting Statistics

November 18, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Rob Orchard is a journalist and the co-founder and editor of Delayed Gratification Magazine. Journalism isn't working. Media outlets are more concerned with being first than being right and stories are built to create outrage rather than insight. Customers aren't happy with this setup, so Rob and his team began a Slow Journalism project which focuses on finding signal from the noise, rather than speedy delivery. Then he found a ton of fascinating statistics about the world. Expect to learn wh...

#398 - Life Hacks 206

November 15, 2021 06:00 - 1 hour

Jonny & Yusef from Propane Fitness join me for another Life Hacks episode. Sit back & enjoy as we run through our favourite tools, apps, websites, strategies & resources for a productive and efficient life. Expect to learn why I'm moving to Texas, how to track your barbell speed, how to get free golf club trackers, why Yusef thinks that snidely charging VAT is reprehensible, how to hack ASOS sizing, how to stop yourself from buying junk in the supermarket, why you only need one foreign plug c...


Andrew Doyle
3 Episodes
Daniel Sloss
3 Episodes
Alex Hutchinson
2 Episodes
Andrew Steele
2 Episodes
Chris Sparks
2 Episodes
Colin Wright
2 Episodes
George Mack
2 Episodes
Adam Frank
1 Episode
Alex Epstein
1 Episode
Aubrey Marcus
1 Episode
Ben Greenfield
1 Episode
Christian Busch
1 Episode
Chris Voss
1 Episode
Chris Williamson
1 Episode
Cory Allen
1 Episode
David Carroll
1 Episode
David Epstein
1 Episode
David Goggins
1 Episode
David McRaney
1 Episode
Gad Saad
1 Episode
James Lindsay
1 Episode
Jason Stapleton
1 Episode
Kamal Ravikant
1 Episode
Kelly Starrett
1 Episode
Laura Vanderkam
1 Episode
Lauren Johnson
1 Episode
Michael Knowles
1 Episode
Nir Eyal
1 Episode
Paul Bloom
1 Episode
Rachel Kleinfeld
1 Episode
Robin Hanson
1 Episode
Roger McNamee
1 Episode
Rory Sutherland
1 Episode
Sarah Jones
1 Episode
Sean Carroll
1 Episode
Stephen Wolfram
1 Episode
Steve Magness
1 Episode
Taylor Pearson
1 Episode
Tiago Forte
1 Episode
Tucker Max
1 Episode

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