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Modern Wisdom

805 episodes - English - Latest episode: 24 days ago - ★★★★★ - 1.8K ratings

Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

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#595 - 700k Q&A - Negative Self-Talk, Upcoming Live Tour & Ray Dalio

February 27, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

I hit 700k Subscribers on YouTube!! To celebrate, I asked for questions from YouTube, Twitter, Locals and Instagram, so here's another 90 minutes of me trying to answer as many as possible. As always there's some great questions in here about whether Ray Dalio is coming on the podcast, how to overcome negative self talk and whether I'll be doing a live tour soon. Expect to learn how I deal with nerves before big podcasts, my very simple memorisation tactic for the books I read, whether I clas...

#594 - Dr Richard Wrangham - The Incredible Evolution Of Human Violence

February 25, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Richard Wrangham is an anthropologist and primatologist, a Professor of Biological Anthropology at Harvard University and an author whose research focuses on ape behaviour, human evolution, violence, and cooking. Humans have the capacity for incredible benevolence and kindness, but also are able to be execute other members of our species with a uniquely effective ruthlessness. Why would evolution give us such differing capacities to chimps and apes and what can this tell us about our natur...

#593 - Alex DatePsych - Why Is No One Having Sex?

February 23, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Alex DatePsych is a Neuroscience and Behavioural Science researcher whose work focuses on attractiveness and dating. We are in a new age of sexlessness. It could be that right now, the human race is having less sex than ever before. Given the rise of dating apps, the sexual revolution and hormonal birth control, how is this happening? Expect to learn what the science says about whether girls find it creepy to be approached, whether dating is harder for young men now than in the past, why wome...

#592 - Richard Shotton - 8 Fascinating Psychological Biases

February 20, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Richard Shotton is a behavioural scientist, Founder of Astroten and an author. This might not be news to you, but the human brain isn't designed to be rational. There are cheat codes to get the brain to believe strange things, do strange things and change in ways you might not anticipate. Richard has one of the best insights into this world of mental models, psychology, consumer behaviour, principles for advertising and social change. Expect to learn the marketing secret about behaviour chang...

#591 - Critical Drinker - Why Does Modern Cinema Suck So Much?

February 18, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Critical Drinker is a movie critic, an analyst of modern entertainment media and a YouTuber. Cinema is no longer just about entertainment, it's now a platform for social and cultural ideologies to be pushed through. If you don't like what Hollywood's execs tell you to like? Too bad, that's your prejudice showing, you bigot. Expect to learn why there are no more positive heroic role models in movies, the problem with Velma getting naked on a cartoon, why Rotten Tomatoes reviews are diverging m...

#590 - Mark Manson - When Will You Learn To Grow Up?

February 16, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Mark Manson is a best selling author, blogger and a movie star.  You're not supposed to just get older, you're supposed to mature as well. You're supposed to leave the juvenile patterns and beliefs and behaviours behind as you shed your past self like a wise awakened crab. So why do so many people get stuck in old habits, and how can they get out of them? Expect to learn what most people don't understand about how relationships work, why so many men are enticed by Andrew Tate's message, what ...

#589 - 14 Lessons from 5 Years Of Modern Wisdom

February 13, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

It's Modern Wisdom's 5th birthday!! 5 years ago on February 12th 2018 I launched this podcast with a conversation in my old company's office in the North East of England. Over the last 589 episodes, 1000+ hours and nearly 2000 days of working away on this project I've learned a lot, and today I'm going through some of the most important lessons and insights I've picked up. Expect to learn the importance of a wide vocabulary, why all amateurs are narcissists, why learning about the reasons for...

#588 - Dr David Ley - Why Would Any Man Choose To Be Cucked?

February 11, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr David Ley is a clinical psychologist and a board member of the Sexual Health Alliance whose research focuses on issues related to sexuality, pornography and mental health. Your partner being intimate with another guy should evolutionarily be one of the biggest fears of a man's life. Actually encouraging this behaviour seems almost unthinkable, and yet cucking is becoming a much more common pursuit and one of the most popular categories of online porn. Expect to learn the stats around how c...

#587 - Rory Sutherland - 19 Of Human Behaviour's Weirdest Quirks

February 09, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Rory Sutherland is one of the world's leading consumer behaviour experts, the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Advertising and an author. Humans are an odd animal. Our behaviour sometimes makes very little sense, but when we exchange our money for products it can make even less sense. Thankfully Rory has spent decades studying the most fascinating parts of consumer psychology and today gives us some insights. Expect to learn why having a Japanese toilet might change your life, why I've become addicted...

#586 - Dr Khandis Blake - Why Do Women Take Sexy Selfies?

February 06, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Khandis Blake is an Evolutionary Social Psychologist at the University of Melbourne whose research focuses on status seeking, the menstrual cycle & sexual politics. It is no surprise that women try to enhance their beauty, put on makeup, wear high heels and sometimes take off some layers for photos. But what predicts beautification? Is it all a product of the patriarchy or is it something else? Just why are women making all this effort? Expect to learn whether women condemn promiscuity mor...

#585 - Adam Mastroianni - Are Smart People Actually Happier?

February 04, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Adam Mastroianni is a postdoctoral research scholar at Columbia Business School and a writer whose research focuses on how people perceive and misperceive their social worlds. Does being smart make you happy? Does being dumb make you miserable? Why did the guy who created eugenics also get published in Nature for a revolutionary way to cut a cake? Adam is one of my favourite writers so today I get to ask him all these things. Expect to learn why super smart people can be so stupid, Adam's iss...

#584 - Dr Gloria Mark - How To Take Control Of Your Attention

February 02, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Gloria Mark is the Chancellor's professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of California and an author whose research focuses on human-computer interaction. Not being able to focus and suffering with distracted attention is one of the most common complaints amongst people in the modern world. The ability to stay focussed on a single task for a long period of time is hugely beneficial and yet has never been more difficult to achieve. Expect to learn what attention actually...

#583 - Stephen J. Shaw - Is Population Collapse A Real Risk?

January 30, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Stephen J Shaw is a data scientist and filmmaker. Over the last 7 years, Stephen has visited 24 countries and analysed millions of piece of data to work out what is happening with global birthrates and predict the earth's future population. The answer is shocking and literally every person needs to be aware of it. Expect to learn how 70% of countries on earth are below the population tipping point, what the cause of such rapidly changing birthrates can be attributed to, why women seem to find...

#582 - Zack Telander - TikTok Dancing Through The Apocalypse

January 28, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Zack Telander is a weightlifter, coach & YouTuber. TikTok may be a colossal waste of time, but at least most people consider it to be harmless. A recently blog post made me think differently and today we look at the world's first digital weapon of mass-destruction through pleasure rather than pain. Expect to learn why Digital Dementia is a real phenomenon, how young girls are developing tourettes-like tics from watching videos, the dangers of atrophying focus through watching too much TikTok,...

#581 - Neil deGrasse Tyson - Understanding The Wonders Of Science

January 26, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, planetary scientist, author and science communicator. The universe is filled with mystery. Science has answered a lot and yet there's still so many fundamental questions which we seem no closer to understanding. What is consciousness? Are we alone in the universe? And why do people argue so much on the internet? Expect to learn what would happen if the moon disappeared, how Neil has dealt with the fallout from Patrick Bet David's podcast, why Sir Chri...

#580 - Dr Tania Reynolds - What Use Are Female Friendships?

January 23, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Tania Reynolds is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at the University of New Mexico whose research focuses on women's intrasexual competition, biases in moral evaluations and social and sexual selection. Ancestrally, men needed to go to war and hunt. Given this, it would be rather useful to be friends with the spear-wielding bloke next to you so that you know he's got your back. Women's use case for friends is much more subtle and difficult to determine however, and today we try to deci...

#579 - Peter Diamandis - The Mindset Secrets Of Elite Performers

January 21, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Peter Diamandis is an engineer, physician, founder of the X Prize Foundation and cofounder of Singularity University. If you got rid of Elon Musk's money, or Steve Jobs' factories, they would likely still end up in a successful place because of their mindset. Peter has incubated some of the fastest growing and most innovative CEOs, businesses and performers and developed a number of rules around how to optimise your mental state. Expect to learn the practises that Peter teaches his students t...

#578 - Dr Robert Waldinger - Lessons From The World's Longest Study On Happiness

January 19, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Robert Waldinger is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, Zen priest and Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest-running study of adult life ever conducted. What makes for a good life? That was one of the main questions I asked myself when I began this podcast. A far easier solution would have been to speak to Dr Waldinger as his team has been researching thousands of the same individuals for 75 years to answer this question definitively. Expect to learn how you operate a lon...

#577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life

January 16, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

David Goggins is a retired United States Navy SEAL, ultramarathon runner, triathlete, public speaker and an author.  The ability to overcome challenges in life is one we will all need sooner or later. Make no mistake, discomfort is coming for you whether you're ready or not. Goggins happens to be one of the best individuals on earth at dealing with hard things and after a long time without any podcast appearances, I met him in Vegas to find out what new insights he's uncovered. Expect to lear...

#576 - Dr John Barry - Does Psychology Have A Negative View Of Masculinity?

January 14, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr John Barry is a Chartered Psychologist and Professional Researcher, Co-Founder of The Centre for Male Psychology and a leading expert in men’s mental health. Men and women both need help with their mental wellbeing, now more than ever. Yet there seems to be a particular blindness when it comes to men's psychology and how to treat it, plus how to effectively communicate with men about their issues. Expect to learn why traditional masculinity is seen as problematic by the American Psychologi...

#575 - Michael Malice - Why You Should Take The White Pill

January 12, 2023 06:00 - 2 hours

Michael Malice is an author, political commentator & podcaster. The 1900s saw some of the worst atrocities in human history. Evil was abound and the bad guys were on top a lot, with the Soviet Union being one of the most brutal examples. Given this, what reason do we have for any hope in the modern world? Expect to learn just how brutal the Soviet jails and gulags were, the torture methods used to extract confessions, how the Western Press were complicit in covering up Russian crimes, the inc...

#574 - 600k Q&A - Masculinity Crisis, Overrated Thinkers & Lex Fridman

January 09, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

I hit 600k Subscribers on YouTube!! To celebrate, I asked for questions from YouTube, Twitter, Locals and Instagram, so here's another 90 minutes of me trying to answer as many as possible. As always there's some great questions in here about whether Lex Fridman is coming on the podcast, who the most overrated thinker is and my plans for 2023. Expect to learn what my thoughts are on masculinity being in a crisis, my best advice for men in their 20's, whether it's possible to have a well meani...

#573 - Dr Victor Kumar - How Did Human Morality Evolve?

January 07, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Victor Kumar is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Boston University, part of the Mind & Morality Lab's Moral Psychology Research Group and an author. Morality might seem like something that exists independently of humans. Things are either good or bad, the current evolutionary state humans in in should not impact this judgement. Yet it seems that culture and evolution heavily influenced each other, and they influenced morality too. Expect to learn why Asian people get red faces when ...

#572 - Life Hacks 210

January 05, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Jonny & Yusef from Propane Fitness join me for a new year's Life Hacks episode. Sit back & enjoy as we run through our favourite tools, apps, websites, strategies & resources for a productive and efficient life. Expect to learn the best sleep supplements we've found, how to get served faster at every restaurant, how to fix tennis elbow, why you need multiple gym memberships, a fix for caffeine dependency, Jonny's best new app for tracking your diet, how to beat procrastination, where to find ...

#571 - Joyce Benenson - How Do Women Compete For Partners?

January 02, 2023 06:00 - 1 hour

Joyce Benenson is a lecturer of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University whose research focuses on human social structures and sex differences in competition and cooperation. We're often told that men are more competitive, more status-driven and more ruthless with rivals for potential mates. In reality doesn't seem to be true, the difference is that women's competition takes a more subtle, cynical and sophisticated route to drive away their competitors. Expect to learn how women compe...

#570 - Helen Lewis - Investigating The World Of Modern Gurus

December 29, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Helen Lewis is a journalist at The Atlantic and an author Humanity has become much less religious and in the ruins of this fresh, listless world, bereft of traditional insight, a cadre of new gurus have risen to take the high priests' place of dispensing insights about how to live. Helen's new BBC Sounds documentary series delves into this world of secular gurus. Expect to learn why a Canadian man has started drinking his own urine, why Steve Jobs was much more than just a tech inventor, how ...

#569 - Chris Bailey - How To Stop Feeling So Burned Out

December 26, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Chris Bailey is a productivity consultant, researcher and best selling author. Being productive is great. Everyone wants to get more done in less time and achieve their goals. But overshooting your tolerance for work can result in misery, fatigue, loss of creativity and days in bed. Finding a balance between the grind and being calm is vital. Expect to learn the scientific theory explaining why burnout exists, why calmness and productivity are intrinsically linked, how being dopamine-driven i...

#568 - Dean Rickles - How To Deal With The Shortness Of Life

December 22, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dean Rickles is Professor of History and Philosophy of Modern Physics at the University of Sydney and a Director of the Sydney Centre for Time. Life doesn't last that long. The ever present spectre of death looms large, even if you life to be 100. This can feel like a tragedy in many ways. What use are our efforts if they'll all be turned to dust eventually? A philosopher is needed here, to give us a fresh perspective. Expect to learn why keeping your options open is a path to an early grave,...

#567 - Dr Jonathan Shedler - 14 Psychoanalytical Concepts To Understand Yourself

December 19, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Jonathan Shedler is a psychologist, author, master clinician and clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California. We do not understand ourselves. Almost all of what is inside of our minds is obscured from us. We don't need to exclusively despair though. With a little work and some good insights from psychoanalysis, the view can be made a little clearer. Expect to learn why people believe that their suffering makes them more moral than others, how you can create a false ide...

#566 - David Senra - Insights From History's Greatest Thinkers

December 17, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

David Senra is a podcaster and a writer. Many of the most important insights you need to learn to improve your life have already been discovered in the past. Thankfully David spends all his time reading biographies of the greatest thinkers, founders, entrepreneurs and inventors from history and has synthesised those lessons so you can remember them too. Expect to learn how Steve Jobs came to think about time, what Kobe Bryant believed about the dangers of success making you soft, how the Rock...

#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink

December 15, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

It's the end of 2022 and to celebrate I thought I'd run through some of the best lessons I've picked up over the last 12 months. This year has had over 10,000 minutes of episodes produced so there was a lot to choose from but I ended up settling on 16 insights from some of my favourite conversations, articles and books, both inside and outside of the podcast. Expect to learn why Jocko Willink thinks that most people overcomplicate motivation, what Joe Rogan taught me about difficult and valua...

#564 - Andrew Schulz - Surviving The Cancellation Apocalypse

December 12, 2022 06:00 - 2 hours

Andrew Schulz is an actor, comedian and a podcaster. The world seems to be losing its mind. No one is sure what the rules for acceptable conduct are any more. From virtue signalling to moral grandstanding, the incentives to take down others are stronger than ever. So why are some people immune to these laws of cancellation and is it a solution that the rest of us can steal for ourselves? Expect to learn whether Elon Musk is a hero or a villain, whether True Geordie's cancellation was appropri...

#563 - Dr Russell Kennedy - Why You Feel So Anxious All The Time

December 10, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Russell Kennedy is an MD, Neuroscientist, author and an anxiety specialist. Anxiety is one of the most common challenges faced by people in 2022. In small doses it makes sense evolutionarily, but why is it running so rampant in the modern world, where does it come from and what methods can limit its impact on our lives? Expect to learn what most people misunderstand about anxiety, the relationship between anxiety and trauma, why most existing treatments don't create lasting improvements to...

#562 - Mark Normand - How To Offend Everyone

December 08, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Mark Normand is a podcaster, an actor and a comedian. Mark grew up in a rundown New Orleans bed & breakfast with a cross-dressing manager. Fertile ground for becoming one of the most popular, hardest working and fastest growing comics in America then. But why is it so important to have a pursuit that you care about if you're going to do other, seemingly unrelated hard things? Expect to learn the price that you pay for being a famous comedian, why Mark's life would fall apart if he didn't have...

#561 - More Plates More Dates - Inside The Liver King's Lie

December 05, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Derek is a YouTuber, founder of Gorilla Mind and a fitness expert. The Liver King has seen one of the fastest rises to internet fame ever. Documenting his ancestral lifestyle generated millions of followers and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for his businesses, but it turns out that the physique he displayed in his content was built on massive amounts of performance enhancing drugs, despite him denying it on many occasions. Expect to learn what Derek thinks of the Liver King's apo...

#560 - Max Lugavere - How To Optimise Human Nutrition

December 03, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Max Lugavere is a health and wellness expert, author and a diet advocate. Working out what to eat is hard. Which is odd because everybody does it. You'd think that the science of nutrition, a thing the entire human race relies on multiple times per day, would have some definitive answers. Thankfully Max can explain why it's such a mess and give some solid principles we can all use. Expect to learn whether carnivore is an optimal diet for us all to follow, whether organic and non-GMO actually ...

#559 - David Puts - What Use Is The Female Orgasm?

December 01, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

David Puts is a Professor of Anthropology at Penn State whose research focuses on the evolution and development of human sexuality and sex differences. Apparently women orgasm. Why they do it however, has been a mystery for a long time. They don't need to in order to get pregnant. And sometimes they don't do it at all, for ages. So what use is the female orgasm, and what predicts the sort of partner who'll make it happen? Expect to learn if the female orgasm is just a gatekeeper for oxytocin,...

#558 - Tim Urban - How To Take Charge Of Your Life's Direction

November 28, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Tim Urban is one of the internet's most popular writers and the founder of Wait But Why. When we look to our past, many of us believe that we could have behaved differently, perhaps that we should have behaved differently. Yet when we look to the future we believe that our path is locked in and genuine change is difficult, this couldn't be more backward and Tim explains it in a number of obvious, face-palm-inducing ways. Expect to learn what Tim thinks about Elon's takeover of Twitter, why le...

#557 - Douglas Rushkoff - How Billionaires Are Preparing For Doomsday

November 26, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Douglas Rushkoff is a media theorist, futurist, writer and documentarian. The world's richest people are preparing for the end. They're buying up farming land and below-ground bunkers in New Zealand. What catastrophe is it that they think is about to happen? And what happens if technology creates a techno-hell instead of a techno-utopia? Expect to learn what happens when you're invited to brief billionaires on the future downfall of the earth, whether having your own sovereign nation at sea i...

#556 - Rob Henderson - How Men Compete For Status

November 24, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Rob Henderson is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge and a US Air Force Veteran. Men fight. Sometimes they look silly when they fight. But they also collaborate and team up to take on common enemies. Women fight in very different ways that are less obvious, but no less vicious, and they sometimes try to even scupper their own teammates. Expect to learn how men's judgements of formidability are better at predicting future sexual partners than women's judgements of attractiveness, wh...

#555 - Dr Sarah Hill - The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control

November 21, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Sarah Hill is a psychologist and professor at TCU whose research focusses on women, health, and sexual psychology. Women ovulate, and this changes their behaviour across their cycle. Unless they take hormonal birth control that is, in which case their behaviour changes even more dramatically in ways that no one anticipated and there is evidence to suggest that this might not just be temporary. Expect to learn why hormonal birth control can make women prioritise wealth in men, why women who...

#554 - Laura Vanderkam - 9 Strategies To Better Control Your Time

November 19, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Laura Vanderkam is a time management expert and an author. Time is non-renewable. It's the single most important asset we have, and yet almost everyone wishes they spent their time differently. Thankfully Laura has distilled 9 of her best strategies from years of coaching people on how to control their time more effectively. Expect to learn what everyone is getting wrong when it comes to writing their to-do lists, why intentionality is such a crucial skill to develop, how having a bedtime can...

#553 - Dr Jaimie Krems - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Friendship

November 17, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Jaimie Krems is an Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University and a social psychologist whose research explores human social cognition, emotions, and behaviour. Evolution has shaped the way that men and women make and break friendships. It's made us into life-saving, caring, aggressive, jealous, friend-guarding, backbiting, gossiping animals, but why is it that male and female friendships are so different, plus a ton of other fascinating insights. Expect to learn why a woman's body s...

#552 - Dr Kevin Dutton - Understanding The Wisdom Of Psychopaths

November 14, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Kevin Dutton is a psychologist, author, and elite performance consultant whose research focuses on persuasion and social influence, psychopathic personality and elite cognition. Psychopaths get a bad rap. Perhaps understandably. They have a branding problem to say the least. But there are some personality traits like emotional control, focus, drive and single-mindedness that elite performers can model off of psychopaths to improve their effectiveness. Expect to learn how psychopathy exists...

#551 - Patrick House - How Much Do We Actually Know About Consciousness?

November 12, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Patrick House is a neuroscientist and writer whose research focuses on free will and how mind-control parasites alter their host's behaviour. If it wasn't for us experiencing it, the universe would give us no indication that consciousness even exists. The most fundamental part of human experience has many proposed explanations, but just how well-grounded are these, and what are we missing? Expect to learn why removing parts of the brain change some aspects of the self but not all of them, wha...

#550 - Dr James Cantor - The World Of Unusual Sexual Orientations

November 10, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr James Cantor is a clinical psychologist and sexologist specialising in hypersexuality and paraphilias. There are a broad range of things that turn humans on. Some are common, some are uncommon and some are very illegal. James' study of paraphilias exposes him to some of the world's most interesting and unusual sexual desires with the goal of working out why they exist. Expect to learn how asexuality could evolve at all, why some able-bodied people feel that they should be amputees, why adu...

#549 - Mark Bell - Stop Being Shamed Out Of Your Competitive Edge

November 07, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Mark Bell is a world record-breaking powerlifter, owner of Super Training Gym and inventor of the Sling Shot. A lack of support killed more dreams than a lack of competence ever did. There's a modern trend that trying hard at things and taking them seriously is uncool. Disincentivising excellence is one of the worst habits a society can have and it's time to put a stop to it. Expect to learn why taking a compliment is a skill that many of us don't have, why there is no growth without having a...

#548 - Tim Harford - Why Is Thinking Clearly So Difficult?

November 05, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Tim Harford is an economist, associate member of Nuffield College, Oxford and an honorary fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, a journalist and an author. Humans need to be able to accurately judge the world around them. With more information than ever, this should be getting easier by the year and yet clear thinking seems to be ever more elusive. Why are we so prone to biases and what are some of the biggest rationality blunders from history? Expect to learn why Sir Arthur Conan Doyle go...

#547 - Dr Cassie Holmes - How To Manage Your Time For A Happier Life

November 03, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Dr Cassie Holmes is a Professor at UCLA's Anderson School of Management, an author and an award-winning researcher of time and happiness. Time management in the modern world is hard. Many people don't feel like they have sufficient space to complete their to do list, let alone manifest their spare-time dreams. With some new strategies and a different mindset around time however, this problem might be fixed. Expect to learn what time habits the happiest people all have, how to truly value thin...

#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots

October 31, 2022 06:00 - 1 hour

Baggage Claim is a YouTuber and movie critic. There have been a lot of female leads in TV and cinema over the last few years. She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, Dr Strange 2 and The Rings Of Power all showed women leading the charge, but just how aspirational and admirable are these role models for the women that watch them? Is it treating them like mature humans or patronising them like fragile idiots? Expect to learn how cultural narcissism has taken hold of Hollywood, why perfect female characters ...


Andrew Doyle
3 Episodes
Daniel Sloss
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Alex Hutchinson
2 Episodes
Andrew Steele
2 Episodes
Chris Sparks
2 Episodes
Colin Wright
2 Episodes
George Mack
2 Episodes
Adam Frank
1 Episode
Alex Epstein
1 Episode
Aubrey Marcus
1 Episode
Ben Greenfield
1 Episode
Christian Busch
1 Episode
Chris Voss
1 Episode
Chris Williamson
1 Episode
Cory Allen
1 Episode
David Carroll
1 Episode
David Epstein
1 Episode
David Goggins
1 Episode
David McRaney
1 Episode
Gad Saad
1 Episode
James Lindsay
1 Episode
Jason Stapleton
1 Episode
Kamal Ravikant
1 Episode
Kelly Starrett
1 Episode
Laura Vanderkam
1 Episode
Lauren Johnson
1 Episode
Michael Knowles
1 Episode
Nir Eyal
1 Episode
Paul Bloom
1 Episode
Rachel Kleinfeld
1 Episode
Robin Hanson
1 Episode
Roger McNamee
1 Episode
Rory Sutherland
1 Episode
Sarah Jones
1 Episode
Sean Carroll
1 Episode
Stephen Wolfram
1 Episode
Steve Magness
1 Episode
Taylor Pearson
1 Episode
Tiago Forte
1 Episode
Tucker Max
1 Episode

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