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Healthy Eating For Busy Women

176 episodes - English - Latest episode: 6 days ago -

How can I eat healthier without falling off track? How do I lose weight without getting rid of my favorite foods? How can I eat the right foods, while still enjoying foods I love? How do I stop overeating and emotionally eating? How can I begin (actually) loving my body?

And the most important question, can I really learn to eat healthy without feeling restricted and overwhelmed?

These are just a few of the big questions that Certified Health Coach, Kat Rentas, answers in the Healthy Eating for Busy Women Podcast.

Each episode is designed to give you actionable steps each week so you can change your eating habits forever.

Kat’s specialty is helping high-performing women work through their unique food & body challenges, so they can become a naturally healthy eater.

Are you sick of attempting diets that feel boring and restrictive? Feel like you’re always picking up healthy eating only to put it back down a week later? Want the steps to taking your power back over your food choices?

This podcast will allow you to take immediate action on changing your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm. So, you can finally make healthy eating feel easy, enjoyable, and effortless for you.

Learn more at

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When Healthy Eating Isn't Top Priority

March 03, 2022 12:00 - 26 minutes - 49.9 MB

This week, many of our hearts are feeling heavy over world events. It causes us to realize that there will be circumstances in life where healthy eating isn’t necessarily the top priority. That being said, I want to offer that just because healthy eating isn’t the top priority, does not mean you sabotage your current progress and lose control with food. Or, that you comfort during these times through overeating and emotionally eating. There is a way to have control with your eating habit...

Weight Loss Entitlement

February 23, 2022 11:00 - 27 minutes - 51.8 MB

Feeling entitled to fast weight loss prevents you from making the long-term changes that you want. Weight loss entitlement means you’ll rely on quick-fix methods of eating to lose the weight as quickly as possible. The truth is, short-term methods with food will always produce short-term results with body. It will not last. Because you didn’t go through the process of becoming someone different as an eater. If you want to create long-term results, you will need to release the entitle...

Control With Food

February 16, 2022 19:10 - 19 minutes - 37.6 MB

Control with food isn’t created from forcing it into place. It isn’t created from putting in more time and effort with your eating habits. It isn’t created from achieving perfection with food and following the diet protocol. If you attempt to force control with food in this way, you will eventually burn yourself out and self-sabotage. The truth is, control with food has nothing to do with “giving more” of yourself. In fact, it’s the opposite. True control with food is created whe...

The Phases Of Healthy Eating

February 09, 2022 17:38 - 26 minutes - 49.1 MB

To create life-long changes with food, you must be willing to implement key phases of change along the way. This will require you to learn what doesn’t work, examine your current food failures without judgement, and implement everything you’ve learned to become the eater who eats healthy with ease. In today’s episode, I’m sharing a high-level overview of the three phases of healthy eating that each of my clients goes through to become a naturally healthy eater. This way, you’re able to...

Healthy Eating Commitment

February 02, 2022 11:00 - 23 minutes - 43.4 MB

Let’s have a conversation about healthy eating commitment. You may be defining commitment with food as harnessing willpower, having discipline, and eating “the right things”. This is not commitment to healthy eating. This is desperation to achieving perfection with food. It will feel very reactive and heightened. Commitment to healthy eating actually comes from a calmer, more neutral energy. It’s the emotional experience that is necessary to make the results you want with food accessible...

When Food Isn't The Problem

January 26, 2022 11:00 - 23 minutes - 44.9 MB

There’s way more to your food struggles than the actual foods you’re eating. The foods you eat are a very small piece of the problem. It’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to not having the results with food or body that you want. The truth is, there’s a much deeper cause to your struggles with food. It’s not because you don’t have the right food plan, the cooking skills to make picture-perfect dinners, or because you’re not prepping meals every Sunday. None of that matters. F...

Learning Attachment

January 19, 2022 11:00 - 23 minutes - 44.3 MB

In today’s episode, we’re talking about what it looks like when you’re attached to the “learning phase” with food. This is when you’re most comfortable reading the books, doing nutritional research, trying new methods of eating, taking courses – doing “more” before you start taking action on what works. When you commit to becoming a naturally healthy eater, this approach is no longer useful. Your brain will feel compelled to over-learn just as much as you overeat. It’s all a distraction....

Eating Decision Obstacles

January 12, 2022 11:00 - 29 minutes - 56 MB

There’s eating decisions – AKA the food that goes into your mouth. You’re making these decisions daily, no matter what. It’s simple. When you don’t believe you have control with food, your brain will start making it complicated. It will begin coming up with convincing reasons why. It will blame time, knowledge, resources, etc. for why you don’t have the eating habits you want. In today’s podcast episode, we’re questioning all of it. I’m walking you through exactly how you can lovingly ...

The New Year's Resolution

January 05, 2022 11:00 - 28 minutes - 53.3 MB

It’s the new year, which means it’s now THAT time when people are setting resolutions to eat healthier. If we’re being honest, most of us will know how this goes. We’ll set these healthy eating resolutions with the best intentions to change, only to inevitably find ourselves falling off track by February. It’s a pattern that can keep occurring year after year. In the new year, I want to offer you a different approach so you can finally remove your food struggles for good. In today’s ...

Things To Question With Food

December 22, 2021 18:46 - 26 minutes - 50.4 MB

There are many belief systems and practices around food that as a society we haven’t questioned. This is one of the many ways I see my clients keeping them stuck in their old ways with food.  In today’s podcast episode, I’m introducing you to the things that you will most want to question when it comes to changing your eating habits. This is the most important step to unlearning your old eating habits, so you can create healthy eating habits that feel natural to you. Learn more at: htt...

Keeping Yourself Stuck

December 08, 2021 18:19 - 30 minutes - 57.7 MB

It’s common for women who enter my coaching practice to believe they’re stuck with food. They quickly learn exactly how, rather than being stuck, they’re unintentionally keeping themselves stuck with their current eating habits. When you’re able to understand how you’re keeping yourself stuck, it gives you the power to take full responsibility for your eating habits now. Which is necessary to create the long-term results with food and body that you want. In this episode, I’m sharing th...

Normal Eating

December 01, 2021 11:00 - 21 minutes - 40.1 MB

Many of my clients in the beginning of our time together have a goal of “eating normally”. Usually, this means they’re having judgements about themselves as an eater now and seeing themselves as “abnormal”. The truth is, you will always have legitimate reasons for your food struggles now. Nothing has gone wrong. It’s all solvable. In today’s episode, I’m teaching you how to change your relationship to your current food struggles, so you can move forward and learn to “eat normally” in t...

Holiday Healthy Eating

November 24, 2021 11:00 - 21 minutes - 41.1 MB

Many experience anxiety when it comes to their eating decisions during the holidays. In the past, they would see the holidays as a way they would lose all control with food and self-sabotage. The truth is, you can celebrate with food during the holidays without losing all control. In today’s episode, I’m sharing what self-sabotage patterns to look out for during the holidays, and what you should focus on to enjoy the holidays and have control with your eating decisions. Learn more at...

Can It Really Be Easy?

November 17, 2021 21:59 - 21 minutes - 40.1 MB

You may have heard me say that “healthy eating can be easy, simple, and sustainable”. While this is very much true, it makes sense if believing this feels inaccessible to you now. Right now, you likely have a relationship to healthy eating that feels restrictive. One that causes you to believe that eating healthy will require more discipline, effort, and willpower. This is where we all start. In this podcast episode, I explain what I mean when I say “healthy eating can be easy for ever...

Client Interview: Weight Loss Is Just The Beginning with Erin S.

November 10, 2021 11:00 - 39 minutes - 74.3 MB

Today on the podcast, we’re joined by my incredible client Erin S. She’s a mom, middle school teacher, and has just successfully completed her time in the Own Your Eating Habits program. In this episode, we discuss what shifts Erin had made in the program that allowed her to lose over 10 pounds and create healthy eating habits that feel natural and enjoyable to her. We talk about the hardest parts of doing this work, what you can expect in this journey, and why this transformation is tru...

Counting Calories

November 03, 2021 18:15 - 24 minutes - 45.8 MB

Let’s talk about counting your calories. The truth is, most opinions in the health community will be very polarizing when it comes to this topic. They’ll see counting calories as either “morally good” or “morally bad”. In my practice, I consider calorie counting neutral. Where it’s neither seen as positive or negative. In today’s episode, I’m explaining exactly why this approach to counting calories will serve you,  along with what relationship to calorie counting you’ll want to have i...

The Motivation Hangover

October 27, 2021 10:00 - 21 minutes - 41.7 MB

Do you find your motivation to eat healthy rarely lasts? You’re not alone. In fact, motivation wasn’t meant to stick around long-term. We’ll usually find ourselves in a “motivation hangover” where we’re dealing with the after effects of motivation no longer being present. For most of us, this means we self-sabotage our eating habits completely and “fall off track”. To become a naturally healthy eater, you’ll need to learn how to follow through on your food decisions without motivation ...

Keeping Food Out Of The House

October 20, 2021 19:52 - 24 minutes - 46.7 MB

With the holidays approaching, it’s common for my clients to feel out of control of their eating decisions. Particularly when it comes to foods that are being brought into the house by other people. For these clients, they come to me believing that the foods that are brought into the house are the problem. That the presence of the food causes them to lose control with their eating habits and overeat. In this episode, I’m sharing what you need to focus on to have control with any food...

The Power Of Neutral

October 13, 2021 18:35 - 23 minutes - 44.1 MB

Women who struggle with emotional eating often come to me believing that negative emotion is the problem. Which means, they also believe that to change their eating habits they need to focus on creating positive emotion. This isn’t exactly the case. The most useful emotions for healthy eating often aren’t positive or negative. They’re completely neutral. These are the emotions that allow us to make the most deliberate, intentional decisions with food. In this episode, I clarify what ...

Food Freedom

October 06, 2021 10:00 - 22 minutes - 43 MB

It’s likely you’ve heard the term “food freedom” being used in the health community. But what does it really mean? How do you measure freedom with food in a way that serves you? In my coaching practice, I speak with many women who want to experience freedom with food. My program focuses on teaching each client to create a definition of food freedom that will serve them in creating the eating habits they desire. In this podcast, I discuss which definitions of food freedom are useful a...

Healthy Eating Entitlement

September 29, 2021 10:00 - 25 minutes - 47.7 MB

You may think that to create healthy eating habits you should just be given a food plan and then have the ability to immediately follow through without effort. Or, that changing your eating habits should be easy. If you’re having similar thoughts, I’ve been there. I used to carry resentment for other women who I perceived as eating healthy effortlessly. I would think, “Well, it should be easy for me.” This energy of entitlement kept me stuck with food for years, and it’s something I regu...


September 22, 2021 10:00 - 24 minutes - 45.6 MB

In my coaching practice, we focus strongly on how our feelings affect our eating decisions. Today, I want to introduce you to the sneakiest, most dangerous emotion that will keep you stuck with food if you’re not aware of its presence. The emotion I’m referring to is apathy. Apathy is created when we’re believing thoughts such as “This won’t work”, “I’ve tried this before” or “Nothing is going to change”. Without managing this apathy, it will feel logical and safe to remain stuck wit...

Your Reasons For Eating Healthy

September 08, 2021 16:58 - 26 minutes - 50.4 MB

What are your foundational reasons for wanting to eat healthy? Is it to lose weight, achieve better health, or feel better about yourself? Or, is it something deeper? The reasons you have for wanting to eat healthy are valid. But, it’s important that you’re creating reasons for eating healthy that are compelling enough for you to make this work a priority. In this episode, I share the difference between reasons that won’t create long-term success with healthy eating vs. reasons that wi...

When You're Always Hungry

September 01, 2021 10:00 - 21 minutes - 41.1 MB

Do you ever find yourself believing that “you’re always hungry”? You’re not alone in the slightest. After years of attempting diets, meal plans, and weight loss regimens it’s common for women to believe that their hunger levels are “out of control”. The truth is that this lack of control has nothing to do with your natural hunger. It has to do with your brain’s need for emotional comfort with food. In this episode, I’m describing the exact difference between physical hunger and emotion...

Micromanaging Your Eating Habits

August 25, 2021 16:03 - 19 minutes - 36.8 MB

Do you find you’ve been attempting to micromanage your eating habits into place? Where you’re constantly trying to force yourself to eat the right things? Your Type-A strengths may be useful in other areas of your life. This urgent approach helps you “get it done” when it comes to your job, family, or kids. But this approach will not allow you to create lasting and sustainable healthy eating habits. A different approach is necessary to make changes with food that actually last. In this...

Making Food Decisions

August 18, 2021 10:00 - 27 minutes - 51.8 MB

One of the most valuable and underrated  skills you can develop with your eating habits? Making faster food decisions. This doesn’t imply that these food decisions are impulsive or urgent. It means you’re making intentional food decisions quickly from a place of total certainty. When you’re willing to make fast food decisions you’re creating the space for your eating habits to change more quickly and efficiently. It means you’re willing to let go of there being “right” or “wrong” dec...

When You've Tried Everything

August 11, 2021 10:00 - 22 minutes - 43.4 MB

Consider how you feel when you believe “I’ve tried everything to eat healthy”. Do you feel inspired to move forward and figure out what works with food? Or, do you feel defeated and find yourself hiding from the changes you want to make? If you’re anything like my clients, it’s the latter.  Your beliefs about healthy eating will determine the results you have with it. This is the most ignored aspect of changing your eating habits. In today’s episode, I’m sharing where the belief ...

Healthy Eating Resistance

August 04, 2021 10:00 - 21 minutes - 41.1 MB

There’s the eating decisions you want to be making, and then there’s the reasons you don’t follow through. You may believe the reason you’re not eating healthy now is because of WHAT you’re eating. Which means you’ll attempt diet after diet hoping that one of them sticks. This is never the cause of your unhealthy eating habits. The cause is the resistance you’re having when it comes to making simple, healthy eating decisions. This is what we need to solve for. In this episode, we dis...

Food And Your Period

July 28, 2021 10:00 - 21 minutes - 40.4 MB

For many women, having their period means losing control with food. They’ll think they overeat because of the pain, irritability, cravings, or fatigue.  The truth is, you never need to lose control with your eating habits during this time. We only lose control when we add suffering to this physically demanding time. In today’s episode, I’m sharing exactly how you can find acceptance and control with your eating habits during your period. Along with how you can eliminate the unnecessary...

Self Love

July 21, 2021 10:00 - 27 minutes - 51.9 MB

The journey to self-love can seem like a noble cause. But I find, with my clients, that they often use it as another way to judge their current thinking. They’ll think “I should love my body”. Which means they’re believing something has gone wrong if they don’t experience love for their body now. This only creates more suffering. The truth is, self love is accessible to you. It’s not something that depends on anything outside of you. But the last thing you want to do is force self lo...

Beating Yourself Up

July 14, 2021 18:00 - 21 minutes - 39.4 MB

Do you find yourself constantly failing with food and you’re not quite sure why? Or, maybe you feel stuck and unsure of why you’re not moving forward with your eating habits. Most of the time this is because you’re stuck in the cycle of beating yourself up. This means you’re having judgements about yourself and your food setbacks. In today’s episode, I’m sharing exactly why you may be beating yourself up in your food journey. We also discuss how to stop these negative judgements so...

Comfort Foods

July 07, 2021 10:00 - 21 minutes - 40.3 MB

What comes up when you think about “comfort foods”? Do you see them as foods that you genuinely enjoy and find deeper pleasure in? Or, do you consider them the foods where you lose all control? It’s likely a little bit of both. This confusion when it comes to comfort foods is very common with my clients. They often have trouble understanding whether their comfort foods actually serve them or whether these foods are causing them to self-sabotage. In this podcast episode, I teach y...

Not Knowing How

June 23, 2021 10:00 - 21 minutes - 40.3 MB

The belief “I don’t know how to eat healthy” will keep you stuck. It shuts all of the doors in your mind and removes all of your responsibility over your eating habits. Because when you’re believing “I don’t know how”, you will act as such. You will stop observing the food answers you already have and transfer that responsibility to someone outside of you. Ultimately, this means you’ll stop making empowered food decisions and evaluating progress along the way. In today’s podcast ep...

The Eating Experience

June 16, 2021 10:00 - 22 minutes - 42.6 MB

Diet culture tells us to reject pleasure with food so we can eat “the right things”. We’ll think we need to suffer with food to be healthy and lose weight. Which means we’ll stop prioritizing natural pleasure in the eating experience. This mindset will lead you cycling between two extremes. You’ll restrict pleasure because you think this is necessary to achieve your health goals. Then, you’ll overpleasure with food because you’ve been forcing yourself to restrict the pleasure. This i...

The Time For Weight Loss

June 09, 2021 10:00 - 25 minutes - 48 MB

Many women who join my coaching program have a desire to lose weight. They want to shed pounds so they can finally feel confident in their own body. But, we need to consider when it’s the right time to focus on weight loss in your healthy eating journey. You may be thinking, “Isn’t that the point of eating healthy in the first place?”. For many, the reasons they have for wanting to lose weight will cause them to self-sabotage. → The reason you have for wanting to lose weight will d...

Healthy Eating Imposter Syndrome

June 02, 2021 10:00 - 21 minutes - 41.5 MB

Does something ever feel “off” when trying to change the way you eat? Almost like the changes you want to make don’t feel authentic to you? If so, it’s likely you’ve experienced healthy eating imposter syndrome. I like to define imposter syndrome as the separation between who you believe you are and the actions you want to follow through with. It’s a disconnect that’s acting as a barrier between yourself and the eating habits you want. Your beliefs about yourself as an eater are pr...

The Right Foods

May 26, 2021 10:00 - 20 minutes - 39.2 MB

What comes to mind when you think about right foods vs. wrong foods? I used to believe that I was a better person for eating foods that I considered “right”. And, that I was a lesser person for eating foods that I considered “wrong”. My beliefs about “the right foods” caused food to become a moral dilemma in my life. I added heaviness and drama to every eating decision I made. Can you relate? In today’s episode, I’m teaching you how to separate fact from belief when it comes to “eati...

Paying Attention

May 19, 2021 10:00 - 21 minutes - 41.3 MB

In a world of diets and quick-fix weight loss methods, the simple concept of paying close attention to your current eating habits can feel frivolous. It may even feel like a pointless act. Because it doesn’t imply immediate gratification, like most of the solutions we’re presented with. Solving your eating habits can only be done by learning to pay attention to your eating habits now. Without any judgement or expectation.  This is the most simple and underrated practice that will all...

Food Rules

May 12, 2021 10:00 - 19 minutes - 37.7 MB

When most of us think about food rules, we imagine being forced to eat “the right things”. Where we’re restricting foods we love, while trying to harness willpower to eat what we’re supposed to. In my coaching program, I teach women how to write their own food rules. Where they’re deciding what limitations to set with food based on their needs, preferences, and goals. In this episode, I explain the importance of setting food limitations and how you can begin doing this from an empowe...

Being The Healthy Eater

April 29, 2021 10:00 - 22 minutes - 42.8 MB

When beginning their journey to healthier eating, I notice most women will focus on WHAT they’re eating. They’ll try to find the perfect diet, meal plan, or weight loss program so they know they’re “eating the right things” to get the results they want. And then, something almost always goes wrong. These women will find themselves craving unhealthy foods, falling off track with their food plans, and just feeling helpless to their eating choices. So, what’s really going wrong with thi...

What Is Self Care, Really?

April 22, 2021 16:00 - 21 minutes - 40.5 MB

How do you define self care? When you think of self care do you picture bubble baths and cozying up on the couch watching Netflix? Or, do you define self care as being willing to do what’s uncomfortable in service of your goals? Many of us tend to approach self care in a way that doesn’t serve our eating habits, or goals, long-term. In today’s episode, I’m teaching you how to change your relationship to self care. So, instead of keeping you stuck, it allows you to improve your rela...

Owning Your Food Decisions

April 15, 2021 18:55 - 19 minutes - 37.7 MB

Do you find yourself feeling like your eating choices aren’t your own? Like, you’re totally unconscious to why you don’t follow through with your food plans? This is simply due to a lack of awareness of what causes you to have control of your eating habits. And this comes from focusing on where we have control with the mind and body. In this episode, I’m sharing why we feel like our eating habits aren’t quite our own, and exactly what to focus on to take back our power with our food ...

Food Failure

April 08, 2021 16:00 - 20 minutes - 38.9 MB

I want you to consider: what are you making it mean when you fail with food? Maybe you created a food plan and then found yourself overeating, emotionally eating, or eating foods that weren’t on the plan. In that moment of failure, you may think: ”I knew this would happen”, ”I don’t know how to do this”, or ”I’m not capable of changing my ways”. Turns out, as humans in our current society, we’re conditioned to believe that failure means something has gone wrong and that they should be ...

Healthy Eating Mistakes

April 01, 2021 15:00 - 21 minutes - 41.1 MB

Do you find yourself struggling to eat healthy and thinking “What the heck am I doing wrong?!”. I’ve been there too.  I remember being the best student of every diet, meal plan, and weight loss program I tried. But, somehow, I would always end up with the same old eating habits, feeling totally clueless about what actually went wrong. Years later, I learned exactly why this approach never worked for me long-term. And I realized that other women were experiencing the same exact stru...

Cleaning Your Plate

March 25, 2021 16:00 - 18 minutes - 35.3 MB

Were you taught to clean your plate at every meal — no matter your fullness level? This is a practice you may have been taught during childhood. That you should finish your entire meal, always. I find with my clients, that this is a common belief system around food they carry with them into adulthood. Because they still have the underlying belief: “It’s wrong to waste food because it’s in short supply." In this episode, I’m sharing how you can switch your “clean your plate” mentali...

Feminine Energy

March 18, 2021 16:00 - 19 minutes - 22 MB

What energy are you bringing towards your eating habits? Are you constantly analyzing the metrics of your food decisions? Or, are you learning into uncertainty with your food journey - and allowing all of it with compassion? This is the difference between the masculine and feminine energy when it comes to food. And reclaiming our feminine energy as women is what sets you up to become a naturally healthy eater. In this podcast, I teach you how to incorporate more of your innate femi...


March 11, 2021 11:00 - 18 minutes - 15.7 MB

Do you find yourself snacking too much? Where you’re eating unconsciously throughout the day? Turns out, we do this for very specific reasons. And hint: It’s not because you’re addicted to certain foods. In this podcast episode, I teach you exactly what snacking is, what it means for you and your eating habits, and whether or not snacking is something you want to be doing. Learn more at:

Food Love

March 03, 2021 11:00 - 21 minutes - 40.6 MB

Are you approaching healthy eating with the energy of desperation? Where you’re trying to micromanage food and force your body into the changes you want? Or, are you approaching healthy eating with the energy of love? Where you’re choosing to love yourself to the changes you want? The truth is, creating love for food and body is a necessary tactic to creating the eating habits you want. In fact, it’s a non-negotiable. In this podcast episode, I teach you how to create food love n...

Clean Eating

February 24, 2021 11:00 - 23 minutes - 43.8 MB

When you think about “clean eating” what comes up for you? Is it a method of eating that excites you? Or, does it sound bland, boring, and slightly intimidating? Where to get the results you want, you’ll have to force yourself to eat the “right foods”? For most of you, it will be the latter. Yet, you’ll still find this concept of clean eating compelling. In this episode, I’m explaining why you feel drawn to the concept of “clean eating”. And why it never works out for you long-...

Why Healthy Eating Matters

February 17, 2021 18:00 - 24 minutes - 47.2 MB

Most people want to eat healthy so they can lose weight and improve their health. There’s no question that these are very valid reasons for eating healthy! However, I find with many women, that these reasons just aren’t compelling enough. These reasons don’t compel them to make the changes necessary to see results. Turns out, there are much deeper reasons why healthy eating matters. And it’s these reasons that will compel you to go all in on changing your eating habits. In this p...