Latest 面包吐思,面包,汉语,中文,普通话 Podcast Episodes

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面包推荐 - Super Creepy TTS Voices & A Silky Smooth Podcast Recommendation

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - May 03, 2022 02:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Maybe sometimes you should just listen to something in Chinese because it sounds freaking nice. Allow me to share with you some freaking nice-sounding voices. In the first of many recommendation episodes to come, Brad gives a (sadly) unsponsored plug for the uncomfortably realistic Microsoft R...

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双语吐思 - Hanlon's Razor and Will Smith/Not Punching People in General

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - April 20, 2022 22:30 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Season 3 is officially under way! Jason joins Brad for a breakdown of a powerful mental model known as "Hanlon's Razor." In this new 双语吐思 format, one dude only speaks English, the other only speaks Chinese. Your job? Think about meaningful stuff using your target language! ALL the 链接s! New Bre...

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Introducing 《井底之挖》 - 最新的 podcast from MianbaoFM!

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - February 10, 2022 00:15 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
The Mianbao team is back and better than ever! We’ve got a new podcast that we are super excited about. It’s called 井底之挖, like the old Frog in the Well proverb, but with the 青蛙的蛙 changed to 挖掘的挖。 It’s a deep-dive podcast co-hosted by Old Man 面包 Brad Johnson and his good buddy Jason Liu. PS We'...

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南腔北调 (nánqiāngběidiào) #4 – 四川,我们来啦! - Sichuan Dialect Pt. 1

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - July 18, 2020 20:04 - 32 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
想关注或与我们联系么?Wanna stay up to date or get in touch? Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram: breadtoastchinese 微信公众号搜索 Search for our public WeChat account :BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 给我们发个邮件 Send us an email: [email protected] ---- 四川,我们来啦!  LET'S GO TO SICHUAN! Get a...

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等我音乐 (děngwǒyīnyuè) #4 – 邓泽西 JerseyDeng – i really lost a friend

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - June 16, 2020 06:20 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
等我音乐 Episode 4 :   Jersey Deng is kind of hilarious. Jersey Deng is straight up talented. Jersey Deng is a star.  Do yourself a favor and check out her story. 本期《等我音乐》邀请到了重磅级的原创歌手 邓泽西(Jersey Deng)来谈谈她的音乐之路,以及围绕《I really lost a friend》这首歌曲的创作前后发生的趣闻与故事,希望粉丝们或即将成为Jersey粉丝的听众们能通过这期节目更好的了...

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元培说:关于性教育 Talkin' Sex Ed with Yuanpei

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - June 05, 2020 04:53 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Back in February of 2020, Yuanpei wrote an article on his public WeChat account about the shortcomings of China's sex education system and the cultural factors that need to be addressed. He joins the show today share.   面包吐思的目的之一是与大家分享好的想法,有趣的人,有趣的事。今天分享给大家公众号“元培说”里的一篇文章——《谈性色变,我们需要正视性...

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南腔北调 (nánqiāngběidiào) #3 – 蓝鲸话 (lánjīnghuà)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - May 29, 2020 06:17 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Huh? Blue Whale Dialect?  Nope, that's just how Nanjingers say their own dialect IN their own dialect (kind of). Join Brad and Vicky in episode 3 of 南腔北调 as they explore the language, history and culture of the 'Southern 京' with Nanjing native 小王 and get in to much more than mixed up L...

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等我音乐 (děngwǒyīnyuè) #3 – 张雨童 (zhāngyǔtóng)– 我们这些年 (wǒmenzhèxiēnián)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - May 22, 2020 03:54 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
In episode 3 of the 等我音乐 series, Brad and 易开 talk to singer, vocal instructor and songwriter 张雨童 about 我们这些年.  张雨童 dishes out all sorts of great advice on singing and songwriting. The dude is a pro and will have you feeling like you're ready to start creating by the time our chat is ove...

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南腔北调 (nánqiāngběidiào) #2 – 北京话 (Běijīnghuà de wēijī)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - May 14, 2020 19:37 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Content creator 磊子哥/Wordy Klay joins Vicky and Brad as this week's special guest to take the 北京话 conversation to the next level. The gang covers 磊子哥's awesome work with his 京话连篇 series and Brad gets dangerously close to ugly crying about the preservation of local dialects and culture.  ...

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等我音乐 (děngwǒyīnyuè) #2 – 傅老大 (fùlǎodà)– Rooftop (天台) (tiāntái)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - May 07, 2020 16:18 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Contents:  1) Links  2) Rooftop (天台) Lyrics 歌词  3) 开场白文字 Opening Transcript  4) 语言学习材料 Language Learning Materials 1) Links Listen to Rooftop (天台) on Youtube Listen to Rooftop (天台) on QQ Music Find 傅老大 on 网易云音乐 Follow 傅老大 on Weibo 想关注或与我们联系么?Wanna stay up to date or get in touch? ...

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NEW SERIES: 南腔北调 (nánqiāngběidiào) #1 – 北儿京儿话儿 (běir jīngr huàr)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - April 30, 2020 12:04 - 32 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Scroll down for language learning materials. 开场白文字 Opening Transcript 诶呦喂, 您吃了么?您今天儿真漂亮!咱们聊聊北京话儿呗。 新栏目南腔北调要开始了! Welcome BreadToast Chinese, Brad here. My sincerest apologies for that painful attempt at sounding like a Beijinger. You are tuned in to episode one of yet another new seri...

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NEW SERIES: 等我音乐 (děngwǒyīnyuè) #1 – MoreKui – 奥莎儿,我走了 (àoshāér, wǒzǒule)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - April 22, 2020 19:13 - 25 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Scroll down for Language Learning Materials! Listen to 奥莎儿,我走了 on YouTube Listen to 奥莎儿,我走了 on Xiami Music Follow MoreKui on Weibo 想关注或与我们联系么?Wanna stay up to date or get in touch? Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram: breadtoastchinese 微信公众号搜索 Search for our public WeChat ...

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【海草哥】雪场的抖音明星了解一下 Meet the viral video star of the ski slopes

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - January 28, 2019 17:50 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
谁是整个滑雪场上最拽的海草?海草哥!一个幽默风趣的东北哥们儿,一个单凭海草舞视频而点击量过700万的网红,一个煊赫一时的抖音明星。 Who is the baddest weed in the sea? 海草哥!(hǎicǎogē). This hilarious and charismatic 东北哥们儿(dōngběigēméner/Northeastern bro) saw his skiing seaweed dance video reach over 7 million views on 抖音 (dǒuyīn/Tik Tok) in just 24 ho...

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面包人民说 NBA BreadToast Talkin' NBA

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - January 21, 2019 09:46 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
大家还记得去年有一个节目叫你不知道的NBA吗?当时和我一起录那期节目的两位帅哥叫Jack and Russ。本期面包吐思的节目我们想多和大家聊聊NBA,同时也向大家预告一下即将发布的关于NBA的新专辑。如果你感兴趣的话,可以在你习惯用的社交网络平台如Facebook, 喜马拉雅, 抖音, 微博, iTunes等上面关注面包吐思。我们将会持续推送最新的消息。如果你有什么好的建议和想法,请一定要跟我们联系,感谢您的关注! dà jiā hái jì dé qù nián yǒu yī gè jié mù jiào nǐ bù zhī dào de NBA má ? dā...

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要啥安全带 What's up with seat belts

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - January 15, 2019 04:30 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
你现在或者以后会不会经常开车?你是不是已经形成了经常滴滴打车的习惯?那你有没有被一些老司机的车技和速度吓到?这样的环境下你有没有注意力高度集中并且随时系好安全带? nǐ xiàn zài huò zhě yǐ hòu huì bù huì jīng cháng kāi chē ? nǐ shì bù shì yǐ jīng xíng chéng le jīng cháng dī dī dǎ chē de xí guàn ? nà nǐ yǒu méi yǒu bèi yī xiē lǎo sī jī de chē jì hé sù dù xià dào ? zhè ...

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汪汪 狗来了 Woof! Dogs!

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - January 07, 2019 18:47 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
忠实,可爱,乖巧……这些都是犬的形容词。从狩猎到看门,从放牧到一生的朋友,狗狗可谓生活中无处不在。想对它们有更多的了解吗?点进来! zhōng shí , kě ài , guāi qiǎo … … zhè xiē dōu shì quǎn de xíng róng cí 。 cóng shòu liè dào kàn mén , cóng fàng mù dào yī shēng de péng yǒu , gǒu gǒu kě wèi shēng huó zhōng wú chù bù zài 。 xiǎng duì tā mén yǒu gēng duō de...

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你好(明天的我)Oh Hey (Future Self)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - December 31, 2018 15:30 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
找个安静的地方。戴耳机。关灯。 zhǎo ge ān jìng de dì fang。 dài ěr jī。guān dēng。 Find a quiet place. Plug in your headphones. Turn off the lights. 调整好心态。 tiáo zhěng hǎo xīn tài。 Take a deep breath. 新年快乐。 xīn nián kuài lè。 Happy New Year. 好消息:Full Chinese transcript coming soon!

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Q的一米 Rice!

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - December 24, 2018 18:17 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
怎么了?你以为大米不值得三十分钟的节目吗?我跟你说,三十分钟完全不够。 zěn me le ? nǐ yǐ wéi dà mǐ bù zhí dé sān shí fēn zhōng de jié mù má ? wǒ gēn nǐ shuō , sān shí fēn zhōng wán quán bù gòu. What? You think thirty minutes is too long for a show about rice? It's way too short, we say. 来跟面包老师一起发现大米多么有趣,多么重要,多么好玩儿。本期节...

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校园欺凌,我要揍你了 You're toast, Bully(ing)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - December 17, 2018 16:42 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
本期面包吐思是我的好朋友凌峰的故事。现在,我也想带领大家一起认识他,认识这位克服了口吃、走出在校被欺凌的阴影、经历过社会冷暖的十八岁小伙子。他很重要。 běn qī miàn bāo tǔ sī shì wǒ de hǎo péng yǒu líng fēng de gù shì 。 xiàn zài , wǒ yě xiǎng dài lǐng dà jiā yī qǐ rèn shì tā , rèn shì zhè wèi kè fú le kǒu chī 、 zǒu chū zài xiào bèi qī líng de yīn yǐng 、 jīng lì...

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我是一只小小飞机 I'm a small small plane

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - December 10, 2018 16:10 - 25 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
本期面包吐思邀请到鹏鹏和鑫瑞。他们是面包老师曾经在青海师范大学任教期间的两名空乘专业的学生。两位毕业后都成为了空乘服务员(后来鑫瑞转行了)。本次节目将带领大家更多的了解空乘少们眼中的工作和一些你知道或不知道的飞机上的小细节。 běn qī miàn bāo tǔ sī yāo qǐng dào péng péng hé xīn ruì 。 tā mén shì miàn bāo lǎo shī céng jīng zài qīng hǎi shī fàn dà xué rèn jiào qī jiān de liǎng míng kōng chéng zhuān y...

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爱手机,更爱你自己 (下)Do you love your phone or yourself more? (Part 2 of 2)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - December 08, 2018 07:55 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
挑战结果出来了!不管怎么样都是好消息。如果Harry完成了床上不碰手机的挑战,那就好。没完成的话可能更好,因为他的惩罚就是要给我们唱一首歌! tiāo zhàn jié guǒ chū lái le ! bù guǎn zěn me yàng dōu shì hǎo xiāo xī 。 rú guǒ Harry wán chéng le chuáng shàng bù pèng shǒu jī de tiāo zhàn , nà jiù hǎo 。 méi wán chéng de huà kě néng gēng hǎo , yīn wéi tā de chěng...

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爱手机,更爱你自己 (上)Do you love your phone or yourself more? (Part 1 of 2)

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - December 03, 2018 03:30 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
你更爱你自己还是你的手机?通过和Brad的朋友Harry聊天,本期面包吐思会帮助你直接面对这个问题。 nǐ gēng ài nǐ zì jǐ hái shì nǐ de shǒu jī ? tōng guò hé Brad de péng yǒu Harry liáo tiān , běn qī miàn bāo tǔ sī huì bāng zhù nǐ zhí jiē miàn duì zhè gè wèn tí 。 Do you love your phone or yourself more? Chat it out with Brad and his ...

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美式橄榄球紧急补习班 American Football

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - November 26, 2018 07:36 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
什么叫美式橄榄球?基本的规则和打法是。。。?橄榄球是可以吃的吗? shén me jiào měi shì gǎn lǎn qiú ? jī běn de guī zé hé dǎ fǎ shì 。 。 。 ? gǎn lǎn qiú shì kě yǐ chī de má ? What is American Football? What are the rules and how is it played? Can you eat a "橄榄球“? 2018年的美式橄榄球常规赛还有一个多月就结束了。今天的面包吐思就带你上一节紧急补习班,燃起你对这个神奇体...

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你不知道的NBA Things you never knew about the NBA

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - November 19, 2018 05:27 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
四周球迷各就各位聊聊NBA! sì zhōu qiú mí gè jiù gè wèi liáo liáo NBA ! Basketball fans from all over gather with us to talk some NBA! 这周的面包吐思 Podcast 充满你不知道的NBA历史和冷知识。如果听完节目发现确实没有学到任何新知识,跟我说一声,我就给你发0.88元的微信红包。 zhè zhōu de miàn bāo tǔ sī Podcast chōng mǎn nǐ bù zhī dào de NBA lì shǐ hé lěng...

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戒烟前后的身体状况 The Body Before and After Quitting Smoking

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - November 12, 2018 03:30 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
吸烟的朋友必听,不吸烟的朋友更需要听!Brad与他的兄弟鹏鹏和大家一起聊聊吸烟对身体的危害,详细说明戒烟之后的身体会有哪些变化,然后讨论怎样克服戒烟的心理障碍,怎样跟吸烟的人沟通戒烟的问题。 xī yān de péng yǒu bì tīng , bù xī yān de péng yǒu gēng xū yào tīng ! Brad yǔ tā de xiōng dì péng péng hé dà jiā yī qǐ liáo liáo xī yān duì shēn tǐ de wēi hài , xiáng xì shuō míng jiè yān zh...

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面包吐思? An introduction to BreadToast Chinese

BreadToast Chinese 面包吐思 - November 10, 2018 19:57 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
面包吐思是什么东东?快来听个故事吧! miàn bāo tǔ sī shì shén me dōng dōng ? kuài lái tīng ge gù shì ba ! So what is BreadToast Chinese? Find out real quick! Full Transcript In Simplified Chinese: 面包:嗨,欢迎收听面包吐思!我是张浩哲,英文叫Brad,是不是听起来有点像Bread?所以呢,我的学生经常就叫我面包,面包老师。我来自美国华盛顿,我来中国(的)时间已经有七年多了。当时先来中国的时候是体验一下,...

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