大家还记得去年有一个节目叫你不知道的NBA吗?当时和我一起录那期节目的两位帅哥叫Jack and Russ。本期面包吐思的节目我们想多和大家聊聊NBA,同时也向大家预告一下即将发布的关于NBA的新专辑。如果你感兴趣的话,可以在你习惯用的社交网络平台如Facebook, 喜马拉雅, 抖音, 微博, iTunes等上面关注面包吐思。我们将会持续推送最新的消息。如果你有什么好的建议和想法,请一定要跟我们联系,感谢您的关注!

dà jiā hái jì dé qù nián yǒu yī gè jié mù jiào nǐ bù zhī dào de NBA má ? dāng shí hé wǒ yī qǐ lù nà qī jié mù de liǎng wèi shuài gē jiào Jack and Russ 。 běn qī miàn bāo tǔ sī de jié mù wǒ mén xiǎng duō hé dà jiā liáo liáo NBA , tóng shí yě xiàng dà jiā yù gào yī xià jí jiāng fā bù de guān yú NBA de xīn zhuān jí 。 rú guǒ nǐ gǎn xīng qù de huà , kě yǐ zài nǐ xí guàn yòng de shè jiāo wǎng luò píng tái rú Facebook , xǐ mǎ lā yǎ , dǒu yīn , wēi bó , iTunes děng shàng miàn guān zhù miàn bāo tǔ sī 。 wǒ mén jiāng huì chí xù tuī sòng zuì xīn de xiāo xī 。 rú guǒ nǐ yǒu shí me hǎo de jiàn yì hé xiǎng fǎ , qǐng yī dìng yào gēn wǒ mén lián xì , gǎn xiè nín de guān zhù !

Do you remember last year's episode "Things you never knew about the NBA" with Jack and Russ joining in on the discussion? This week's BreadToast Chinese brings some more engaging NBA talk to the table and serves as the trailer for our upcoming brand now show all about the NBA. If this sounds something you'd be in to, make sure to follow/subscribe to BreadTalk Chinese 面包吐思 wherever you do that kind of thing (Facebook, 喜马拉雅, 抖音, 微博, iTunes, etc.) so you won't miss the news when it comes out. Also remember to reach out to us at any time for any questions, comments, complaints, and episode suggestions. Thanks for listening!

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