
xī yān de péng yǒu bì tīng , bù xī yān de péng yǒu gēng xū yào tīng ! Brad yǔ tā de xiōng dì péng péng hé dà jiā yī qǐ liáo liáo xī yān duì shēn tǐ de wēi hài , xiáng xì shuō míng jiè yān zhī hòu de shēn tǐ huì yǒu nǎ xiē biàn huà , rán hòu tǎo lùn zěn yàng kè fú jiè yān de xīn lǐ zhàng ài , zěn yàng gēn xī yān de rén gōu tōng jiè yān de wèn tí 。

A must-hear conversation for smokers, and even more essential for non-smokers! Brad talks in-depth with his buddy Pengpeng about the effects of smoking on the human body. Next, they break down what physical and mental changes come about over time after quitting. The conversation wraps up with Pengpeng's advice as a smoker himself on how to overcome the psychological obstacles to quitting and how to talk to your friends and loved ones about helping them give up the 烟!

好消息:Full Chinese transcript coming soon!