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School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

829 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 331 ratings

School Sucks is a podcast, You Tube channel, and web community empowering parents and self-directed learners.
For 12 years we've promoted freedom in education, and we've called out covert indoctrination.
We discuss:
+ educational alternatives like homeschooling and unschooling
+ career freedom without college
+ the principles of self-directed learning
+ the strategies of critical thinking/information literacy
+ the rewards of self-knowledge/personal development
This is NOT a show about school reform.
The schools will not improve.
Higher education will not improve.
The politics around these institutions will not improve.
Only we can improve.

Self-Improvement Education homeschooling unschooling school alternatives self-directed learning critical thinking media literacy indoctrination
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352: The 6 Pillars of Achieving a Healthy Body and Mind (with Kevin Geary and Osborne)

May 27, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 91.6 MB

Our third collaboration with Kevin Geary, integrative health coach and founder of Our discussion focuses on my health and fitness progress after following Kevin's advice for eight weeks. Check out our previous discussion here: 344: Solving the Health and Fitness Puzzle (with Kevin Geary) We are also joined by Jason Osborne of Podcastmasters' Liberty Master Class fame. He shares his challenges with Kevin and that leads in to a discussion of a recent RebootedBody....

351b: Twelve Arguments For Home Education (2 of 2)

May 22, 2015 15:53 - 1 hour - 75.9 MB

Jeff Till ( is a business owner, School Sucks listener, and home-educating parent. He recently added a well-researched, concise and easily sharable entry to his blog called "A Complete Case for Home Education (54 Arguments)." He joins me today to discuss the following arguments: 7. The argument against peer pressure Conformity training leads to students not wanting to be different and to gain the mass approval of others. This is peer pressure, and it can force ...

351a: Twelve Arguments For Home Education (1 of 2)

May 19, 2015 22:21 - 1 hour - 77.9 MB

Jeff Till ( is a business owner, School Sucks listener, and home-educating parent. He recently added a well-researched, concise and easily sharable entry to his blog called "A Complete Case for Home Education (54 Arguments)." He joins me today to discuss the following arguments: 1. The argument for happiness and for empathy School makes many if not most kids unhappy. They don’t like most of their school work. They don’t like being told what to do every second o...

350: The Ultimate Guide To Journaling (with Hannah Braime)

May 01, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 60.5 MB

Hannah Braime is the founder of, a self-relationship coach, and an author. She joins me to discuss her book, The Ultimate Guide To Journaling. Topics Included: -What is journaling? -benefits -getting to know the voices in our heads -improving relationships -living more consciously -how to journal -failing to keep on track -frequency guidelines -finding the right mindset -dealing with resistance -written journal ideas (dominant and non-dominant hands, dealin...

349: Behaviorism, Special Ed, and Self-Esteem - A Discussion With An Awakened Teacher

April 26, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 78.7 MB

Through the years, School Sucks Podcast has been a great outlet for my thoughts, feelings and frustrations about my teaching experience. I had always hoped the show could eventually serve as a forum for other former and active teachers to do the same. Yet, it's rare that I can get an active teacher to talk to me. Then last week, I received this email: Dear Brett, I've been binge-listening to your show since discovering it, and I want to thank you for providing my introduction to l...

348: Scientific Consensus vs. Dissent (Part 4) - Why Am I Here and What Am I Trying to Do?

April 18, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 93.2 MB

Part four, and the last of the foundational episodes, in our series examining the concept of scientific consensus and contrasting it with the voices of dissenters who find value in minority scientific opinions, theories and conclusions. It will also ask the question: is there any way to bridge the gap? Darrell Becker will be co-hosting all episodes in this series. Discussion: In the second installment of this series, we explored strategies for more constructive and connected commun...

347 (Supplemental): Brett and Derrick J Co-Host The Freedom Feens

April 16, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 58 MB

What do jeans, sardines, elections, stickers, cats, Edward Bernays, garbage union strikes and Egyptian pharaohs have in common? Nothing...except this episode of the Freedom Feens. From Derrick J and Brett Veinotte (from the School Sucks Podcast) talk about the evils of Manufacturing Consent. This show is an historic event, first-ever show done from a remote studio of another show via FeenPhone.(The other show is Rebel Love Show, and Rob is on for the first segment...

346: Work Outside the System

April 13, 2015 00:00 - 31 minutes - 28.5 MB

This is audio of the foreword I wrote for the second edition of Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services, by Carlos Morales. Carlos is a CPS whistle blower and a frequent contributor to School Sucks Project. Bumper Music: "Space Wrangler" by Widespread Panic Look Closer: Carlos On YouTube - About Legally Kidnapped - Buy/Review Legally Kidnapped -

345: Podcastmasters' Liberty MasterClass - Teachers vs. Teacher Unions

April 05, 2015 00:00 - 2 hours - 121 MB

Osborne, Gardner Goldsmith and I continue our once-a-month listener participation live show where we discuss our recent shows, projects, challenges, investigations, etc... Discussed: -Osborne's political challenges on the Education Board in the NH House of Representatives -The NEA, its power and its history -Samuel Blumenfeld -the challenges of teachers working within the public system Look Closer: Brett's Show Notes Folder -

344: Solving the Health and Fitness Puzzle (with Kevin Geary)

March 27, 2015 22:24 - 1 hour - 79 MB

My second collaboration with Kevin Geary, integrative health coach and founder of Our discussion is built around two emails I received from listeners, each facing different challenges in their quests for health and fitness. WARM-UP: -The origins of EMAILS DISCUSSED: #1: I was listening to your podcast about procrastination and you mentioned your diet. You said that you ate a lot of garbage and came up with excuses on why it is you can't or do...

343f: Jeffrey Tucker - We Don't Need To Be Snobs (2015 Liberty Forum)

March 23, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 57.3 MB

Part Six in our 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Forum Discussions Jeffrey Tucker joins Brett, Carlos and a live audience for a discussion about McDonald's menu options, the intellectual challenge of Brittney Spears, eugenics, the Progressive era, the total state of the 20th century, the future of digital romance and relationships, Skoal, the distributed network, Yik Yak and fashion. Bio: Jeffrey Tucker is the founder and Chief Liberty Officer of, a distinguished fellow of the...

343e: Kate Baker - Education Options Live Q&A (2015 Liberty Forum)

March 20, 2015 00:00 - 48 minutes - 66 MB

Part Five in our 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Forum Discussions Kate and I sat down in fronty of a live audience following her presentation, Moving to the Free State with Children: A Discussion of Education Options in NH. Kate's Bio: Kate Baker is the Executive Director of the Network for Educational Opportunity, an education resource and networking organization and the first organization to implement the NH Education Tax Credit Scholarships. She was a teacher of the performing arts ...

343d: Dr. Darren Tapp - Can Private Tutoring Challenge the School Monopoly? (2015 Liberty Forum)

March 18, 2015 00:00 - 31 minutes - 28.6 MB

Part Four in our 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Forum Discussions Darren and I discuss his presentation Challenging the Educational Monopoly. Darren's Bio: Dr. Darren Tapp has spent over a decade teaching various mathematical concepts at a handful of colleges. Darren is currently teaching at New Hampshire Technical Institute, and Southern New Hampshire University. Darren is the founder of Dr. Tapp’s mathematical playgrounds, which bring concepts of arithmetic, geometry, and combinatori...

343c: Davi Barker - Middle-Schoolers vs. Zombies (2015 Liberty Forum)

March 16, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 56.7 MB

Part Three in our 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Forum Discussions Davi Barker joins us to discuss his book Trilogy: Survivor Max. Davi's Bio: A lifelong connoisseur of the undead, Davi believes that art should imitate life, and if it can’t, art should at least eat life’s brain. Davi is the author of Survivor Max, the story of a young boy surviving the zombie apocalypse alone in New Hampshire. Davi's Presentation At Liberty Forum - The Undead Democracy Apocalypse Look Closer: Shiny...

343b: Alex the Infrastructure Engineer - Those Who Remember History... (2015 Liberty Forum)

March 14, 2015 00:00 - 26 minutes - 24.1 MB

Part Two in our 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Forum Discussions Is it time to start creating a detailed, documented history of the Free State Project? Alex's Panel - Technology: A Force Multiplier for Activism New Hampshire Liberty Activists use social networks, databases and web applications to hit way above their weight class. Join the creators of some of this technology to talk about challenges, opportunities, and dreams. Bring your own ideas to change the world! This will be a pa...

343a: Dr. Jody Underwood - Defining the Current Public School Problem (2015 Liberty Forum)

March 12, 2015 00:00 - 49 minutes - 45.8 MB

Part One in our 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Forum Discussions (Photo Credit: Virgil Vaduva) Jody's Presentation: Public education is based on some flawed ideas: (1) Geographic location determines your opportunity to become educated. (2) Age determines what other students you are grouped with. (3) Taxes can be used only for government-run schools. (4) All children must get a “free” education. (5) Taxes are needed to pay for public schooling. I will argue that free and appropriate edu...

342: Conformity vs. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (with Jake Desyllas)

March 09, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 56.6 MB

Jake Desyllas recently invited me on The Voluntary Life Podcast to discuss conformity. Topics covered include: -How conformity to "normal" spending habits prevents people achieving financial independence -Solomon Asch's conformity experiments and what we can learn from them -How conformity can alter your perception -The importance of allies in resisting conformity -The role of privacy in reducing conformity -The danger of conforming to a subculture (and still being a conformist...

341: Making Progress With Meditation

March 04, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 85.6 MB

Kyle Davis of Meditation & Buddhism in Providence returns to continue our discussion about meditation. I have been practicing regularly for 4-5 months now and I have a few new questions and observations. Kyle originally appeared on episode #275:A Better State of Mind: Introduction to Meditation A review of the basics and what we covered last time: -it is an active process -trying to strengthen the mind -contemplation - bringing in an idea or feeling -the placement -holding it there...

340 (Supplemental): Nihilism, Nietzsche and The NAP (Nick Hazelton Interviews Brett)

March 01, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 65.8 MB

This a 55-minute selection from a conversation with Nick Hazelton of Anarcho-Yakitalism Podcast. He invited me on his show to discuss all of the topics you saw in the title. Nick is a sixteen-year-old aspiring yak herder who has spent the last year learning his way out of schooling. He also appears on The Freedom Feens radio show. I interviewed him on Episode 300 of School Sucks Podcast, Dropping Out and Nihilism. We first met Nick in April of 2014. Look Closer: Polycentric law -...

339: Don't Stay In School? (With Derrick J and Ali Havens)

February 25, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 121 MB

Derrick J. returns to discuss an email he recently sent to his two 7th grade sisters about leaving school. It has been two weeks and he is still waiting for a reply. His father, a former principal, asked him not to discuss it with them any more. What would you do? How would you follow up? The email was inspired by this video from BoyInABand: Read his article here: Don’t Stay in School. Look Closer: Derrick's Site: - Freedom Feens -

338: Scientific Consensus vs. Dissent (Part 3) - Disciplined Minds

February 21, 2015 22:38 - 1 hour - 72.5 MB

Part three in our series examining the concept of scientific consensus and contrasting it with the voices of dissenters who find value in minority scientific opinions, theories and conclusions. It will also ask the question: is there any way to bridge the gap? Darrell Becker will be co-hosting all episodes in this series. Introduction: Some selections from The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto Discussion: Darrell and I discuss Disciplined Minds : A Critica...

337 (Supplemental): History According to Schools, Media and Hollywood

February 20, 2015 00:00 - 52 minutes - 50.2 MB

This is my recent appearance on the Greening Out Podcast. From "Caity and Dan welcome Brett Veinotte from the School Sucks Project to the show.We have a fun and interesting chat about historical research, the great man theory and how history is taught in schools.We go on to talk about historical inaccuracies in movies and what future historians may make of us."

336: Scientific Consensus vs. Dissent (Part 2) - Are We Even Having A Discussion?

February 15, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 88.2 MB

This show continues a series that will examine the concept of scientific consensus and contrast it with voices of the dissenters who find value in minority scientific opinions, theories and conclusions. Today we ask the question: is there any way to bridge the gap? Darrell Becker will be co-hosting all episodes in this series. Monologue: -Brett discusses how little he knows about the vaccine debate for 30 minutes Discussion: What is the Political Debate Contract? And how does i...

335: Stoicism and Empathy (Brett on Sex, Lies and Anarchy)

February 10, 2015 22:39 - 59 minutes - 55.5 MB

Antigone, Nick and I discuss my conversations with Bill Buppert. Antigone expresses some concerns about Stoicism, while Nick defends and further explains the philosophy. This podcast includes tangents into empathy, slavery, Consequentialism and dystopian future scenarios. Bill Buppert's Stoicism Reading List: -A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy -A Man in Full -The Emperor's Handbook: A New Translation of The Meditations) To get better acquainted with the philo...

334: Scientific Consensus vs. Dissent (Part 1) - Introduction and Definitions

February 07, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 74.2 MB

This show begins a series that will examine the concept of scientific consensus and contrast it with voices of the dissenters who find value in minority scientific opinions, theories and conclusions. It will also ask the question: is there any way to bridge the gap? Darrell Becker will be co-hosting all episodes in this series. Introduction: -Clarification of goals and definitions -A healthy distrust of Academia -Understand how science can be politicized, both ways -Frustration wit...

333: Stop Procrastinating NOW! (or soon) - Part 4 - 11 Practical Steps To Productivity

January 30, 2015 20:09 - 31 minutes - 61.5 MB

The concluding episode in a short series about the roots of, forms of and remedies for procrastination. INTRODUCTION: -A brief review of the series -Four Simple Reasons for Procrastination (Difficulty, Time-consuming, Lack of knowledge or skills, Fears) -Four More Complex Reasons for Procrastination (Perfectionism, Anger/Hostility, Low Frustration Tolerance, Self-Downing) 11 PRACTICAL STEPS TO PRODUCTIVITY: 1. Know What you Want/Identify 2. Belief/Attitude 3. Make a Plan 4. Deci...

332: Stop Procrastinating NOW! (or soon) - Part 3 - The Six Types of Procrastination

January 24, 2015 00:00 - 59 minutes - 82.1 MB

A short series about the roots of, forms of and remedies for procrastination. INTRODUCTION: A-B-C-D-E Examples REVIEW: -The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (The Practices of Living Consciously, Self-Acceptance, Self-Responsibility, Self-Assertiveness, Living Purposefully and Personal Integrity) -The GTD Flow (Collect, Process, Organize, Review, Do) -REBT THE SIX TYPES OF PROCRASTINATORS: Style #1: Perfectionist. Reluctant to start or finish a task because they don't want anything le...

331: Stop Procrastinating NOW! (or soon) - Part 2 - Techniques For Less Worry and More Action

January 20, 2015 00:00 - 47 minutes - 44.1 MB

A short series about the roots of, forms of and remedies for procrastination. REVIEW: -Worrying is at the root of most procrastination We CAN transform worry into rational action RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY includes: 1. Thinking Techniques 2. Emotional Techniques 3. Behavioral Techniques THINKING TECHNIQUES -It's the practice of living consciously -THE ABC TOOL: + D and E -(D) Dispute: Scientific Method – find proof, active process, thinking can just run on unevaluated -(E...

330: Stop Procrastinating NOW! (or soon) - Part 1 - The ABCs of Worrying

January 17, 2015 00:00 - 41 minutes - 38.7 MB

A short series about the roots of, forms of and remedies for procrastination. INTRODUCTION: -Worrying is at the root of most procrastination -Brett's podcast performance anxiety -Can we transform worry into rational action? RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY: -Albert Ellis and the origins of REBT -an answer to Behaviorism -replacing self-defeating thoughts with positive and actionable ones -meditation lessons -REBT and Stoicism -REBT criticisms -psychological issues have 3 componen...

329: Podcastmasters' Liberty Master Class - A History of Hollywood Self-Censorship

January 09, 2015 23:18 - 2 hours - 140 MB

Osborne, Gardner Goldsmith and I continue our once-a-month listener participation live show where we discuss our recent shows, projects, challenges, investigations, etc... Discussed:A chronology of film and television self-censorship with many tangents 1. WHY THIS TOPIC? -censorship of the film, "The Interview" by Sony Pictures entertainment -What's unique about this situation? What isn't? -It is unlikely that North Korea is behind the hack: -Whether it's a legit cyber attack, an ...

328: Stoicism Follow-Up Q&A With Bill Buppert

January 05, 2015 21:46 - 1 hour - 56.5 MB

Bill Buppert of returns for some listener Q&A on Stoicism and a few other subjects. Discussed/Answered: - Stoicism and home education - Generating interest in philosophy - Material simplicity - A Stoic approach to personal finances and minimizing debt burdens - De-FOOing, Freedomain Radio call-ins, family and psychotherapy - Stoicism in marriages and family relationships, producing more win-win situations - The Anarchist/Abolitionist Gender Gap Bumper Music: "Wind o...

327: Stoicism (4 of 4 - Seven Leadership Choices), With Bill Buppert

January 04, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 95.8 MB

Bill Buppert of is back to conclude our discussion of the philosophy of Stoicism. Covered: 1. Deciding what kind of person you want to be 2. The choice between a quest for status and the search for achievement 3. The vital need to resist the corrosive influence of bureaucratization on the Stoic spirit 4. Avoiding "neutrality" in a moral crisis 5. Deciding how to make the best of adversity 6. Recognizing the price we may have to pay when we choose an act out of conscienc...

326b: Logic Saves Lives Part 13 - Five Stupid Things About Libertarianism (2 of 2)

December 27, 2014 00:00 - 52 minutes - 48 MB

(Continued) Today we look at a video from self-proclaimed liberal atheist Steve Shives. Targeting libertarianism, this video is part of his "5 Stupid Things About..." collection. Many of you might enjoy some of his work, so please check out his website, SERIES BACKGROUND: We are now rebooting the series for the purposes of review and expansion. Tony Myers will be the permanent co-host for these episodes. See Tony's past School Sucks contributions here, and pl...

326a: Logic Saves Lives Part 13 - Five Stupid Things About Libertarianism (1 of 2)

December 22, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 65.4 MB

Today we look at a video from self-proclaimed liberal atheist Steve Shives. Targeting libertarianism, this video is part of his "5 Stupid Things About..." collection. Many of you might enjoy some of his work, so please check out his website, SERIES BACKGROUND: We are now rebooting the series for the purposes of review and expansion. Tony Myers will be the permanent co-host for these episodes. See Tony's past School Sucks contributions here, and please have a ...

325 (Supplemental): A Deliberate Dumbing Down? - Brett On The Ripple Effect

December 22, 2014 00:00 - 34 minutes - 24.8 MB

(Highlights, 30 minutes) Episode 56 with Brett Veinotte creator of The School Sucks Project which discuses home-education, self-education, critical thinking, peaceful parenting, personal growth, nonviolent communication & non-aggression. Clip 1: Was America deliberately dumbed down? Clip 2: College choices Look Closer: Visit the Ripple Effect - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt -

324: Stoicism (3 of 4 - Eight Moral Lessons), With Bill Buppert

December 19, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 84.7 MB

Bill Buppert of is back to continue our discussion of the philosophy of Stoicism. Covered: 1. The meaning of life 2. How do we face our day? 3. Knowing what you can control and knowing what you can't 4. Happiness can only be found within 5. Events don't necessarily hurt us but our views of them can 6. Character matters more than reputation 7. Renouncing self-conceit and arrogance 8. Where is your line of goodness in life? Bill's Reading List: My top three for the novic...

323 (Supplemental): Brett On The Tom Woods Show - Schooling vs. Education

December 13, 2014 00:00 - 31 minutes - 28.8 MB

There’s more to education than formal schooling. It’s time to embrace better, more effective, and more humane models of education, says Brett Veinotte. Discussion: -The iTunes Education category -what is real education? -what about learning essential skills? -curiosity and motivation are great teachers -a brief history of the podcast -a doorway into the philosophy of liberty -mistakes homeschoolers make -connecting with other home-educators -education in the Free State Project -wha...

322 (Live): Podcastmasters' Liberty Master Class - Crypto-Archeology, History and Conspiracy

December 11, 2014 00:00 - 2 hours - 143 MB

Osborne, Gardner Goldsmith and I continue our once-a-month listener participation live show where we discuss our recent shows, projects, challenges, investigations, etc... Discussed: -What is archeology? -What are crypto-archeology and pseudo-archeology? -The short history of archeology -Why is archeology important? It is incredibly valuable to the narrative of history, if it works, if there is accurate methodology -processual archaeology -What are our biases, experiences, interest...

321: FREE A/V - The Hidden History of School Sucks Project

December 03, 2014 00:00 - 3 hours - 221 MB Video

Final Installment: A reverse-chronological sampling of bonus content over the last 4+ years. With Thaddeus Russell, Antigone Darling, Wes Bertrand, Carlos Morales, Keegan, Jason Osborne, Puke and the Gang, Marc Stevens, Richard Grove, Cory Stanish, Nick from Australia, Ian Freeman, Michelle Seven, Tony Myers, Mark Edge, Larken Rose, Bob Murphy, Kate Baker, Carla Gericke, Jan Irvin, Jamie Crane, Keene liberals, and more. Clips: 1

320: Stoicism (2 of 4 - Turning Adversity Into Advantage), With Bill Buppert

November 25, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 85 MB

Bill Buppert of is back to continue our discussion of the philosophy of Stoicism. Covered: -Bill's objections to Objectivism -The 10 Themes of Stoicism Bill's Reading List: My top three for the novice are: -A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy -A Man in Full -The Emperor's Handbook: A New Translation of The Meditations) To get better acquainted with the philosophy: The Obstacle Is The Way: Tim Ferriss Audio Edition Here is the most comprehensive lis...

319: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 5) - Bitcoin's Path To Greatness

November 22, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 79.7 MB

Mattheus von Guttenburg joins me in the studio to resume our exploration of agorism. Mattheus is a writer for Bitcoin Magazine, and, and he is here to discuss the past, present and future of Bitcoin. Discussed: -HISTORY: What did fiat currency do to the world in the 20th century? -Bitcoin and agorism: Agorism usually thought of on the small scale, but now international trade is possible on an individual level -Bitcoin’s assets – transparency, speed, re...

318: Stoicism (1 of 4 - The Practice), With Bill Buppert

November 15, 2014 13:33 - 1 hour - 92.9 MB

Bill Buppert of returns to discuss the philosophy of Stoicism. Covered: -What is Stoicism -Differentiate philosophy from 'small s' stoicism -Tranquility - freedom from distracting emotions -Meditation - “negative visualization” -Tim Ferris - define your fears -Training through voluntary discomfort -The Sphere of Choice -Internals and Externals -Response to criticisms and concerns Listener-Submitted Questions/Topics: Andrew W: Men's fashions of the 1920's-1960's. He see...

317: Intelligence, Socialism and Bullying (Brett On Red Ice Radio)

November 07, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 71.2 MB

This is hour one of my recent conversation with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice Radio. Our discussion includes my answers to the following questions: -Putting the history of education in context to what we are seeing today. (Education is going down the drain and we are seeing a decline in average I.Q in the west. Yes, we are importing an unprecedented amount of third world population into the west which is contributing to these statistics, but it doesn’t explain the massive drop entir...

316 (Live): Podcastmasters' Liberty Master Class - #TurnOutForWhat

November 05, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 83.1 MB

Osborne, Gardner Goldsmith and I continue our once-a-month listener participation live show where we will discuss our recent shows, projects, challenges, investigations, etc... Discussed: -Rock the Vote claims to be a nonpartisan organization. It is not. It claims to be simply interested in encouraging young people to vote for either party. But it is not that simple. We hope young people are smart enough to reject this and we're here to help. -Rock the Vote's new campaign, starring...

315b: American Compulsory Schooling - Alternatives and Escapes

October 29, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 62 MB

(Part 2 of 2) This is my recent conversation with Joshua Sheats of the popular financial planning site Joshua is currently working through a series on education, and he invited me to discuss public school history, agendas, and solutions and alternatives. Our discussion includes: -alternatives to the government school system. -homeschooling rebranded as home education, -voluntary instruction -voucher programs(I'm opposed to the idea of vouchers because I...

315a: American Compulsory Schooling - History, Development and Hidden Agendas

October 26, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 61.1 MB

(Part 1 of 2) This is my recent conversation with Joshua Sheats of the popular financial planning site Josh is currently working through a series on education, and he invited me to discuss public school history, agendas, and solutions and alternatives. Our discussion includes: -the concept of Education as a public good on a national scale -the impact of the 14th Amendment -does school work? for whom? -the Calvinists vs. the Unitarians at Harvard -Prussia...

314: Legally Kidnapped - The Case Against CPS

October 21, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 126 MB

Carlos Morales of Truth Over Comfort Podcast returns to discuss his new book Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services, based on his experience working inside Child Protective Services in Texas. The book can be accessed for free this week at Discussed: -The History of CPS -Practical Strategies for defending against and dealing with CPS -Communication strategies for off-limits topics -Writing a book Book Trailer: Previous Discussions: 1....

313 (Supplemental): Brett On The Sample Hour

October 16, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 95.4 MB Video

A conversation with Drew Sample of The Sample Hour. -Brett's school stories: as a student and as a teacher (06:30-45:22) -Starting School Sucks Podcast (45:22-54:30) -Taking SSP in a more positive direction (54:30-58:30) -Positivity and Negativity in media consumption (58:30-61:00) -Procrastination and Productivity (61:00-68:15) -Monetizing a media project (68:15-86:00) -Stefan Molyneux's influence (86:00-89:20) -Wrap-up (89:20-94:50) -New Subscriber Geography Trivia (94:50-END) ...

312: Jeff Berwick - A World of Opportunity (The Freedom of Success Part 2)

October 13, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 61.4 MB

Traveler, entrepreneur and financial writer Jeff Berwick joins me to continue a new series where I talk to people I admire about their successes, challenges and habits. Jeff is the host of Anarchast and the creator of the financial newsletter, The Dollar Vigilante. Look Closer: Brett's Interview Notes Bumper Music: "Extra Extra" Beats Antique "Informer" Snow "Be Good Johnny" Men At Work Look Closer: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly on Galt's Gulch Chile - https://www.dollarvigilan...

311 (Live): Podcastmasters' Liberty Master Class, Pilot Episode

October 10, 2014 00:00 - 1 hour - 86.3 MB

Osborne, Gardner Goldsmith and I begin a once-a-month listener participation live show where we will discuss our recent shows, projects, challenges, investigations, etc... Discussed: -A reading from N.E.A.: Trojan Horse in American Education - "The Conspiracy Against Literacy" by Samuel Blumenfeld -School history through the works of Samuel Blumenfeld and John Taylor Gatto -Finding Gatto's primary sources on Internet Archive -What is revealed about the reading instruction agenda th...


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A Clockwork Orange
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