Bill Buppert of returns to discuss the philosophy of Stoicism.

-What is Stoicism
-Differentiate philosophy from 'small s' stoicism
-Tranquility - freedom from distracting emotions
-Meditation - “negative visualization”
-Tim Ferris - define your fears
-Training through voluntary discomfort
-The Sphere of Choice
-Internals and Externals
-Response to criticisms and concerns

Listener-Submitted Questions/Topics:
Andrew W: Men's fashions of the 1920's-1960's. He seems to like that subject quite a bit, I've heard him bring it up more than once on Freedom Feens.

Sarah W: He said something on your last show with him about his daughters not coming around to anarchism. He said something that sounded like he was attributing this to their gender. Maybe he'd like to expand on that?

Bill's Reading List:
My top three for the novice are:
-A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy
-A Man in Full
-The Emperor's Handbook: A New Translation of The Meditations)

To get better acquainted with the philosophy:
The Obstacle Is The Way: Tim Ferriss Audio Edition

Here is the most comprehensive list I could find that I agree with all the choices: Stoicsm Books

This is a terrific resource and dirt cheap on Amazon:The Stoic and Epicurean Philosophers: The Complete Extant Writings of Epicurus, Epictetus, Lucretius and Marcus Aurelius

Look Closer:
Bill Buppert's Site -

Stoicism and Hormetism -

Change your receptors, change your set point -

Stoicism 101: A quick guide to the philosophy -

Real Mind Control: The 21-Day No-Complaint Experiment, by Tim Ferriss -

Stoicsm Overview -