This is hour one of my recent conversation with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice Radio.

Our discussion includes my answers to the following questions:

-Putting the history of education in context to what we are seeing today. (Education is going down the drain and we are seeing a decline in average I.Q in the west. Yes, we are importing an unprecedented amount of third world population into the west which is contributing to these statistics, but it doesn’t explain the massive drop entirely. To put it bluntly: Stupidity is a growing epidemic. What are some of the reasons for this?

-Is there a link between intelligence and education?

-The issue of bullying laws. What occurs with children who no longer will learn to stand up to bullies on their own and learn to take care of their own problems? (The long term effects on children who are encouraged to run to a “third party” to have them fix their problem. Be that a teacher, school police or the state)

-Have you heard anything about how Sweden’s “educational” system is developing? The main focus in Sweden is not to educate, but to indoctrinate and push political correct issues on the children, like for example gender neutrality and other nonsense that goes again biology. Parents now have their hands tied behind their backs in terms of how they can raise their children.

-(Bonus): Where will this end if we do not take control of education? In the long term, where will mankind end up? Considering that pop culture is pushing anti-intellectualism and dysgenics. Also, the entertainment media (Hollywood) is pushing a lot of destructive behavior on children and teenagers. It’s also difficult to isolate children from this environment. Do you have any suggestion in terms of how to take back control of culture (pop culture in particular) and begin to insert positive role models to children and teenagers?

Hour two is available in the A/V Club.

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