Mattheus von Guttenburg joins me in the studio to resume our exploration of agorism. Mattheus is a writer for Bitcoin Magazine, and, and he is here to discuss the past, present and future of Bitcoin.

-HISTORY: What did fiat currency do to the world in the 20th century?
-Bitcoin and agorism: Agorism usually thought of on the small scale, but now international trade is possible on an individual level
-Bitcoin’s assets – transparency, speed, reliability, and privacy
-how agorism develops around the world, necessity
-how much capital moves through agorist markets on a global scale?

The Pac-Man analogy:
Mattheus recently wrote in The Path To Greatness: "Bitcoin is Pacman. It upgrades by consuming delicious and bountiful enemies – glowing ghosts. What is on Bitcoin’s plate? Why, every competing media of exchange, of course."

-first, the various alt coins
-then e-commerce transactions
-then brick and mortar establishments looking to reduce transaction costs
-then Credit cards, a leftover from a simpler time
-then governments and central banks

Do you have questions? Please submit them in the comments.

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Mattheus von Guttenberg Archives at Bitcoin Magazine -

Mattheus von Guttenberg Archives at Economic Thought -

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