Osborne, Gardner Goldsmith and I begin a once-a-month listener participation live show where we will discuss our recent shows, projects, challenges, investigations, etc...

-A reading from N.E.A.: Trojan Horse in American Education - "The Conspiracy Against Literacy" by Samuel Blumenfeld
-School history through the works of Samuel Blumenfeld and John Taylor Gatto
-Finding Gatto's primary sources on Internet Archive
-What is revealed about the reading instruction agenda through the NEA meeting transcripts?
-How schooling promotes social inequality
-Thaddeus Russell and historical lenses
-Objectivity vs. subjectivity
-The Non-aggression principle

Full Video:
A/V CLUB: Podcastmasters' Live Debut 10-6-14

Look Closer:
Samuel Blumenfeld - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Blumenfeld

Charles Hubbard Judd - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Hubbard_Judd

G. Stanley Hall - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._Stanley_Hall

Wilhelm Wundt - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Wundt

The Empty Child, By John Taylor Gatto - http://www.lewrockwell.com/2010/09/john-taylor-gatto/the-empty-child/

Blumenfeld - The First Full-Length Expose of the National Education Association - Trojan Horse - https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-GDl-3b5IqoDs6Udr/Blumenfeld%20-%20The%20First%20Full-Length%20Expose%20of%20the%20National%20Education%20Association%20-%20Trojan%20Horse%20in#page/n125/mode/2up

Liberty Conspiracy - http://libertyconspiracy.com/