Kyle Davis of Meditation & Buddhism in Providence returns to continue our discussion about meditation. I have been practicing regularly for 4-5 months now and I have a few new questions and observations. Kyle originally appeared on episode #275:A Better State of Mind: Introduction to Meditation

A review of the basics and what we covered last time:
-it is an active process
-trying to strengthen the mind
-contemplation - bringing in an idea or feeling
-the placement -holding it there
-It's a practice, it takes work and time, feel clumsy
-posture, body as an antenna,
be comfortable and alert, straight back
-have the body in a way that it can stay still, legs crossed
-rest eyes with a little light coming in
-first thing in the morning is ideal, but other times are okay
-breathing: just through the nose
start to notice the breathing in nostrils, analyze, try to find the sensation of air touching nostrils
focus just on that sensation
notice a distraction? acknowledge and move the mind back to the sensation
-length, set a realistic goal and follow through

My Progress:
-what I have practiced so far, înapanasati
-some questions/concerns: Half lotus feels unnatural, what about music?
-Beginning Mindfulness Meditation, Shamata
-placement meditation
-how does meditation change the brain?

-Buddha's view of happiness
-define "positive states of mind"
-Are you familiar with Stoicism?
-is acceptance without assertiveness dangerous?
-Vipassana: impermanence, unsatisfactoriness and non-self

Look Closer:
Meditation & Buddhism in Providence: Mindfulness for Busy People -
Your Brain on Meditation -
Samatha and Vipassana -

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