Have you ever wondered why diets don't work? Well, I have the answer in today's episode.
We've been conditioned to search for answers and solutions only outside of us.
Outsource, not insource. If that's a real word.
We think the diet will solve the problem, that will help us lose weight. But our bodies are in constant change on a cellular level ever second, so what may have worked today, might not work tomorrow. That doesn't mean anything is wrong with you, just means that diets don't have the answer because it's one size fits all.
You are unique, every one is different. You answer is inside of you, in your body.
If you learn how to listen to your body, find the signals and messages, you will be so much better off than using a diet made for everyone.
You body has the wisdom that will serve you for the rest of your life. The more in tune with your body, the clear the messages and answers will be.
It's where you will need to learn to trust your body. Get in instead of getting out.
When we emotional eat, we are getting out of your body, checking out, disconnecting... which is the opposite of what we need to do.

If you don't know how to connect with your body, I can help you.
I have 1:1 slots available for 2021 that you can start now. Book your FREE call and let's talk about working together HERE

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