Previous Episode: Your body is not your enemy
Next Episode: Who are you?

I want to tell you something about me that you probably already know (or not)... I love CrossFit and weight training.

I love working out! I train 4 times a week, every week for the past 3 1/2 years.

I have muscle pain, sometimes I don't feel like going to class, I push my body to the limit that I never thought was possible for me. And I got a body transformation as a result. (If you want to see it, check my instagram.)

I'm physically fit. At least, I am more now than 3 1/2 years ago, no doubts about it.

I want you to imagine how someone become physically fit, just like I share my experience. It's a long process. Right? 

I was listening to Tony Robins podcast and he talked about being emotional fit, and my mind went crazy trying to get the concept.

Comparing to physically fit, that means we can do things physically that someone who is not fit can't do.

When I started CrossFit I couldn't do 1 push up, now I can do 20.

Thinking about that way emotionally it's super interesting. 

Being emotionally fit is having the ability to handle and process emotions in a way that serves us best. Better than before.

It's having emotional resilience to any situation life throw at us.

It's being able to cope with negative emotions without having to escape by using food. 

But how do we get emotionally fit?

By training it. Having tools to process and manage emotions and practice, practice, practice.

It's spending time understanding how that specific emotion feels in your body, how does it look like to you, what's the speed, the colour, the location. 

It's feeling the emotion. Giving space to be there, without resisting it.

It's a skill we need to practice over and over.

We need to be emotionally fit to stop overeating, over drinking, over spending, etc.

A Coach is like a personal trainer to your brain. 

A Coach will help you with the tools, show you how to do it, and guide you to places you never thought you would go.

Being emotionally fit is being able to handle anything. 

That's what I want. Do you?

If you want to get emotionally fit, join my 6-week group coaching programme where I will teach all the tools to become emotionally fit and transform your life. JOIN HERE

We start on May 17th - Don't miss this opportunity - only 10 spots available

Not sure this programme is for you? I can help you - I am offering 20min free calls where you can ask all the questions about the group programme.

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