I have a special guest today to talk about desire, pleasure and sex.
My dear friend and fellow coach, Lydia Feldman.
Here is more about her and what she does:
I’m Lydia Feldman, certified Sex & Pleasure Coach. 
I have the best job in the world.
I help women turn ON and create their wildest dreams… erotically in the bedroom AND throughout their whole life.
Through harnessing & expanding all the simple pleasures, women amplify  the vibrant, creative & FULLY LIT life they MOST desire.
Mind-blowing sex is just the beginning.
I get the pleasure of living in Northern California with my rad husband and my two little kids. I love my millions of house plants, lots of bright color, fancy coffee and the sunshine on my skin.

This conversation was hot and super powerful.
On this episode you will listen about:
- How religion affects how we think and believe about sex, desires and our bodies.
- The desire bank, how are you using your desire? Is it all with food or in other areas of your life?
- How to connect with your body and know what you want and don't want
- Food is not all the pleasure in life, how to create more of it?

Find more about Lydia and her amazing work:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mrslydiafeldman
Website: www.lydiafeldmancoaching.com
Podcast "The Pleasure Seeker": https://anchor.fm/lydia-feldman9

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