Next Episode: Being human being

My special guest today is Sara Fisk.
Sara specialises in helping women who want to live the second half of their life differently from the first half. This always means losing weight of some kind; the weight of people pleasing, unmet personal goals, the burden of self-criticism and shame or the heaviness of not knowing what they want to do with their lives. She works for the Life Coach School teaching and training new coaches. She has an Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching and can help women see and deal with the often unseen way the Patriarchy affects every area of their lives.
In this episode we talk about body image and how our way of thinking about weight loss and our bodies has great influence in the patriarchy rules we are not even aware of, what are the first steps to start changing that and how self-love can be a powerful tool to transform your life.
Join us on this amazing conversation in how to start changing the way you think and see yourself.

Sara has recommended a great book called "More than a body" by Lindsay Kite & Lexie Kite
Link on Amazon UK is here:

To connect with Sara, go to her website:
Sara's instagram:

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