How are you talking to yourself after you mess up? When you make a mistake, how do you treat yourself? In today's episode, I open up and talk about how I would treat myself if I have failed my driving test for the second time. What I realised is that failing my driving test wasn't really the problem, but how I would talk to myself afterwards.
I learned a lot by failing and succeeding during driving tests, but this can be applied in any area of your life and my life too. You can decide how are you going to talk to yourself on a daily basis. Is it going to be a self-judgment, self-loading, criticism type of talk? or is it going to be a compassionate, kind and loving type of talk? You get to decide.

Learn more how you can bring awareness to your self talk and relationship with self in a deeper level on my 6-week group programme. New group starts on June 28th 2021 and doors are closing on June 27th, join us HERE

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