Today's episode I'm talking about being human being. How to be a human being. We have expectations in life that are unrealistic and not really part of the human experience. When we have thoughts like "I shouldn't be feeling this way" we suffer. As humans we are going to have all the feelings, the spectrum of feelings, from positive to negative. Having an expectation of just being happy all the time, when we feel negative emotions we make it mean something is terrible wrong and we try to numb or avoid with food. So, let's be humans, having an human experience because we have a human brain.

P.S.: Want to work with me? Here's how
I run a 6-week group programme as a kick start to your journey in overcome emotional eating and losing weight for good. You'll learn all the tools and have the support from me and a group of amazing women that have the same goals as you do. This is the place for you that want to make a change, have results, and not do it alone... if this is you, our next group starts on August 9th. Check it out HERE

P.P.S.: I also work with women on a 6-month 1:1 programme. This programme is for you if you're ready to take your work to the next level, go deeper and have full transformation from inside out. I have limited spots for my 1:1 roster. Book a free consult call to discuss further about work together, for either group or 1:1 support.

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