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Mama's Daily Dose

479 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 14 ratings

Mama’s Daily Dose is the short, actionable podcast for moms of young kids. You devote yourself to your kids and now you don’t know who you are, what you want and who you want to be. You’re left asking yourself, “what do I want?”Everything looks great on the outside - you have the partner, kids, house, car…but something is still missing. This is your opportunity to discover that “something” through small actions each day. I’ve tried on all the “mom” hats - stay at home mom, working mom, mom entrepreneur; so you don’t have to. I’ve helped hundreds achieve their goals and love their life as “mom” AND an individual… and you can too! Get your Daily Dose and actionable step Monday - Friday. Press play and subscribe. Want more personalized help to figure your sh*t out? Book your Confident Mama Session at

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361 - Monday MamAffirmation: I connect with future me

October 24, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.24 MB

 What does future you look like? What is she doing? I'm talking like 80 year old you! Do you connect with your future self? Her desires, her wants and needs? If you can connect with yourself in the future - the woman and mom you want to be, you can make better decisions now to get you to where you want to be. There was a study done about saving for retirement. One group was shown an avatar of their current self and the other was shown an avatar of their future self (retirement age). Then...

360 - How to get your kids to trust you

October 21, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.21 MB

How do you know you can trust someone? You (and your kids) trust people based on their actions. You trust people who follow through on their word. If you continually do what you say you are going to do, then your kids will trust you. If you have a friend that is chronically late and says she will meet you for coffee at 9am, you most likely won't trust that she will be there at 9am. This was shown in as young as preschoolers that when children are exposed to people that do not keep their w...

359 - "I think I can."

October 20, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 3.51 MB

Have you every wondered why some people try harder than others? There was a study to see if preschoolers had internal vs external control of behavior. Meaning they believed they were in control of their behavior or an outside source was. They were asked questions like: “When you draw a whole picture without breaking your crayon, is that because you were careful? Or because it was a good crayon?” “When somebody brings you a present, is that because you are a good girl (boy)? Or because they...

359 - "I think I can."

October 20, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 3.51 MB

Have you every wondered why some people try harder than others? There was a study to see if preschoolers had internal vs external control of behavior. Meaning they believed they were in control of their behavior or an outside source was. They were asked questions like: “When you draw a whole picture without breaking your crayon, is that because you were careful? Or because it was a good crayon?” “When somebody brings you a present, is that because you are a good girl (boy)? Or because they...

358 - How much control does your toddler need?

October 19, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 3.74 MB

You want your toddler to have some autonomy, but at the same time you want them to be safe and grow up to be a decent human being. Control battle with toddlers - it can been seen everywhere from what is for breakfast to what to wear that day to potty training! How much control should you give up to  your toddler? How much control to they need to learn but at the same time be safe? You want to have some control over your life, you don't like always being told what to do. And neither does y...

357 - Why parents need to stick together on consequences

October 18, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 3.66 MB

The other day my husband was getting frustrated with the kids and blurted out - "If you don't listen then you don't get TV tomorrow morning!" I was like, "Hold on! You aren't even here tomorrow morning! That is my time to get myself together and get lunches, breakfast, etc. ready for the day. That is a punishment to me!" This was not a consequence he was able to see through. This would send a mixed message to our kids if he took away TV and then I gave it to them...who do they trust? Do th...

356 - Monday MamAffirmation: I keep my word

October 17, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.6 MB

Do you ever threaten a consequence for your kids and know darn well you aren't going to follow through? "If you keep doing that then you aren't going to Johnny's birthday party!" When you damn well, your kid is still going to Johnny's birthday party because he has been looking forward to it and you have too! As much as you say, "I'm not going to bribe my kids..." most parents have bribed their kids at some point. And honestly, it doesn't really matter what the bribe or the consequence is...

355 - How to deal with temptations

October 14, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 3.67 MB

Temptations are all around us and toward the end of the year they get more prolific. Spending money Eating sweets Drinking more Procrastinating How do you deal with all these temptations and triggers surrounding you? There are 2 aspects to all temptations or triggers: Hot system - The tempting, arousing quality that makes you want to take action. A marshmallow is fluffy, yummy, sugary. Cool system - The descriptive (non-emotional) cues. A marshmallow is white, rounded, edible, kinda looks...

354 - Why personality tests don't tell the whole story

October 13, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.65 MB

"There is consistency in traits like conscientiousness, honesty, aggression and sociability. But it is consistency contextualized within specific types of situations." - Walter Mischel The Marshmallow Test One reason I don't like personality tests is that it doesn't take the context into account. You can be a totally outgoing (extroverted) person around your close friends. But a big party with a bunch of strangers you tend to stay off to the side and keep to yourself (introverted). Now do...

353 - Why it's easier to give up gluten when you have Celiac Disease

October 12, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.24 MB

Have you tried to give up gluten or cut back on your carbs? I remember back in the Atkins days my mom wouldn't even go near a piece a fruit! And currently with Keto all carbs as "bad." While I won't get into to the discussion on the nutritional facts of carbs (they're not bad...unless you DO have celiac disease); let's talk about why it's easier to give up gluten when you have Celiac as opposed to when you don't and you simply want to lose weight and get healthier. If someone with Celiac ...

352 - Why smart people act stupid

October 11, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.19 MB

 Why do seemingly smart, responsible people act stupid? Take Tiger Woods. He was so dedicated to golf. Practiced and trained for hours. Put his heart and soul into the game. But with his wife...not so dedicated. Take the politician who fights for kids, women's rights and has dedicated their adult life to public service. But then is found laundering money. Is this a character flaw in these people and so many others? The fact of the matter is, you are different in different situations... a...

351 - Monday MamAffirmation: I am different in different situations

October 10, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.5 MB

You aren't crazy. You aren't hypocritical. You are different in different situations. Your personality can and does change. Do you find you have patience with your kids, but not your partner? You exercise self control with spending money, but not so much candy? You are on time for appointment, but not when meeting up with friends? We don't always have to universally label people, yourself and personalities. You are multifaceted. The fact that humans act differently in different situation...

350 - That's for future me to worry about!

October 07, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 2.98 MB

Do you keep putting off items for future you to deal with? If you've ever seen How I Met Your Mother (if you haven't I highly suggest you watch it) then you are familiar with the character Marshall. Whenever that was something Marshall needed to do and didn't really want to do at the time he would say, "That's for future Marshall!" And then he would put if off for future Marshall to worry about. But what happens most of the time when you put things off for future you to worry about? The f...

349 - "The biggest struggle was keeping hope and belief in myself." - Viola Davis

October 06, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.29 MB

"The biggest struggle was keeping hope and belief in myself." - Viola Davis Finding Me It is a struggle for many - to keep hope and belief in yourself. Often we will look at famous people and think they are so confident in themselves and they don't have the same insecurities as you do. But we will never know the full story about anyone, other than ourselves. I don't know the full story of Viola Davis but through her memoir Finding Me, I do know some of the struggles she faced. And she fa...

349 - "The biggest struggle was keeping hope and belief in myself." - Viola Davis

October 06, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.29 MB

"The biggest struggle was keeping hope and belief in myself." - Viola Davis Finding Me It is a struggle for many - to keep hope and belief in yourself. Often we will look at famous people and think they are so confident in themselves and they don't have the same insecurities as you do. But we will never know the full story about anyone, other than ourselves. I don't know the full story of Viola Davis but through her memoir Finding Me, I do know some of the struggles she faced. And she fa...

348 - The power is in your thoughts, not your trigger

October 05, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.18 MB

What if it isn't your trigger that causes you to react; but your thoughts cause you to react? A trigger is a cause specific to you. Let's take chocolate cake. It's your absolute favorite. You are going out to lunch with a bunch of girlfriends and you've told yourself that you are NOT eating dessert because you eating healthy and losing weight! Everything is going great, awesome conversation, delicious food...then the dessert cart comes. You eye that chocolate cake you can taste that rich...

347 - What is self control?

October 04, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.45 MB

Starting in October we tend to see a decline in self- control. It starts with Halloween, then rolls right into Thanksgiving, next thing you know its Christmas and New Years. Your self control starts to decline a bit; whether it is with food, healthy eating, exercising, shopping, drinking, patience and whatever else you want to work on, but can't seem to stick to it. Understanding what exactly self-control is can help you to work on the skill and stay on track to achieving your goals and wh...

346 - Monday MamAffirmation: I have faith in myself

October 03, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 2.94 MB

Do you have faith in yourself like your kid has faith in the tooth fairy? It sounds a little ridiculous as an adult but remember how magical the tooth fairy sounds when you're a kid... A fairy that flies in, gently grabs your tooth and leaves you money under your pillow. As an adult it sounds kinda creepy - A person with wings somehow flies in your house, has to be super quiet in order to take a tooth that fell out of your mouth and for some reason she wants the tooth over the money she gi...

345 - Did you give your best effort today?

September 30, 2022 08:00 - 2 minutes - 1.75 MB

At the end of the day do you look back and ask yourself if you really gave your best effort today? If not, you're with the majority of people. Many people will plan out their days, make a checklist, maybe even set an intention; but at the end of the day most do no look back and reflect on their day. Look at what they did well and how they can improve. The only way to improve, to get better and become your best is with reflection. Ask yourself, "Did I give my best effort today?" If the an...

344 - "Success is peace of mind..."

September 29, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.4 MB

“Success is peace of mind that is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” - Coach  John Wooden, Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success What does "success" actually mean? Success is different for everyone and only you can decide what success means for you, only you can feel when you have "peace of mind." Think of a celebrity that looked liked like they had everything. To the outside world, they are a success - money, fam...

343 - Be at your best when you best is needed

September 28, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.36 MB

When was a time you needed to be at your best? When your kid is sick and scared you need to be at your best to take care of them, show them they are loved, that things will be okay; but maybe you are little scared too. Being able to take all those emotions and care for your kid requires you to be at your best. When the clock in running out in the championship game and the ball is passed to you - you need to be on! There are times in life when you are called to be your best, to be on! When...

342 - Examples of successful moms

September 27, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 3.59 MB

What makes a mom "successful" or not? Depends on the person! You get to decide what "success" looks like to you. What some people or society may deem as successful doesn't look too great to you. Maybe a successful mom looks like: A SAHM that is home every day when her kids arrive and makes a home cooked meal. A working mom that contributes financially to her family. A mom that starts her on non-profit. A mom that starts her own business. A mom that volunteers in her spare time. A mo...

341 - Monday MamAffirmation: I develop the talents I already have

September 26, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.63 MB

I remember telling my mom it was her fault I would never be a model! My mom is only 5'1 and with those genes I wasn't going to surpass 5'5 so there went my modeling career! You were born with attributes and qualities you can't change! * IQ * Height * Where you came from While you can't change any of these; there are for more that you can change with practice, training and education. Your mom and dad gave you talents and gifts as well as your height, IQ and hometown. What are those talent...

340 - How long does it take to be a great mom?

September 23, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.67 MB

Is there a certain amount of time it takes for you to be a great mom or expert mom? It's been said that it takes about 10,000 hours of practice in order to become an expert in something. Well, you're a mom 24/ that would mean about 417 days or about 14 months. If you ask most moms of a 14 month old if they consider themselves an "expert mom" most will probably answer, "no." So how do you know when you have reached "great" or "expert" mom status? Maybe it isn't the 10,000 hours, but ...

339 - "There is a vast difference between better and best."

September 22, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.02 MB

"There is a vast difference between better and best. You may be better than the rest, but you are not a success until you make the effort to become the best you can be.” - John Wooden Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success How do you become your best? There is a big difference between better and best. But the only way you become your best, is by getting better. You commit to becoming better each day and that is how you become your best. Only you know what your "best" looks like. And you proba...

338 - You've already had your patience tested!

September 21, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.19 MB

Has your patience already been tested today? If you're a mom, my best guess is...yes! We've all had our patience tested and one that most moms have in common is waiting for baby. From the time you found out your were going to have a baby to the moment you help that child in your had no choice but to wait. Your patience was tested even before your baby came into this world. When I was overdue with my first I said, "They shouldn't give actual due dates, it should just be a range...

337 - What does "patience" mean?

September 20, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.49 MB

You want more patience. You want to teach your kids to have more patience. But what does "patience" actually mean? Coach John Wooden has an excellent definition: "The ability to wait and calmly preserve." It is not only waiting, but doing so calmly; preserving your energy for thing you CAN control. Often we don't have  patience over things we can NOT control and you are wasting your time and energy! A great example of patience is Major League Baseball and how they develop players. Often ...

336 - Monday MamAffirmation: I am patient

September 19, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.39 MB

"I want to be more patient with my kids." "I don't want to lose my sh*t anymore." "I'm tired of repeating myself to the point where I finally lose it!" Patience is one of the top abilities and skills that moms want to cultivate. I have yet to meet a mom that says, "I'm just so patient with my kids all the time. I rarely get frustrated and overwhelmed!" I'm sure there are a few unicorns out there, but for the majority of moms; patience is a skill they feel they could use more of. For both ...

335 - Face the fear

September 16, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.18 MB

What have you been putting off because you are afraid of failing or making a mistake, or being ridiculed? Why do you keep putting it off? Did you know that you have survived 100% of your challenges, bad days and difficult situations so far? Dang, that's a great success rate! If you are putting off the thing for fear of failure or making a mistake; consider that maybe, just maybe, you aren't afraid of failing, but really you are afraid of succeeding! If you "fail" or feel you have failed ...

334 - Are you making the biggest mom mistake of all mistakes?

September 15, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.15 MB

Are you making the biggest mom mistake of all mistakes? “…doers make mistakes, but if we aren’t doing anything we’re making the greatest mistake of all.” - John Wooden Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success   When was your last mistake? Are you making mistakes regularly, or are you afraid to make a mistake so you don't take action? Go do it today! Here is your sign! If you make a mistake, you make a mistake. We all do. Life would be pretty boring if you didn't make any mistakes. That means yo...

333 - Life repeats, but you aren't the same person

September 14, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 2.98 MB

Ever notice how things in life repeat? Seasons repeat, same four seasons every year. School years repeat. Holidays repeat. The calendar repeats. It can often feel like you are living in the same cycle. It can be defeating when you feel like you are in the same place as you were a year ago. But, even though the cycles may be the same - YOU are not the same person. Think of a kid on their very first day of school. They are timid, a bit scared and unsure. Throughout the school year they beco...

332 - You will adapt

September 13, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.56 MB

Being a mom isn't about having the answers, it's about adapting.  Up until now, you have adapted to 100% of the challenges you've faced! That's a pretty good success rate! It may not have been easy, you may not have wanted to adapt; but you did it! You don't know everything, you can't fix everything; but you can adapt and do your best. You have adapted to your life and all the speed bumps and detours thus far; so know you will continue to adapt. Think of a time that you were forced to a...

331 - Monday MamAffirmation: I am resourceful

September 12, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.44 MB

You don't have all the answers, but you are resourcesful! You know that time you thought you had extra diapers and wipes in your bag...then your kid poops and you promptly discover that you indeed, do NOT have a diaper in your bag. Your mind starts going to all the possible solutions to your current conundrum: *Ask the random mom you don't know if she has a diaper. *Is it really that long to drive home? Surely they can sit in it for a couple minutes... *Possibly you could scrape the poop o...

330 - Save for when you're having a bad day

September 09, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.65 MB

Save this one for when  you have a bad day! We all have bad days. Bad days are going to happen. There are times when you can be positive and push through the muck and there are others where you simply need to sit back and accept your bad day. Today is NOT my day! Last week, I had one of those days. I woke up in crappy mood, wasn't feeling great, had all this stuff to do, hurt my toe, got stung by a wasp...and the hits just kept coming! I finally said, "I'm having a bad day!" I told my ki...

329 - "Lessons are caught not taught"

September 08, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.62 MB

"Lessons are caught not taught" - Ed Mylett Do your kids like to copy what you do and say? That whole, "do as I say, not as I do" doesn't really work in real life! I know this happens ALL the time around my house. It's basically like living with 2 parrots! I realize my 5 year old uses the word "like" ALL the time...that's what being from California will do to a person. Not to mention some of the explicit words he's repeated as well. But there are also times they mimic the good. When they...

328 - Why we discipline

September 07, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.72 MB

Discipline is a part of parenting. Certainly not the best part, but a large part of it. John Wooden (famous UCLA Basketball Coach) said, "we must remember why we discipline." We discipline to to learn and grow, not to punish. There are so many different "parenting strategies" - gentle, free-range, positive and the list goes on. No matter your style and whether you prescribe to a specific strategy there is some kind of discipline involved in your parenting. I know I've reverted back to pun...

327 - There is no substitute for hard work

September 06, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.22 MB

There's no getting around it - being a mom is tough and requires hard work! There's no hack. There's no magic wand. There's no book. Being a mom takes hard work, consistently, over time. Often people are searching for the easy way. What is the "hack" to make this easier? How can I do this quicker? Anything worthwhile takes time, energy and effort. If being a mom, starting a business, winning a gold medal were easy then they wouldn't be so fulfilling. Often it is the hard work over time ...

326 - Monday MamAffirmation: I am proud of what I've achieved

September 05, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.37 MB

The day is starting off rough - you having dishes piling up, the laundry is overflowing and the to-do list doesn't seem to end. You feel like you haven't gotten anything done! You feel like you should or could be doing more! You should be further along than you are now. There is so much out there for you, Mama. AND at the same time you have already achieved so much in your lifetime thus far. Often we get caught up in what we want to do, that we forget all of our achievements to date. Mak...

325 - Your To-Do list is setting you up for failure

September 02, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.18 MB

Have you ever made a to-do list with so many items on it you know you could never get it done in one day? Then you feel like you didn't accomplish anything because you didn't complete your list that was totally impossible to finish anyways? A to-do list can keep you on task. It can ensure you don't forget important appointments. It can be beneficial when you are realistic about it. I used to load up my to-do list! It had 15 things on there in addition to the daily tasks I do everyday and k...

324 - “For this one magical moment, all seems right in the world...

September 01, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.63 MB

“For this one magical moment, all seems right in the world, and you feel pretty sure that your kids are not, in fact, going to grow up and be serial killers.” - Kristy Woodson Harvey The Southern Side of Paradise You're not always going to get this mom thing right, but there are those times when your kid says or does something and you know you got SOMETHING right. Parenting is not all rainbows and sunshine, but every once in a while there is a rainbow and sunshine after the storm. It doe...

323 - Ask your kids this question...

August 31, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 2.92 MB

Where will you get the biggest return on your time and energy? As moms, we often like to be the memory makers. We like to plan events, vacations, and traditions so our kids can have these wonderful childhood memories. But sometimes, all that hard work results in a total flop and leaves you feeling upset that you put all these resources in and no one enjoyed it or appreciated it! We went on a weekend beach trip. I was so excited to get to the beach, build sandcastles, play in the water, ea...

322 - Is the work worth it?

August 30, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.6 MB

You just planned an awesome day for the kids! You're ready to go and you know it's going to be the best day ever...and then the kids are complaining, you get frustrated and all your hard work seems to be for nothing! There was a snow day here in North Carolina (doesn't happen too often) and I was so excited to take the kids out! We were going to build a snowman, go sledding, throw snowballs and have the best morning ever. We spend 25 minutes getting all our snow clothes on, we run out there...

321 - Monday MamAffirmation: Good sh*t is coming!

August 29, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.36 MB

As a mom you put so much time, energy and resources into raising your kids; but we don't always see the payoff right away. Often we have to put the work in and wait for results that we don't quite know when they will appear! Let's say you have a garden, and you decide to plant some peonies (full disclosure I know nothing about flowers, this is what I had at my wedding and one of the few flowers I remember the name of...) Anyways, you put the seeds in the ground, cover them up and water th...

320 - How to be present beyond putting down your phone

August 26, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.74 MB

You want to be more present with your kids, but you can't turn your brain off! You've tried putting the phone away to limit distraction, but you can't get rid of the thoughts in your brain. How can you be more present with your brain simply won't shut off and allow you to be fully present. Here's 2 ways to help you: 1. Acknowledge the thought by saying "thought." It's like when your kid is tryin to get your attention and they say, "mom." If you don't acknowledge them, it turns into "mom, ...

319 - All you owe any person in the world is love..."

August 25, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.29 MB

“All you owe any person in the world is love, and love is wishing for everyone what you wish for yourself—health, happiness, and all the blessings in life.”  - Dr. Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind You don't owe anyone anything other than love. Well that takes some of the pressure off! In this world all you owe other people is loving thoughts to others and wishing them what you want for yourself. If you want health, wish that for others If you want to wealth, wish that f...

318 - Make others feel important

August 24, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.49 MB

Do you make others feel important? Is there someone that makes you feel important? We all want to feel important. From your kids to the 100 year old man. We all want to feel seen, heard, understood and like we matter in this world. Mary Kay Ash, from Mary Kay cosmetics, focused on making others feel important in order to grow her business. She said to imagine everyone has the letters "MMFI" on their forehead (Make Me Feel Important). Making others feel important is an act of love and show...

317 - Love what you want

August 23, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.32 MB

Are you genuinely happy when others get what you want? Say you've been eyeing a new Range Rover for a while and your next door neighbor drives up in the exact new car you've wanted! You're overtaken with jealousy and start thinking... "How did they afford that?" "That is supposed to be my car!" "Why do they get the car right now and I don't?" When you get angry and jealous of others receiving what you want, is that sending out loving thoughts? Is that really loving what you want? If you ...

316 - Monday MamAffirmation: I send out loving thoughts

August 22, 2022 08:00 - 2 minutes - 2.08 MB

Have you heard the phrase "Bless Your Heart?" It is often used in the South as a sarcastic remark. You would think it would be a kind sentiment, I mean it says "bless". Lots of Southern women have perfected it to sound kind, but what they really mean is "screw you!" Your thoughts are like a boomerang. When you throw a boomerang it goes out a distance, then turns around and comes back to you. If you aren't careful it can come back quickly...straight to your face. Your thoughts are like a b...

315 - Dance or cry today

August 19, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.29 MB

When you drop your kids at school or with childcare do you feel like dancing or crying? Did you ever see that video of the woman that drops her kids off at the bus stop on the first day of school after a long summer and she is waving goodbye and then once the bus is out of sight she breaks into a happy dance? If that's you  - then dance! If dropping your kids makes you sad - then cry. Whatever your emotions are, honor them. Take a lesson from your kids (and be an example for your kids) t...

314 - "...the world you live in is determined largely by what is going on in your mind."

August 18, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.25 MB

“Begin to realize that the world you live in is determined largely by what is going on in your mind.” - Dr. Joseph Murphy The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Do you even feel psychic? Like you thought something was going to happen and then it happens! Do things tend to turn out the way you think it will? You think your kids are going to be super cranky - then they are! You think your MIL is going to anger you today - then your phone rings...and guess who it is! Well if you are psychic (an...

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