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Knit 1 Geek 2

140 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 6 years ago - ★★★★★ - 54 ratings

Knitting and all things geeky

Leisure knitting gaming geek
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Episode 79: It’s Canon Now! No Take-Backs, Joss!

October 07, 2013 04:16 - 1 hour - 69 MB

SPOILER WARNING!  Spoilers for Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 1×01 :”Pilot” from 45:29 to 1:05:24. In this supersized episode, Karen and Maggie have both been sucked into fandoms that are going to destroy them, so there’s that.  There’s also the run-down of how the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters’ Fair went, which was…interesting.  Not that that kept your hosts […]

Episode 78: The Wrath of Con

September 14, 2013 03:27 - 1 hour - 56.8 MB

We feel we should add before starting that despite our opening, neither of us was the fangirl that called a certain actor’s hotel room at three in the morning.  Really.  Anyway, knitting! Maggie is almost done her Lush cardigan!  Hooray!  And it’s good timing because she wants to wear it to the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters’ Fair, […]

Episode 77: From TARDIS With Love

August 29, 2013 01:39 - 53 minutes - 48.7 MB

This week Maggie is back in the country without much knitting to show for her trip as there was a non-knitting project that demanded most of her time.  She has done a little more on her Lush cardigan, however, not to menton got to go swimming with dolphins!  Meanwhile, Karen has been her usual non-monogamous […]

Episode 76: Reasons We Shouldn’t Be Allowed At Cons

August 04, 2013 12:00 - 1 hour - 65.9 MB

This week Maggie has a huge basket containing the results of her spinning binges, some of which is actually being turned into projects!  There’s a hat, a mitten, some merino-silk and an X-Men fleece.  She and Karen are also both working on sweaters.  During a heat wave.  Seriously, there is something wrong here.  Meanwhile, Karen […]

Episode 75: The Return of the Maggie

July 12, 2013 04:10 - 54 minutes - 50.1 MB

  This week, Maggie’s back!  Yaaaaaay!  There are lots of projects started (and not just by Karen!) and projects slogging along and there is the organization of stash.  Yes, there are actual photos, look below the cut down at the bottom of the post.  Oh and there are tadpoles and possible moths as well–spoiler warning: […]

Episode 74: The Fibre Frontier

June 16, 2013 03:57 - 1 hour - 61.3 MB

SPOILER ALERT!  There are spoilers for Star Trek: Into Darkness from 25:19 to 45:20 This week it’s Karen and friend of the show Lily with a *lot* of Star Trek: Into Darkness talk. But first!  Karen has started a bunch of new projects (let’s not discuss whether she’s finished any old ones), and had some […]

Episode 73.5: Ironmanapalooza

May 31, 2013 03:21 - 1 hour - 55.1 MB

SPOILER WARNING! There is spoilery discussion of Iron Man 3 from 32:45 to 57:30 As this was recorded soon after the previous episode and there’s a lot of Iron Man 3 squealing, it’s a bit different than our usual episodes.  We talk about what we’re working on and what we’ve done, the it’s on to […]

Episode 73: Joyriding in the TARDIS

May 22, 2013 04:01 - 48 minutes - 44.1 MB

So this week we have something a little different. As crazy scheduling and life stuff prevented us from getting together and doing a traditional podcast around the weekend of the Knitters’ Frolic, we took the show on the road to our knitting group, most of whom were with us at the Frolic.  There’s discussion about […]

Episode 72: Drawing Up the Invasion Plans

April 25, 2013 04:15 - 1 hour - 57.1 MB

This week after debating how knitting would work in zero gravity, we hop into the knitting with some recent acquisitions on Karen’s part as well as a finished project, the start of a new project and some progress on some works in progress.  And pretty much all of these are socks.  There’s also a large […]

Episode 71: The Half-Price Chocolate Fairy

April 09, 2013 02:13 - 1 hour - 58 MB

SPOILER ALERT! Spoilers for the The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug sneak peek run from 19:37 to 37:52. SPOILER ALERT! Some spoilery discussion of Iron Man 3 runs from 38:20 to 40:19. This week Maggie has finally finished the Cardigan of Doom!  Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!  She’s also finished one of the many baby blankets she’s knitting, and […]

Episode 70: The Geek Event of the Season

April 02, 2013 03:06 - 59 minutes - 54.4 MB

This week, Maggie is so, SO close to finishing the Cardigan of Doom, after Karen made a perilous journey to the knitting store to get her another skein (one does not simply walk into the yarn store, after all).  That hasn’t prevented her from shopping another knitter’s stash for  yarn for another sweater, though, or […]

Episode 69: Exactly What You’re Expecting

March 18, 2013 20:37 - 48 minutes - 44.6 MB

This week, well…it’s episode 69.  There are a few things not to listen to around the kids/in-laws right off the bat, but we swear, we lay off the innuendo after the first couple minutes. …Well, mostly. Meanwhile in knitting, a certain project of Maggie’s is sleeping on the couch, as it has thrown yet another […]

Episode 68: Anti-Zombie Border Patrol Recruitment

March 06, 2013 04:15 - 41 minutes - 38.3 MB

This week, the Spock Monkey is with its new owner (stay tuned after the outro to hear the handover, as well as a little of our knit night) and Maggie is still.  working.  on.  the.  cardigan.   Karen, meanwhile, is working on a bunch of projects, as is only to be expected, though her Cachoeira […]

Spock Monkey

March 05, 2013 16:50

This is the Spock Monkey that was made for Lillian. He’s hanging out with us at Knit Nite.

Product Action Shot!

March 01, 2013 17:02

Do you remember the Green Lantern baby blanket Maggie made at the beginning of the year? Here is the action shot with Baby Lantern… And the Nightwing Sock Monkey is his guardian while he naps… obviously.

Episode 67: Not a Sweater to Wear Around the In-Laws

February 23, 2013 02:15 - 58 minutes - 53.4 MB

In this episode we’re digging out from under a dumping of snow and breaking boards with our elbows and feet.  Or, well, Maggie is, on that last one (YAY BLUE BELT!).  We’re also working on some knitting.  In Maggie’s case she has one finished object (that came in handy for her not-used-to-Canadian-winters mother recently) and is still slogging along […]

Zombie Knitter – as promised

February 05, 2013 19:29

Click for a slightly larger view. This is the sketch that was referenced in Episode 66. Yes, she is knitting with her own entrails and the eagle-eyed ones will notice that there are extra digits dotting the “knitting.”

Episode 66: This Tauntaun Sleeps Two

February 05, 2013 04:53 - 51 minutes - 47.5 MB

This week, once we get past some slightly off-topic talking about the weather, Maggie is attempting to be monogamous (we’ll see how long that lasts, considering she’s looking for projects that will use her sock yarn ends) and has finished a project but perhaps not the way she wanted it to be.  Meanwhile, Karen has […]

Episode 65: You Can Pry Our Stash From Our Cold Hands

January 21, 2013 05:00 - 49 minutes - 45.6 MB

We’re back!  Not all of us are running at 100%, but we’re back!  And we have lots of knitting to catch up on!  There’s Christmas knitting finished, unfinished and not attempted, Hobbit socks that are well on the go or nearing completion, and some new projects started.  There’s also an update about one of our […]

Update: Old episodes have returned and a new one is on the way!

January 18, 2013 22:05

Some of you may have noticed that some of our older episodes mysteriously disappeared earlier this week.  Good news: they’re back, as Admin Monkey was able to have the hosting service restore them from backups.  They should all be in place and available through the website, RSS feed and iTunes.  If you have any problems, […]

Episode 64: Here at the End of All Things

January 04, 2013 04:09 - 57 minutes - 52.8 MB

In this episode, we’re spending the End of the World the only way we really can: talking about knitting and geeky stuff. Of course that doesn’t mean we haven’t been knitting!  Maggie’s had a success with a sock and an epic battle with a skein of yarn as well as some progress on a hat […]

Episode 63: A Long Awaited Journey (and a special holiday treat!)

December 23, 2012 19:46 - 1 hour - 72.5 MB

SPOILER WARNING!  We discuss spoilers about The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey starting at 45:56 and ending at 1:03:15 First off, there’s a note for those who want to help the residents of Newtown, CT; if you’ve been avoiding the news like Karen has, just skip the first 30 seconds of the episode.  We don’t mention […]

Knitters Assemble! Help for Newtown, CT.

December 19, 2012 17:38

There won’t be much mention of the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut this past week on the podcast (for a variety of reasons, including not even being able to write this without crying!), but our hearts go out to everyone touched by this tragedy. At the time we recorded, there wasn’t a lot of information about […]

Hobbitalong Update

December 19, 2012 16:48

We came.                       We saw.                       We squealed. And you’ll be able to hear us squealing about the episode when it’s uploaded in a couple days. Click on any of the pictures to see the […]

Episode 62: 50 Shades of Jingle

December 12, 2012 03:59 - 1 hour - 64.5 MB

…Or why we put the explicit tag on every episode. This week we’re joined by our friend Lily who went with Karen and another member of our knitting group (hi, Kris!  Hope the elf-duties weren’t too horrible!) on a yarn crawl of a few of Toronto’s fine yarn stores.  There is much purchasing and enabling […]

Episode 61: Giftapalooza!

December 04, 2012 06:13 - 54 minutes - 49.6 MB

This week we’re creeping ever closer to the finish line on our Hobbitalong projects, and have either picked up other projects to keep us sane or are starting to think about what we’re going to do when we’re done our deadlines.  Karen also headed out on a yarn excursion this weekend and came back with, […]

Episode 60: Not Our Turkey Day

November 26, 2012 18:42 - 50 minutes - 46.5 MB

This week we’re still chugging along at our Hobbitalong projects, though we’ve taken on a couple other projects to ease the strain (or are about to).  Or for distraction at the movies, which results in a handy tip for other knitters.  Karen also springs a surprise on Maggie, namely a mention of us in a […]

Episode 59: Use the Force, Mickey

November 13, 2012 04:35 - 51 minutes - 46.8 MB

This week, someone forgot to check and make sure that the audio was coming from the real microphone, not her laptop’s built-in mic.  *facepalm*  Sorry about the audio quality, guys! In the meantime, we’ve made some progress on our Hobbitalong projects–though some more than others–and haven’t quite gone into panic mode yet.  There are also […]

Episode 58: Pass the Candy Corn

November 05, 2012 06:00 - 52 minutes - 48.2 MB

This week, Karen and Maggie are joined again by Newbie Lauren, who’s been having some trials and tribulations with her knitting.  Maggie, meanwhile has been making progress on her Hobbitalong project, while Karen’s is…progressing.  Slowly.  Oh, and we got to name a new Blue Moon Fiber Arts colourway. Of course there’s a certain item of […]

Episode 57: The Return of the Maggie

October 22, 2012 16:09 - 1 hour - 57.3 MB

This week, Maggie’s back with an update about her trip, some yarn she scouted in the wild, and what she’s been working on.  Karen’s also made a little jaunt to somewhere closer to home, as well as some trials and tribulations when it comes to her Hobbitalong project and yet another project to start. In […]

Episode 56: Karen Promised Not to Break the Newbie

October 15, 2012 01:42 - 1 hour - 63.1 MB

This week, Karen’s joined by Newbie Lauren, who has a finished project (yay!) and some frustrating knitting tales (not so yay).  Karen, meanwhile, has made progress on a couple projects, including her Hobbitalong slice of crazy pie as well as yet another project to add to the list. In geeky news, there are actual characters […]

Episode 55: Dancin’ Klingons

October 07, 2012 02:41 - 50 minutes - 46.7 MB

This week there is actual progress on the Hobbit-along projects (if, in Karen’s case, you call getting the yarn in the mail progress), and Maggie has made some serious progress on the 1×1 ribbing of doom! (It’s now 2×2 ribbing of doom.)  Karen, meanwhile, doesn’t have much progress to report on otherwise. Boo. It was […]

Episode 54: A Long Expected Knitalong

September 29, 2012 19:02 - 52 minutes - 48.4 MB

This week Karen’s slogging along at a couple old projects, while Maggie has started some new ones.  Also, the Hobbit-along has begun!  Well, at least Maggie’s started; Karen’s still waiting for yarn. There’s also a new Hobbit trailer, a certain crime drama looking for a lookalike for a certain Captain Tightpants and some new projects […]

Episode 53: Tribble Stash

September 22, 2012 04:46 - 49 minutes - 45.8 MB

This week, we have a newbie!  Lauren joins us at K1G2 World Headquarters and gets a first-person view of the crazy that goes on when we record.  We also have a couple finished projects and a report on our trip to the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters’ Fair!  Newbie is still recovering from the yarn overload. In Geek […]

Episode 52: Maggie, Put the Herring Down Already

September 07, 2012 17:43 - 57 minutes - 53.1 MB

This week it’s a blue moon and so Maggie’s a bit more loopy than usual, not that anyone would really notice.  It’s not enough to keep us from progress on projects, some yarn acquisition and some Hobbitalong preparation (starting mid-month!  Time to narrow down your projects and source yarn!) In Geek Squee we have yes […]

Episode 51: I Like This Knitting. Another!

August 26, 2012 03:41 - 49 minutes - 45 MB

This week Karen’s fighting off a cold as she writes this up, so it’s going to be short and sweet. There’s new projects (Maggie)!  And not-so-new projects (Karen)!  And a mini-movie review! In Geek Squee, there’s a release date for the next Harry Dresden book!  And a study saying Gen Y is taking over book […]

Episode 50: Doing Celebratory Donuts on Mars

August 18, 2012 23:13 - 57 minutes - 52.7 MB

This week it’s our 50th EPISODE, WOO!  Maggie’s still slogging along on the k1p1 strip of doom as well as encouraging a newbie, while Karen has achieved Ravellenic gold. The achievement doesn’t end there, though, as Curiosity made a successful landing on Mars!  Which has rightly given a lot of notoriety to a couple JPL […]

Episode 49: The Games Which Must Not Be Named

August 13, 2012 02:05 - 54 minutes - 49.8 MB

We’re back!  This week the Ravellenic Games are in full swing, though sadly one of us didn’t make it past the qualifier. That just means there’s more  projects to talk about, though! There’s also a lot of geek squee, especially about the latest Mars Rover landing as well as a real-world version of a certain […]

Episode 48: Comic-Con Pt. 2, Electric Boogaloo

July 29, 2012 14:36 - 45 minutes - 41.3 MB

This week in knitting, we’re gearing up for the Ravellenic Games!  Some of us are clearing the boards of projects and some of us…not so much.  We also fill you in on what we’re planning to start during the Opening Ceremonies of the Games-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named. Meanwhile in Geek….Not so Squee, we have a brief mention of […]

Episode 47: Friday the 13th Strikes Again

July 22, 2012 01:33 - 39 minutes - 36.2 MB

This week…seriously, guys, we should have known.   If we sound like we’re recording in a cavern, it’s because I forgot to check what mic we were recording with, and it was recorded with my laptop’s internal mic.  Dammit. Anyway, this week Maggie’s finishing projects and giving them away, which we probably should have expected, […]

Episode 46: Oh, And It’s Our 1st Anniversary, Too.

July 15, 2012 00:00 - 42 minutes - 39.3 MB

This week, we completely forget that we’re recording one year to the day that we recorded our first episode.  Whoops.  We blame it on the heat. But despite the heat, we have some progress on knitted things!    Karen’s mostly been working on a Top Secret project, casting things on  and planning a D&D campaign […]

Episode 45: Eh?

July 08, 2012 00:43 - 41 minutes - 38 MB

This week…it’s Canada Day!  Woo!  And we get the “eh”s out of our systems very quickly, we promise.  Meanwhile, Maggie’s still plugging away at her Vodka Lemonade cardigan thanks to the Yarn Trickster Gods as well as working on a couple other things.  Karen…is still working on the same things, and trying to resist the […]

Episode 44: We’re in ur Event, Usin’ ur Trademark

June 30, 2012 04:20 - 58 minutes - 53.8 MB

SPOILER WARNING!  We discuss spoilers from the movie “Brave” from 32:52 to 48:10. This week, Karen is plugging away on her twisted stitch socks and has made a few yarny purchases while Maggie is nearing the finish line on her Vodka Lemonade cardigan and has finished one of her Catnip socks. With everything that’s been […]

Episode 43: I’m Sorry, I Was Distracted By A Huntsman

June 23, 2012 03:52 - 1 hour - 56.3 MB

SPOILER WARNING!  We discuss spoilers for “Snow White and the Huntsman” from 34:30 to 55:23. It’s been a crazy couple weeks, but despite that we have progress on our knitting!  Karen actually has finished projects for once, and naturally she’s cast on a couple new things.  Meanwhile Maggie’s had some progress on her Vodka Lemonade […]

Episode 42: The Episode About Life, the Universe and Everything

June 10, 2012 03:11 - 1 hour - 63 MB

SPOILER ALERT!  We discuss spoilers for Sherlock 2×03, “The Reichenbach Fall” between 27:19 and 1:01:04.  No non-spoilery comments this time, for obvious reasons. This week Maggie has quite a bit of progress on her socks and sweater in between exposing a newbie knitter to all things fibery and working her way to becoming a ninja. […]

Episode 41: Well, There Goes My Paycheque

June 01, 2012 20:30 - 1 hour - 58.8 MB

SPOILER WARNING!  Spoilers for Sherlock 2X02 “The Hounds of Baskerville” from 40:00  to 54:03. This week there’s some progress on Maggie’s part, and she will have pictures soon, she swears.  Just once she resists the urge to kill podcast kitty for getting into her current sock project.  Meanwhile Karen’s been travelling and has lots of […]

Episode 40: In Our Battle Dress

May 16, 2012 03:32 - 1 hour - 61.9 MB

SPOILER WARNING!  We discuss spoilers for Sherlock 2×01 “A Scandal in Belgravia” between 38:30 and 1:01:00. This week, there’s been some knitting progress for both of the co-hosts.  Maggie’s made progress on one project that’s going pretty well but has a long way to go, but the other is in ribbing purgatory.  However, she’s also […]

Episode 39: Knitters Assemble

May 11, 2012 22:12 - 1 hour - 63.9 MB

SPOILER WARNING: our Avengers spoilers start at 29:56 and go until 1:01.  (There’s a little discussion tangentially related to the Avengers after that point, but nothing spoilery.) In this Hulk-sized episode, Karen and Maggie squeal about the Avengers.  A lot. But first there’s some knitting going on, and some finished projects from Karen, one of […]

Episode 38: Frolicking!

May 02, 2012 04:03 - 52 minutes - 47.8 MB

This week, Karen’s got a mostly-finished project and the same socks she’s been working on for ages.  Oh, and another project waiting in the wings.  Maggie’s got a bunch of new yarn as somebody got to go to the Knitter’s Frolic in Toronto last weekend.  She’s even started a new project, and she’s got a […]

Episode 37: Shuttles on a Plane

April 26, 2012 16:59 - 46 minutes - 42.4 MB

This week, Maggie is almost but not quite done her one project and is looking forward to the Knitter’s Frolic in Toronto.  Meanwhile Karen is pouting that she won’t be going and has been bingeing on Titanic documentaries and knitting up a storm.  We have news on the latest voyage of the Space Shuttle Discovery […]

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