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Deviance Welcome

66 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 2 years ago -

Here is where the controversial opinion can and will be spoken without judgement! It's a place for deviance and normality to meld!

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Movie Review Takeover: The Batman

June 14, 2022 18:28 - 34 minutes - 39 MB

It’s a slow and rather repetitive week in the news so we figured it was time for a movie review, and this week we picked The Batman. There will be spoilers, so if you haven’t seen the movie yet, don’t worry, the episode will be there when you do, so don’t listen to this episode before you’ve seen it! The bat is one of Jon’s all time favorites and Robert Pattinson also played Jon’s least favorite vampire of all time so we’re going to see if he can turn it around and nail the caped crusader....

Party Drugs for #Therapy

June 08, 2022 18:11 - 26 minutes - 61.7 MB

This week we’re diving into a topic that’s probably really scary for those that aren’t in the know…. We found a trending article about a licensed therapist that tried experimental therapy sessions that include MDMA, which is the chemical abbreviation for ecstasy, or molly, as the kids are calling it these days. It got us thinking about how drugs like MDMA, LSD, and psilocybin were initially used experimentally for the purpose of improving mental health, and why they are just common street ...

May in Review

May 31, 2022 18:23 - 33 minutes - 37.8 MB

It’s month in review time and we’ve got a bunch of topics lined up and ready to be knocked down! In our monthly review of everything we didn’t get to with individual episodes, we’re gonna unpack the spin and give our takes on some of the hottest trending topics we didn’t get to already. This week we’re laughing at Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire ads telling conservatives what we already know, they largely can’t argue for themselves. We’re getting in to latest “Commie Plot” to take over our govern...

Great Replacement or Likely Excuse?

May 24, 2022 15:48 - 34 minutes - 39.2 MB

Last week, 13 people were attacked by a kid with a gun. The shooter linked his attack to another that both touted the conspiracy theory of the Great Replacement. What is the Great Replacement you might ask?? That’s why we’re here this week. We’re going to run down the origin of this theory, what it meant then and what it means now. We’ll also be diving in to how this theory can be very destructive, and how some of the media personalities in this country should be held accountable for conti...

The UFO's are Coming!

May 17, 2022 18:22 - 33 minutes - 38.6 MB

There’s a lot going on right now, but we’re not going to talk about it this week. Instead we’re going to talk about something out of this world!! Corny I know, but fitting! This week we’re going to spend some time talking about the upcoming public hearing that is designed to give us information on the most recent sighting of UFO’s or as the government has renamed them, UAP’s. We’re gonna tell you how we feel about the fact that there’s a public hearing, why we haven’t heard much about it ...

One for the Ladies!

May 10, 2022 18:16 - 36 minutes - 42.8 MB

I’m fucking pissed and I don’t even have a uterus!!! Last week #abortionrights were held to the fire as a majority opinion drafted by #scotus threatens to overturn #RoevWade and grant the decision on #reproductiverights to the states. We at Deviance Welcome are appalled, disgusted and furious, but sadly, not surprised. this week we’re going to unpack the #alito arguments, why this matters at all, and why the conservatives seem so butthurt that it came out in the first place when you’d fig...

April in Review

May 03, 2022 18:15 - 30 minutes - 34.7 MB

Oh the monthly review, you never disappoint when it comes to topics that piss us off to no end!!! It’s time for us to get to some of the topics we didn’t get to touch on throughout the month and April was chock full of stupidity to be sure. First of #DeSantis is doing DeSantis things. He’s fighting with #Disney because Disney pushed back on his “don’t say gay” bill, and also he’s banning math books because they contain #CRT language??? Yea, I had to read it a second time too. Also, #Biden...

Tucker Wants Tan Balls

April 26, 2022 18:13 - 36 minutes - 41.9 MB

Masculinity is dying out!!! Testosterone levels are dropping drastically and #TheEndOfMen is upon us! Are you scared?? We aren’t because we see through the spin, but #TuckerCarlson wants you to be terrified into action with his new documentary “The End of Men.” It’s not out yet but the trailer dropped last week and if you like homosexual soft-core porn, it might be for you, and that’s okay!! We certainly don’t judge!! This week, we’re tearing into the theories behind the documentary. We’re...

Movie Review Takeover: Metal Lords

April 19, 2022 18:21 - 32 minutes - 37 MB

“Learn it, live it, do lines of it in the bathroom.” This week we decided to review the popular Netflix movie, Metal Lords. This episode does contain spoilers, so please wait until you’ve seen the movie to check out the episode!! We thoroughly enjoyed this one from to back. It was a hilarious story about 2 kids trying to reach the pantheon of the metal gods mixed with all kinds of good natured rips on metal culture in the process. I promise you, if you have ever been in a metal band, or k...

Time to Legalize

April 12, 2022 18:18 - 31 minutes - 35.7 MB

We want to get hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh sooooooooo hiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!! Legally though… We already can be, cause we live in a legalized for recreation state, but in case you hadn’t heard, the House has passed a bill to legalize cannabis federally!!! Don’t get your hopes up yet though, the publicans are still doing publican things, but there is a glimmer of hope for those of us that are tired of seeing resources being put into such a pointless criminalization of a largely safe to use substance. Thi...

March in Review

April 05, 2022 18:22 - 37 minutes - 43.2 MB

March was chock full of dumb shit going on that we just couldn’t get to all of it, which brings us to our monthly review of everything we didn’t get a chance to touch on! This week on our rapid fire episode, we’re going to dive in to Gov #DeSantis being a typical homophobic conservative. We’ll touch on wether or not Disney is “#woke” now because they’re standing up for inclusion, so far anyway, and what a certain conservative network is doing to keep their kids “safe” from the dangers of #w...

Little Biden's Laptop

March 29, 2022 18:43 - 33 minutes - 39.4 MB

Wait a minute, did the mainstream media just show you that they can suppress the information at any time??? YUP!!! This week on Deviance Welcome, we’re going to talk about the recent admission of many mainstream news publications, that they intentionally suppressed coverage of Hunter Biden’s laptop during the last presidential election campaign. If you’re surprised, I’m sorry, and you probably shouldn’t be, but anyway, we aren’t exactly surprised by this, and it’s worth highlighting that ...

Kim Kardashian Needs a Mute Button

March 22, 2022 19:39 - 35 minutes - 40.5 MB

Kim Kardashian thinks women just need to “get off their asses and fucking work!” Just to summarize a recent interview, a woman who’s never had to struggle a day in her life, and has enough money to use all 24 hours in a day however she chooses, wants to tell you that you’re not working hard enough with your 24 hours a day. We at Deviance Welcome find this disgraceful, out of touch, and flat out insulting, so we’re gonna spend an entire podcast episode explaining why it is we feel this way....

Why is Gas so High

March 15, 2022 18:38 - 31 minutes - 37.1 MB

Wondering why you’re watching gas prices soar?? Are you letting the mainstream media tell you who’s fault it is?? If that sounds familiar, this episode is for you!! We wondered the same thing, so we went digging. We explored the common myths and reasons being spewed out there on the social meds, and then we went further into what is actually going on, and we figured it out!!! With a few targeted hours of research, we were able to shed light on the mystery topic that EVERYBODY seems to know...

February in Review

March 08, 2022 19:20 - 37 minutes - 42.8 MB

You’d think that because it only has 28 days, that we wouldn’t have as much to complain about, and you’d be WRONG!!! It’s time for our monthly review of all the topics we didn’t get to throughout February. Of course, we’ll be touching on Russia and Ukraine, but maybe not in the way you’d think….. We’re also going to bring up the garbage happening on the home front where the Governor of Texas is looking at abusing his power to back the blue when they assault citizens, and bring up abuse char...

QAnon Revealed!!

March 01, 2022 19:28 - 39 minutes - 45.7 MB

The secret is out! The identity of QAnon has been revealed. That is if you believe the 2 independent studies that happened to come up with the exact same two people. This week on Deviance Welcome, we examine the new information from two independent studies, aiding by some machine learning, that has apparently revealed the identities of 2 people that are potentially the writers behind the popular conspiracy theorist, QAnon. But of course, we won’t be stopping there… We’re also going to take...

Why Cel Hates the Olympics

February 22, 2022 19:23 - 43 minutes - 51.2 MB

Cel won’t watch sports. This has been well documented on our podcast, but I’m curious why that is, so I’m going digging!! This week we’re going to dive into Cel’s reasoning for actively boycotting the Olympics whenever they’re on to see if he has merit, or if he’s just being an elitist!! We’re also going to go in a bit about other sports besides the Olympics, talk about what he’s missing, and what watching sports can be for individuals, cities, countries and the world as a whole! This epis...

America: The Salty Ex

February 15, 2022 19:35 - 29 minutes - 35.1 MB

“If you don’t like ‘Murica, you can get out!!!” That’s what they say, until it happens that is… Ever wonder why it is that we seem so very pissy about people leaving our country in favor of communist countries?? Well we’ve certainly got some thoughts that will shed some light on that subject. This week on Deviance Welcome, we’re going to touch on the reaction to two different Olympic athletes competing in the Beijing Games, that were born in America and chose to renounce their citizenship, ...

January in Review

February 08, 2022 19:41 - 34 minutes - 41 MB

So have you heard about the trucker’s convoy in Canada? What about Novak Djokovich trying to bypass covid regulations in Australia? Neil Young vs. Spotify? Or, maybe you caught wind of the findings that hemp can actually block covid. We heard it all, and we’re fired up about it!! The gloves are coming off, no punches will be pulled, and we’re taking no prisoners!!! This week is our monthly review of all the goings on that we didn’t get to during January! No stupidity will be spared, and as...

Afraid of Communism??

February 01, 2022 19:41 - 42 minutes - 49.4 MB

I’ll bet some of you will be downright terrified to even listen to this episode, because it’s absolutely going to challenge a core belief that we in America are taught from birth in some cases. This week I’m going to let Cel enlighten me as to what the theory of Communism actually means, despite what we’re taught in America, and how it’s likely to happen to us rather than be brought by us. We’ll go into a bit of the nuts and bolts of it all, and discuss how we get there in the first place. ...

Cel Gets Mad

January 25, 2022 20:46 - 39 minutes - 46.1 MB

That certainly didn’t go as planned!!! This week something happened that has never happened before on Deviance Welcome. We did our usual planning, picked a topic, prepped talking points, did the weekly research, got to recording day, and never discussed the topic at all!!! Instead, when I asked Cel how he was at the very beginning of the episode, he went off! He ripped into a rant you’ve just got to hear, about just how scary the state of things today has become. The gloves came off, hard t...

Please Look Up!!!

January 18, 2022 20:41 - 41 minutes - 48.3 MB

Or we’re all gonna die really soon and we’ll have nobody to blame but ourselves!! Sounds like i’m exaggerating, but I’m really not. This week, we decided to watch, review, and comment on the 2nd biggest Netflix movie of all time “Don’t Look Up!” The all-star cast provided a comedic satire that was just a lot too familiar for my taste and it frightened me more than enlightened me honestly. It’s impossible to watch this movie without seeing major similarities in real life situations, and we’...

December in Review

January 12, 2022 20:33 - 44 minutes - 52 MB

How did we end the year? Tales of holiday bliss, or tales of tragedy?? Deviance Welcome has returned from our holiday break to answer that very question in our regularly scheduled monthly review of everything we didn’t get to touch on during the month!! Wondering what we think about the CDC loosening guidelines to make things easier on the airlines? Curious to know what we think about the myocarditis scare with mRNA vaccines? What are our thoughts on the Ghislaine Maxwell and Jussie Smolet...

War on Christmas or Click-Bait for Sheep?

December 22, 2021 19:52 - 29 minutes - 34.7 MB

We’ll be the judge of this!!! Recently, a man lit a Christmas tree on fire outside of the Fox News TV station. Without providing a motive, the station does what news stations do, the twisted and contorted the story in order to fit their narrative and make it about the “war on Christmas” that we seem to have EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!! So with our own brand of holiday cheer, we at Deviance Welcome will be unpacking what we know about this story, and the perceived war on Christmas to see if there’...

Boycotts, Hypocrisy, and Optics

December 15, 2021 20:54 - 34 minutes - 40.5 MB

So, the United States dignitaries have publicly announced that they will be boycotting the Winter Olympics in China amidst continued alleged human rights violations committed but the Chinese government. We at Deviance Welcome, find that interesting to say the least and, never fear, we’re going to tell you why!! The list of atrocities is great, and atrocious to be sure, but the list also seems oddly familiar when you apply those actions to another country we may recognize…. I’ll give you tw...

November in Review

December 08, 2021 20:48 - 42 minutes - 49.3 MB

November was greeeeeeaaaaaaat…. He said with as much sarcasm as he could muster. November was an eventful month for things we think you should be paying attention too, and as usual, we’re here to help! We’re attacking all of the current event topics that we didn’t get a chance to touch on during other episodes in our monthly rapid fire-ish, month in review. We’ll be poking with a stick, some of the topics we think you need to hear about and tell you why we think they need to have the spot ...


December 01, 2021 20:34 - 35 minutes - 41.8 MB

Who’s surprised??? Really? Nobody?? Yea, us either. Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of every charge for his involvement in the murder of two people, and the injuring of a third. We’re not surprised, just disappointed. This week we’re tearing into the meat and potatoes of the situation from start to finish. We’ll cover all the info you need to know, from what happened, why he was there in the first place, and how we feel this could’ve been avoided before any blood needed to be shed. We under...

Fun With Infrasructure

November 24, 2021 19:01 - 45 minutes - 53.4 MB

Who wants to read a 1000 page bill for of legal speak and stricken and amended sections?? Certainly not you, and we understand why!! Just the words “infrastructure bill” bring moans and groans about the boring discussion that’s about to unfold, but we’ve got you covered!! This week we will be taking the time to summarize the spending on the infrastructure bill and why it’s important to know about this stuff. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of light hearted joking and and all kinds of usef...

Who Is At Fault For Astroworld?

November 17, 2021 19:16 - 48 minutes - 56.4 MB

In an instant, the air got thick and people went from enjoying a festival, to fighting for their lives! This week, we are diving deep into the tragic events that occured at Astroworld, Travis Scott’s hometown music festival. More specifically, we pose and will answer the question, who’s really at fault here? Some will tell you that Travis Scott had a history of causing violence and is just bad guy, others will tell you it’s on the event organizers, with a history a bad events, and some wil...

October In Review

November 10, 2021 21:22 - 31 minutes - 36.9 MB

Halloween is over. Candy has been passed out, eaten and probably thrown away if it’s candy corn… Everybody is kinda feeling the blues, not just because we can hear Mariah Carey on the horizon, waiting to irritate our ear drums for the next two months. We have the elixir!! Jump into the latest episode of Deviance Welcome just in time for our month in review. October was a packed month full of controversy and silliness, that we will go over at length, dive into the details and give you our o...

Jason Still Sucks

November 03, 2021 19:35 - 30 minutes - 36.1 MB

Jon complained, and the people on high listened!!!! Yes, I know it’s likely a coincidence but we want to keep Jon’s ego intact so we let him believe it. This year, in our humble opinion, there’s been a much better selection of Halloween programming for our viewing pleasure. Last year, Jon’s TV was riddled with endless Friday the 13th marathons, leaving him angrier and more bitter than usual, but that’s all different this year. Listen now and check out what kinds of programming has made Jon ...

Jon Should Watch Squid Game (NO SPOILERS)

October 27, 2021 19:52 - 37 minutes - 43.6 MB

Jon hasn’t seen a single episode of Squid Game……..GASP right?? This week, Cel tries his level best to convince Jon that he needs to jump on the band wagon and get into the most watched series on Netflix. Don’t worry, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS!!!! We’ll go back and forth on why Jon hasn’t bothered with the Netflix sensation, why Cel thinks that’s horrible and what shows kind of set the tone for Jon’s reasoning. In this Episode: Why Jon should watch Squid Game Isn’t it just Hung...

Why Workers REALLY Don't Want to Work

October 20, 2021 19:40 - 39 minutes - 45.9 MB

We at Volatile Patience are getting a bit tired of this particular rhetoric, so in true Deviance Welcome, we’re doing what the critics aren’t, the research!!! What we’ve found is quite a few reasons that people aren’t flocking back to crappy food service positions or retail hell holes, and it’s got nothing to do with people being lazy, collecting unemployment that ended more than a month ago, or stimulus money of months passed. Dive in and check out the latest!!! In this Episode: Why peopl...

September In Review

October 06, 2021 18:30 - 33 minutes - 38.7 MB

September was fun right??? Not likely, if you paid much attention to what happened in the news this month. But if you didn’t , we’ve got you covered. It’s our monthly review, where we run down some of the things we didn’t get to throughout the month of September. We’ll go rapid fire on all manner of topics ranging from politics, to social issues, and even a little astro physics!! In this Episode: Texas Bans Abortion Biden denies climate change report being an issue Britney Spears and m...

Why We Should Care About Evergrande

September 29, 2021 19:50 - 33 minutes - 39.3 MB

Why should I care about what’s happening in China?? That doesn’t even affect us!! But, it just may…. You may have heard about the property management giant’s collapse in recent weeks, but in case you haven’t, never fear. Deviance Welcome has your back! This week, we’re unpacking all the happenings of China’s second largest property development company as it buckles under it’s massive debt, and unfinished properties. We’ll keep you in the know with this current situation, tie it into previ...

What We Know About Ivermectin

September 22, 2021 23:28 - 32 minutes - 38.6 MB

Some people just don’t want to take the vaccine for any reason. Some don’t think it’s safe, some are convinced that human experimentation is going on and some just want to own libs. Because of this, there has been a recent surge in sales for the drug Ivermectin in response to Covid. In this week’s episode, we’re going to tear apart the information to see what Ivermectin is actually used for, and wether or not it’s a good idea, in our humble opinion, to take it when attempting to treat Covi...

Is Gaming Really That Dangerous?

September 15, 2021 19:42 - 42 minutes - 50.1 MB

Have you, or someone you know had a gaming addiction? We certainly hope not, but also, we recognize that there are likely some people using the word addiction a bit too loosely! This week on Deviance Welcome, we’re going to dive into China’s new gaming restrictions for children under the age of 18, and not surprisingly, we think they’re awfully strong! We’re also going to talk about what gaming addiction looks like according to the mental health professionals, and we’ll be examining the pr...

August in Review

September 01, 2021 18:48 - 53 minutes - 62 MB

What a year this month has been, huh? We’ve dove into some pretty interesting topics so far this month, but what about all the stuff we didn’t touch on? That’s what August in review is for!!! On this week’s episode we get into the stuff we didn’t get to during our regularly scheduled programming and go “rapid fire” (sort of) on a bunch of topics that didn’t get their own episodes this month. From 8/1-8/31, we’re going top to bottom keeping you up to date on some topics we feel you need to ...

20 Years in Afghanistan, Right??

August 25, 2021 19:13 - 48 minutes - 56 MB

This year is supposed to be the culmination of a 20 year escapade in Afghanistan for the United States……I say supposed to be because we’re still trying to figure out how to get everyone out. This week we go deep dive on what happened during the Afghanistan evacuation, and I mean DEEP dive. Not only will we go over the blunder that is and was Biden’s evacuation, but we’ll go back in history to ask questions about why both sides need not be complaining. Also, we’ll take a trip through history...

Is It Getting Warm In Here?

August 18, 2021 18:32 - 44 minutes - 51.4 MB

Yes it is getting much warmer in here, and we’re the reason why!!! According to the IPCC report on the recent status of our climate change dilemma, we’re in pretty deep unless we make drastic changes in a hurry. This week we’re here to break down some of the main points of the IPCC’s report, and where we stand as a planet dealing with this crisis. We’ll also take some time to call out the biggest offenders in global Co2 emissions, and we’ll discuss a bit of what we can do to stop it before ...

Are Athletes Allowed to Have Mental Issues??

August 11, 2021 19:28 - 40 minutes - 46.5 MB

Seems like a silly question to ask, doesn't it?  I mean, athletes are still human.  They have brains, so it follows that mental health issues are a possibility, even amongst the strongest, fastest, and most athletic humans, yet here we are!! Did you see her pull out the the team competition after just one event?? Did you see her pull out of 3-4 individual events also?? If you didn’t see it, you definitely heard about Simone Biles pulling out of competition in Tokyo for the Olympics. You al...

What's Wrong With Teaching Critical Race Theory?

August 04, 2021 19:32 - 54 minutes - 125 MB

Episode 24: What’s Wrong With Teaching CRT?? If you’ve looked at social media, listened to or watched the news lately, you’ve heard about this topic, and likely you’ve heard EXTREMELY different opinions… and one way or another, I’m willing to bet you’re tired of hearing the back and forth. It’s getting nowhere and we at Deviance Welcome are sick of it too, so, we’re back and taking no prisoners when it comes to this hot button topic flying around these days. We pose the question, what’s wro...


June 16, 2021 18:50 - 7 minutes - 18.8 MB

This week is on with mixed emotions for us.  We ARE NOT saying goodbye, but rather, see you soon.  Cel and Jon need to put Deviance Welcome on hiatus so that they can get their EP ready to release.  It's with heavy hearts that we must inform you all that we'll be gone until August.  Hopefully it will be a shorter hiatus than planned, but rest assured, we will be back sooner than, or just as expected in August.  Until then, we are active in the Deviance Welcome facebook group and we hope you'...

Are You Libertarian Socialist

June 09, 2021 16:10 - 47 minutes - 110 MB

Is Jon reeeeeeally the libertarian socialist he claimed to be during the political compass episode?  Cel isn't so sure, so this week he is taking the reigns and putting in the work that Jon didn't in order to find out wether Jon is really who he says he is........ In This Episode: A rundown on the ideology that makes up libertarian socialism Unpacking some of the conflict of ideology Why do we even need the label?

May In Review

June 02, 2021 19:10 - 1 hour - 138 MB

Gas in plastic bags.......This month people were trying to put gasoline in PLASTIC BAGS!!!!!!!  May was much like the other months we've review here on Deviance Welcome, chock full of stupidity!!! From people hoarding gasoline to removal of racism from our history books, and one giant iceberg, we're going to rip into all that was May 2021. In This Episode: Antarctica is missing a chunk Roe V. Wade is being challenged again Conservatives want to stop teaching our racist history to kids. ...

The Political Compass

May 26, 2021 18:58 - 44 minutes - 103 MB

This week we wanted to dive into the validity of the political compass test.  In any iteration of this test there are some similarities and some vast differences.  We wanted to put the test to the test and discuss wether or not we should be taking the results as gospel, or if it's just another run of the mill magazine test about who your perfect mate will be. In This Episode: What is the political compass test? Is this test based on hard science? Should you take the results as gospel and...

Movie Review: Mortal Kombat

May 19, 2021 02:23 - 43 minutes - 101 MB

GET OVER HERE!!!! This week we decided to get TOASTY!!!!!!! and review the new Mortal Kombat movie!! There will be spoilers so if you haven’t seen it, listen as your own risk!!! We’re going to dive into the whole movie from acting to story, special effects and of course FATALITIES!!! Wanna know if we thought this movie was worthy of a FLAWLESS VICTORY?? TEST YOUR MIGHT and get into the new episode!! (okay, maybe I forced that one) In this episode: Was it worth a second watch? HOW muc...

Should Cannabis Be Illegal?

May 12, 2021 19:21 - 50 minutes - 118 MB

The war on drugs has been raging on for decades now. Time after time we’re being “saved from ourselves” by our government under the guise of safety, or “good for the kids,” or my personal favorite, it’s immoral. We at Deviance Welcome have a different outlook. Surprising, right? This week we’re going to dive into the arguments for and against federal legalization of cannabis. So, sit back, light up if you choose, and get ready! In this episode: Pros and ons of the legalization argument Hi...

April In Review

May 05, 2021 23:28 - 53 minutes - 124 MB

Kinda feels like April Fool's Month if you ask me!! April was quite the month, and this week we'll be ripping into all the stuff that went down. From Lebron James tweets and police brutality, to the banning of menthol cigarettes, we'll go down the list of all the reasons we hated April 2021! In this Episode: Police Brutality isn't stopping Trans rights down south Menthol bans instead of more important things. Jump in and join the discussion!

Guns Aren't the Problem

April 28, 2021 17:43 - 48 minutes - 113 MB

Which side do you fall on? This week on Deviance Welcome we examine arguments from both sides of the aisle regarding the largely debated topic of gun control.  In case you didn't catch it from the title, Cel and I tend to fall away from believing legislation will do more good that harm.  That said we will go over the merits of the arguments and the downfalls of the arguments on both sides and we'll discuss why we think the arguments are pointless at best regardless of political affiliation....

Twitter Mentions

@onlyfans 1 Episode