How did we end the year? Tales of holiday bliss, or tales of tragedy??

Deviance Welcome has returned from our holiday break to answer that very question in our regularly scheduled monthly review of everything we didn’t get to touch on during the month!!

Wondering what we think about the CDC loosening guidelines to make things easier on the airlines? Curious to know what we think about the myocarditis scare with mRNA vaccines? What are our thoughts on the Ghislaine Maxwell and Jussie Smolett verdicts? We’re here to tell you, in our rundown of the month, and in true DW fashion, no punches will be pulled!!

In this Episode:

CDC loosens quarantine requirements

Myocarditis risks with mRNA vaccines

Ghislaine and Jussie Smolett verdicts

and much more!!

Dive in and when you’re done be sure to let us know what you think in the Deviance Welcome Facebook group.