Previous Episode: December in Review
Next Episode: Cel Gets Mad

Or we’re all gonna die really soon and we’ll have nobody to blame but ourselves!! Sounds like i’m exaggerating, but I’m really not.

This week, we decided to watch, review, and comment on the 2nd biggest Netflix movie of all time “Don’t Look Up!” The all-star cast provided a comedic satire that was just a lot too familiar for my taste and it frightened me more than enlightened me honestly.

It’s impossible to watch this movie without seeing major similarities in real life situations, and we’re going to unpack that. Covid, vaccines, climate change, and so many other news reports are being tossed at us everyday, and it’s mind numbing to see some of the reaction from those that choose to allow the media we “shouldn’t trust” dictate the narrative being spewed.

“Don’t Look Up” illustrates these situations in an eerily familiar way that is scarier than most of horror movies I’ve seen, and I promise, that’s a lot.

In this Episode:

Why you should watch “Don’t Look Up” at least once

What kind of connections to real life are there

Why this movies scares us to death

Real world application

and much more!!

Dive in and when you’re done be sure to let us know what you think in the Deviance Welcome Facebook group.