Next Episode: December in Review

We’ll be the judge of this!!!

Recently, a man lit a Christmas tree on fire outside of the Fox News TV station. Without providing a motive, the station does what news stations do, the twisted and contorted the story in order to fit their narrative and make it about the “war on Christmas” that we seem to have EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!!

So with our own brand of holiday cheer, we at Deviance Welcome will be unpacking what we know about this story, and the perceived war on Christmas to see if there’s any validity at all to the claim that a holiday we celebrate for 3 months every year, is being at all suppressed or attacked… sorry for the spoiler if you got my sarcasm in that last sentence.

So grab your egg nog, if you enjoy drinking alcoholic snot, sit back and relax while we go behind the lines and battle formations of the “War on Christmas.”

In this Episode:

Is lighting a tree on fire a “hate crime”

What other “wars on Christmas are there?”

What about the war on Saturnalia??

and much more!!

Dive in and when you’re done be sure to let us know what you think in the Deviance Welcome Facebook group.