Previous Episode: Hiatus

Episode 24: What’s Wrong With Teaching CRT??

If you’ve looked at social media, listened to or watched the news lately, you’ve heard about this topic, and likely you’ve heard EXTREMELY different opinions… and one way or another, I’m willing to bet you’re tired of hearing the back and forth. It’s getting nowhere and we at Deviance Welcome are sick of it too, so, we’re back and taking no prisoners when it comes to this hot button topic flying around these days. We pose the question, what’s wrong with teaching critical race theory in schools? And we’ll answer it too!! The answer may surprise you but even if it doesn’t, this episode is sure to give you some perspective.

In this Episode:

What both sides of the aisle are saying about critical race theory

Why it’s such a big deal?

and why both sides are kind of right.

Dive in and when you’re done be sure to let us know what you think in the Deviance Welcome facebook group.