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Kim Kardashian thinks women just need to “get off their asses and fucking work!”

Just to summarize a recent interview, a woman who’s never had to struggle a day in her life, and has enough money to use all 24 hours in a day however she chooses, wants to tell you that you’re not working hard enough with your 24 hours a day.

We at Deviance Welcome find this disgraceful, out of touch, and flat out insulting, so we’re gonna spend an entire podcast episode explaining why it is we feel this way. We’ll get into why Kim Kardashian is completely out of touch with the people she’s speaking about, why she should put the silver spoon back in her mouth and keep quiet about things she’s never experienced, how the rich like to pretend they’re just like us, and how Covid lockdowns helped spell out the separation in bold type!

We the poor have a quite a few thing to say on this matter, so strap in cuz this one gonna get messy!!

In this Episode:

Kim K’s interview BS

How cognitive dissonance affects rich children

Is hard work really enough?

How the rich pretend to be like us

Covid Lockdowns showed they aren’t

And much more!!

Dive in and when you’re done be sure to let us know what you think in the Deviance Welcome Facebook group.