Alcohol-Free Lifestyle artwork

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

432 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 days ago -

Helping high performers feel & perform better by reducing or quitting alcohol.

Maybe you're considering quitting alcohol and going completely sober. Or maybe you wish to change your relationship with alcohol and stop drinking. Maybe you wish to do moderation.

Whichever way you choose, this podcast will give you the process to succeed.

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle is for high performers, including entrepreneurs, executives, investors, athletes, and top professionals.

Nutrition Health & Fitness sober stopdrinking addiction alcohol alcoholfree drinking getsober quitalcohol quitdrinking
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Get The Sober Glow For Summer - Victoria English

March 01, 2023 02:54 - 29 minutes - 54.4 MB

Summer bodies are created in the spring. Taking a break from drinking now is the best way to guarantee looking and feeling better when it is time to switch out our snow boots for sandals. Imagine weight loss, better skin and clearer eyes just by dropping the booze! If you have the winter booze blues, we can help. Book your free, discreet 15-minute call today. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certi...

James Swanwick's Journey To Alcohol Freedom - Interviewed by Ben Pavliha

February 23, 2023 21:00 - 55 minutes - 101 MB

James Swanwick is interviewed on Ben Pavliha's YouTube channel and podcast. The two talk about their alcohol free journeys and how they managed to quit and stay quit. Learn how to socialize without alcohol and cement an alcohol free lifestyle. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: htt...

No Rock Bottom But Change Was Desired & Created - Mike Calandrillo

February 21, 2023 21:26 - 38 minutes - 70.5 MB

Mike Calandrillo didn't get a DUI, wasn't waking up in a ditch, wasn't hitting rock bottom. But he recognized his drinking habits were holding him back. A long-time listener of this very podcast, Mike enrolled in the Project 90 and Beyond 90 programs, improved his health, deepened his relationships, socialized alcohol free and now says he likes himself more. Listen to how Mike did it. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) S...

No More Wasted Days - Sara Kaufman-Bradstreet

February 17, 2023 04:03 - 40 minutes - 74.2 MB

How a married mother planned to stop drinking for 30 days and is now four years and counting, and has started an alcohol free movement. Listen to Sara Kaufman-Bradstreet's inspiring story. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free ...

Be A Sober Sweetheart - Victoria English

February 14, 2023 23:28 - 14 minutes - 27.9 MB

Love is in the air! Although Valentine’s Day is filled with dreams of idyllic love, our drinking can often create nightmares. To break the cycle, there’s a secret ingredient that can’t be found in a bottle, a bouquet or even a box of chocolates. Tune in as Coach Victoria discusses what might make your Valentine’s Day the sweetest one yet. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifes...

Throw Away Your Vision Board For 2023 - Victoria English

February 09, 2023 22:00 - 10 minutes - 20.4 MB

When we realize that we are drinking in unhealthy ways, we sometimes become obsessed with being a “normal drinker”. We want to drink the way we assume others drink. Yet, are our assumptions correct? Is drinking an “average” amount going to help us control alcohol? Is being average what we actually want? Join Coach Victoria as she digs into the concept of normal drinking and why you might want to try on a new mindset around it. ★ - Learn more about Project 90:

Throw Away Your Vision Board For 2023 - Victoria English

February 09, 2023 22:00 - 10 minutes - 20.4 MB

When we realize that we are drinking in unhealthy ways, we sometimes become obsessed with being a “normal drinker”. We want to drink the way we assume others drink. Yet, are our assumptions correct? Is drinking an “average” amount going to help us control alcohol? Is being average what we actually want? Join Coach Victoria as she digs into the concept of normal drinking and why you might want to try on a new mindset around it. ★ - Learn more about Project 90:

Stop Trying To Be A Normal Drinker - Victoria English

February 07, 2023 17:13 - 13 minutes - 26 MB

When we realize that we are drinking in unhealthy ways, we sometimes become obsessed with being a “normal drinker”. We want to drink the way we assume others drink. Yet, are our assumptions correct? Is drinking an “average” amount going to help us control alcohol? Is being average what we actually want? Join Coach Victoria as she digs into the concept of normal drinking and why you might want to try on a new mindset around it. ★ - Learn more about Project 90:

Atomic Habits - James Clear

February 02, 2023 22:00 - 11 minutes - 21.4 MB

New York Times best-selling author James Clear on how to change your alcohol habits. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Entrepreneurs & High Performers: https://social.alcoholf...

How Fate Makes Widower, 67, Stop Drinking, Sail Across The Ocean

January 31, 2023 20:29 - 45 minutes - 84.5 MB

Listen to 67-year-old widower, Christian, detail how he stopped drinking and crossed off one of his bucket list items by sailing across the ocean. An inspiring story of one man's journey for peace and happiness. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol:

How to Get Lots of Sh#t Done - Jordan Harbinger

January 26, 2023 23:00 - 55 minutes - 103 MB

How do peak performers maximize productivity while having time for personal time - leisure, health, relationships, responsibilities. Mindsets around organizing time, and how to schedule commands respect from others & filter out people wasting time. Interview from the 2015 vault with Jordan Harbinger. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could ...

How To Harness Your Ego - Ryan Holiday

January 19, 2023 22:00 - 51 minutes - 95.2 MB

Do you find that it’s easy for you to fall into the ego trap? Entrepreneurs often find it easy, because they usually find themselves living such a different life and in such different circumstances from everyone else. Observing that, it’s extremely easy to start to think that you’re different from everyone else, and allow that to drive your ego. Ryan Holiday, author of “Ego is the Enemy,” understands the ego, how to hold it in check, and why you must. Success comes when you understand you...

How To Overcome Social Awkwardness: Robert Greene

January 17, 2023 18:14 - 50 minutes - 93.1 MB

Do you understand the laws of human nature? Do you know why you do what you do? Why humans make the decisions that they make? And do you know how to leverage social skills to accomplish what you want to in life? Today’s guest is Robert Greene, the bestselling author of such books as “The 48 Laws of Power,” “The Art of Seduction,” “Mastery” and more. He’s here to discuss his book “The Laws of Human Nature,” where he explores what makes humans tick, and what that means for the person who wan...

Cracking The Happiness Code - Dr. Jonathan Haidt

January 12, 2023 23:00 - 51 minutes - 94.4 MB

What is happiness? How do we achieve it? Are attractive people happier? Are rich people happier? Could plastic surgery make you happier? Should we seek the most momentary happiness possible, or is a happy and fulfilled life one that consists of ups and downs over the course of it? These are just a few of the questions I get to ask Dr. Jonathan Haidt, author of “The Happiness Hypothesis” on this episode. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accounta...

(Book Reading) The Untethered Soul - Michael Singer

January 10, 2023 23:00 - 41 minutes - 75.8 MB

James readers The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. Learn how to be happy, observe emotions, reduce stress and anxiety. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Entrepreneurs & High...

Who Will You Actually Be When You Stop Drinking? - Victoria English

January 05, 2023 20:15 - 14 minutes - 26.8 MB

Have you heard the term “Possible Selves”? It is a tool for personal knowledge and growth, and January is the perfect time to check it out. When you become sober, you gain far greater ability to control what your future self will be. How would it feel to choose which version of you shows up on April 1, 2023? Keep your resolution on track, and book an interview call with us. We will help you step into your power instead of letting alcohol choose your life.  ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ...

What My Daughter Told Me I Will Never Forget - Victoria English

January 03, 2023 18:50 - 18 minutes - 34.4 MB

What changes when we take a sober vacation? During a recent trip to The Big Apple, Coach Victoria noticed so many changes in herself since her last visit six years ago. If you doubt the power of neuroplasticity, you probably won’t after listening in! Also, hear how she was left speechless by an observation made by her daughter while eating dinner at their favorite restaurant. If you wonder if becoming alcohol-free is worth it and you are a parent, this story will resonate. ★ - Learn more a...

How To Actually Keep Your 2023 Resolutions - Victoria English

December 30, 2022 00:25 - 15 minutes - 28.9 MB

Statistics show that close to 50% of people quit their New Year resolutions by February! With statistics like that, it is time for a new approach. Join Coach Victoria as she introduces you to a new way of not only sticking to your resolutions, but to achieving more along the way. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a ...

Alcohol's Cold Hard Facts - Functional Health Coach, Chris Browning, Reveals All

December 27, 2022 22:57 - 47 minutes - 88.3 MB

James speaks with functional health coach, Chris Browning, about how alcohol can lead to leaky gut, candida, brain fog and poor memory. Discover which alcoholic drinks are the worst and which are the least bad. Is high cholesterole bad for you and should we be eating meat or plant-based? ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you h...

The Real Value Of A Cocktail - Victoria English

December 22, 2022 20:00 - 19 minutes - 36.8 MB

What do you value in life? What matters most? Few problem drinkers would say, “alcohol”. Most likely, they would day things like family, health, career, faith and more. But how do those values show up when we are not sober? Grab a wine or whiskey glass (leave out the booze!) and a pen and paper for a Project 90 original tactic. You get to gain a glimpse into how our coaching can transform shame into empowerment as you find out why an alcohol-free lifestyle is more valuable than anything ...

1460 Days Alcohol Free - How John Keltner, 57, Did It

December 20, 2022 18:36 - 42 minutes - 78.2 MB

Four years alcohol free today! Listen how John Keltner got engaged, doubled his work productivity, reconnected with his teenage son, generated better friendships and feels like a 20-something at age 57. John was one of the original clients of Project 90, the flagship stop drinking program with Alcohol Free Lifestyle. Listen in to his incredible transformation. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certif...

Coach V’s Favorite Holiday Drink & How to Order An AF Drink Without Drawing Attention

December 18, 2022 19:00 - 21 minutes - 39.8 MB

Coach Victoria English drinks A LOT….she just doesn’t drink alcohol anymore! Like everyone, she wants the holidays to be special and that includes putting something festive in her glass. Tune in as she makes one her favorite alcohol-free mixes. Being sober at the holidays is a great way to get set for the new year and yes, it is fun! Also, do you want to order a mocktail at a restaurant but fear that everyone will stop and stare? With our coaching, you will learn how to overcome that story...

James Is Interviewed On A Sober Podcast - Adam Vibe Gunton

December 16, 2022 18:32 - 1 hour - 136 MB

James Swanwick is interviewed on sober podcast, "Recovered on Purpose". Listen in as James shares his alcohol-free journey, compares his drinking days to his non-drinking days, and how he has stayed alcohol free since 2010. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: https://www.alcoholfre...

7 Ways To Reinvent Yourself - Peter Sage

December 07, 2022 02:30 - 58 minutes - 109 MB

Do you want to change or get rid of bad habits and negative thoughts? Do you want to change your mentality to have more clarity and focus? Peter Sage gives you 7 ways to reinvent yourself for a better life. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol:

I’m Not As Bad As So-and-So Is No Reason To Not Get Sober - Victoria English

December 02, 2022 03:00 - 25 minutes - 47 MB

When we know we are drinking in an unhealthy way, we sure can be creative in the ways we justify perpetuating the cycle. Chances are, if you’ve said it, Coach Victoria and Project 90 members have, too! These thoughts and beliefs can keep us stuck in a cycle of drinking for years. There is no shame in it, because society is full of comparison. Listen in as Victoria breaks down some of these comparisons and helps listeners find their own truths. In Project 90, you’ll learn to turn self-defeat ...

How To Manage Your Stress - Anthony DiClementi

November 29, 2022 19:14 - 42 minutes - 79.8 MB

Are you stressed out? Do you want to live a healthier and more relaxed life? Do you want to learn how to manage your stress naturally? ★ - (Facebook Community) Join our free and private Alcohol Free Lifestyle Community: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (YouTube...

How Kind Are You? Discover The One Kindness Movement - John Wang

November 22, 2022 18:40 - 47 minutes - 44.6 MB

Why do we have a human instinct to be kind? Why should we be kind? What can a life of kindness bring us? Listen in to know what kindness can bring you!. Can you do one act of kindness everyday? Take the challenge! One Kindness founder John Wang. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: h...

Why The Alcohol Industry Loves The Word “Alcoholic” -Ken Middleton, Writer & Founder, AINYF

November 15, 2022 22:06 - 37 minutes - 70 MB

Ken Middleton was never an alcoholic. In fact, far from it. He was on a growth trajectory, but asked himself an important question: “If I can do this well while drinking, what might I be able to do if I stop?” That decision led him to becoming one of the leaders in the alcohol-conscious movement and a top wellness expert. If you are wondering what alcohol-free living is like, you don’t want to miss this episode. Stop asking yourself, “Am I an alcoholic?” and learn how you can step into the l...

Reducing Stress Through Great Sleep - Navy Seal Doc Parsley

November 11, 2022 02:41 - 1 hour - 121 MB

Stress is a killer. Former Navy Seal Doc Parsley explains how to reduce stress. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Entrepreneurs & High Performers: https://social.alcoholfreel...

My Partner Says She Has The Real Me Back - Stephanie McCarthy

November 09, 2022 02:23

Recent Project 90 Member graduate, Stephanie McCarthy, realized that alcohol was a problem ten years ago. After trying willpower and AA, she was suffering serious relationship problems with her longtime partner. She worried how she would ever learn to relax, socialize and have fun without her fickle friend, wine. Now, at 100 days alcohol-free, she has found the secret to living fully. Listen in as Stephanie describes her new evening rituals, details of her job promotions & new business laun...

My Partner Says She Has The Real Me Back - Stephanie McCarthy

November 09, 2022 02:23

Recent Project 90 Member graduate, Stephanie McCarthy, realized that alcohol was a problem ten years ago. After trying willpower and AA, she was suffering serious relationship problems with her longtime partner. She worried how she would ever learn to relax, socialize and have fun without her fickle friend, wine. Now, at 100 days alcohol-free, she has found the secret to living fully. Listen in as Stephanie describes her new evening rituals, details of her job promotions & new business laun...

Skin Care - Entrepreneur's Health Comeback Despite Debilitating Disease - Jesse Gulden

November 04, 2022 16:18 - 31 minutes - 58.9 MB

Alcohol messes with our skin. What is the best skin care? We speak with skin expert Jesse Gulden. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Entrepreneurs & High Performers: https://s...

11,005 Days Alcohol Free With AA & Neuroscience - John Chmela

November 02, 2022 05:24 - 57 minutes - 107 MB

John Chemela, 61, is a horse farm owner in Georgetown, Kentucky. Listen to his 30-year alcohol-free journey, what worked, what didn't and how he's now helping others. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Fre...

Integrating Health And Wellness Into Your Business Plan - Chantalynn

October 30, 2022 19:05 - 57 minutes - 106 MB

Health and wellness is the key to a happy life. We speak with health and wellness expert Chantalynn. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Entrepreneurs & High Performers: https:/...

James Is Interviewed On An Australian Podcast - Will Hitchins

October 20, 2022 21:45 - 56 minutes - 104 MB

James Swanwick is interviewed on Australian podcast, "Last Drinks Podcast". Listen in as James compares his drinking days to his non-drinking days, including stories about celebrities Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Aniston, Heath Ledger and Naomi Watts. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol:...

Natural Sleep Solutions For Busy Go Getters - Martha Lewis

October 13, 2022 10:00 - 59 minutes - 111 MB

If you're a poor sleeper, you're more likely to want to drink alcohol. So let's sleep amazing. Let's speak to sleep expert, Martha Lewis ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Ent...

Pour Decisions - How Drinking Affects Your Bio Data

October 11, 2022 22:00 - 12 minutes - 24 MB

Whoop is a wearable device that shows your resting heart rate, heart rate variability and more. Users who inputed data about their alcohol consumption saw very specific bio data. In this episide we reveal the data. How does drinking affect your body? ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alco...

Weight Loss, Energy, Sleep, Feeling Terrific - Cristy Nickel

October 06, 2022 22:26 - 57 minutes - 92.9 MB

How do you keep fat off through nutrition - Cristy Nickel ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Entrepreneurs & High Performers:

How To Calculate The Financial Cost Of Your Drinking - Jim Miller

October 05, 2022 19:53 - 32 minutes - 59.3 MB

Yes, you may "only" spend $10k a year on alcohol. But how much are you not making because of drinking alcohol? In many cases, it can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. What's the cost of YOUR drinking? We break it down in today's episode with Jim Miller, 64. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship...

How To Eat Dessert & Burn Fat at the Same Time - Crosby Tailor

October 04, 2022 22:00 - 53 minutes - 86.8 MB

Dessert expert Crosby Tailor walks us through how to make a healthy dessert so we're not prone to high sugar or alcoholic treats. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: ★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Entreprene...

You vs. The Restaurant - How They Get You To Drink

September 29, 2022 22:00 - 26 minutes - 43.3 MB

Smiling assassins are everywhere. They're the waiters encouring you to drink, the party hosts trying to be nice, the friends and family saying, "just have one". How do you defeat them and choose alcohol - free? Listen in to find out... ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: https://ww...

The Healthy Entrepreneur - Rex Miller

September 28, 2022 03:57 - 1 hour - 84.7 MB

How to have healthy habits, including great sleep and productivity. If you're an entrepreneur, how to create a harmonious and healthy team. Today we speak with Rex Miller, author of "The Healthy Workplace Nudge - How Healthy People, Culture and Buildings Lead to High Performance." ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having ...

A Mid-Flight Alcohol-Fuelled Argument: A Cautionary Tale

September 22, 2022 23:35 - 30 minutes - 43.6 MB

What happened at 30,000 ft when James witnessed a Finnish couple demanding to be served more alcohol. Did the stewardess oblige. Or was the couple shut off? Find out what happened in this alcohol-fuelled argument. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: https://www.alcoholfreelifestyle...

The Two Big Lies About Alcohol - Jim Miller

September 20, 2022 22:00 - 24 minutes - 34.6 MB

There are two big lies we tell ourselves about alcohol. And they are holding us back in life. What are the lies we tell ourselves daily? Listen in to this interview with Alcohol Free Lifestyle's Director of Membership Development and married father-of-two, Jim Miller, 64. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better ...

How Chiropractor, 54, Stopped Drinking, Transformed Health & Saved Marriage - Dr. Karl Krantz

September 08, 2022 21:30 - 43 minutes - 60.2 MB

A married father of seven, chiropractor Dr. Karl Krantz knew he was drinking too much. From the stress of his son's health diagnosis to moving the family from Wisconsin to Florida, Dr. Krantz turned to beer to numb himself. Then he decided to stop drinking, got support doing so, and completely transformed his health and marriage. Listen in to how he did it. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certifie...

A Warning To All Parents: How Drinking Affects Children - Jim Miller

September 07, 2022 05:02 - 37 minutes - 52.2 MB

A conversation with Jim Miller, 64, who comes from four generations of alcoholics. Listen as Jim describes the effect his father's drinking had on his childhood and his own relationship with his two teenage daughters. Parents, a warning: your drinking habits are affecting your children. A cautionary tale. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we ...

If You Have Been Waiting On A Sign That You Need To Quit Drinking, This Is It - Victoria English

August 30, 2022 22:00 - 16 minutes - 23.5 MB

We all have one: That tiny voice inside that always speaks the truth. How many years has yours been telling you that you need to be sober, at least for awhile? No matter how much we drink, it won’t stop bothering us. Perhaps it started as a whisper, then a shout, then a big push on the shoulders. On today’s episode, Coach V discusses how to overcome the fear and listen to what you know is the right thing to do. We are currently accepting applications for the fall season of Project 90, but we...

How to Tackle Football Season Without Alcohol - Victoria English

August 25, 2022 19:10 - 18 minutes - 26.8 MB

There are few things more associated with drinking than football season. From a very young age, we are conditioned to believe that sports and alcohol go together. Yet, are you waking up feeling like a MVP, or a bench warmer? Join Project 90’s top coach, Victoria English, as she shares a few pages from her playbook on staying sober during the game. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-F...

Moving Beyond a 30-Minute Buzz To Find Joy - Lauren Shaw

August 24, 2022 03:27 - 37 minutes - 52 MB

If you are listening to our podcast, you are probably realizing that true happiness is not found in a bottle of alcohol. So where is it found? Often, the fear of not knowing what is on the other side of drinking holds us back from taking action. What if you could begin finding out in less than the 90 days it takes to finish Project 90? Imagine not just waking up hangover-free, but also discovering joy along the way. A sober life unlocks the potential to find the things that the bottle promis...

2.5 Years Without Alcohol…How I Inspired My Team, Lost 63lbs, Improved My Marriage & Grew A Pumpkin Patch…Now I’m Retiring! - Steve Aguiar

August 18, 2022 22:08 - 38 minutes - 53.8 MB

Steve Aguiar is 2.5 years alcohol free and has lost 63lbs, dropped his blood pressure, inspired his colleagues, improved his marriage and lots more. How did the former Project 90 client do it? Listen in to today's episode to be inspired. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol: https://w...