Latest Selfdoubt Podcast Episodes

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 39: How to shift from a hobby business owner to an empowered CEO

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - February 08, 2022 15:57 - 24 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Today's episode is all about helping you to step into the identity of the empowered CEO!  We chat: ✨ Habits of the empowered CEO woman  ✨ How to show up as a true leader and OWN how powerful your work is online ✨ The strategic shifts I made that helped my business feel real  ✨ The mind...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 38: Having more FUN in business with Sarah Mac

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - February 01, 2022 20:19 - 48 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Sarah Mac is a writer and a coach to creative entrepreneur's. She helps her people create magnetic and FUN content to grow their business to 6 figures.  She also happens to be a biz bestie of mine!! In this episode, you'll hear: ✨ Sarah's journey from hustle + burnout to having a spacious,...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 37: An honest chat on unaligned & toxic coaches (my experiences and words of wisdom)

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - January 25, 2022 19:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
The truth is- not every coach or container is going to be right for you. I know what it's like to work with a coach and walk away from the sessions feeling misunderstood, wrong, and unseen.  If you've ever felt that or are going through that now, this episode is for you. We're chatting:  ✨...

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Ep 36: Rituals and practices to get into receiving mode

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - January 18, 2022 07:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
I believe our desires are always trying to make their way to us. In other words, I believe what we desire desires us back. And in order to receive our desires, whether we're calling in more money, more clients, or a specific opportunity.... we have to be fully open to allowing that desire in.  ...

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Ep 35: The mindset of creating a multi 6-figure jewelry company with Rhonda Madrid

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - January 11, 2022 07:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Rhonda Madrid is the owner and founder of RMD, an online boutique jewelry company. (And she also happens to be one of my incredible private 1:1 clients!) In 2017, Rhonda started making jewelry as a creative way to manage her anxiety and depression. She spent $30 at a local craft store and by ...

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Ep 34: There’s no right way: 5 tips to find YOUR blueprint for success.

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - January 04, 2022 13:37 - 29 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Happy New Year, loves! This is an episode is for you if you’re a coach whose been getting stuck in the idea that you need to find “the right way” to grow your business. Deep down, you know there’s no right way and you’re SO ready to shift the limiting ideas that tell you need to show up like som...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 33: Simplifying business, boundaries, and more with Elley Mae

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - December 28, 2021 07:00 - 42 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
I just LOVED recording this episode for you with Elley Mae!  Elley is a business coach who helps coaches scale to 6-figures working only 15 hours per week. Her whole vibe is about working less and earning more! In this episode, we chat:  ✨ Elley's journey to working less, simplifying her b...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 33: Simplifying business, boundaries, and more with Elley Mae

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - December 28, 2021 07:00 - 42 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
I just LOVED recording this episode for you with Elley Mae!  Elley is a business coach who helps coaches scale to 6-figures working only 15 hours per week. Her whole vibe is about working less and earning more! In this episode, we chat:  ✨ Elley's journey to working less, simplifying her b...

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Ep 32: Reflecting on my biggest personal and business lessons from 2021

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - December 21, 2021 13:00 - 48 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
With 2021 coming to an end, I felt inspired to reflect with you on some of my biggest personal and business lessons of the year! In this episode, we're chatting: The importance of reflecting on your year and celebrating your growth How I learned to find safety in my body this year after str...

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Ep 31: Trusting the unfolding of it all with Rachael Ferrera

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - December 14, 2021 07:00 - 55 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Rachael Ferrera is an actor, singer, and energy healer. She also happens to be one of my best friends and one of the most coolest people I know! (She's even appeared on Broadway and Netflix... how cool is that?!!)  In this episode, you'll hear us share such a fun conversation on: How to trust...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 30: How to create $5k months with ease

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - December 07, 2021 07:00 - 32 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Is your main goal in your coaching biz right now to hit $5k months? I have so much to share around this!  In this episode, I'm breaking it all down and sharing...  Why stepping into your next level requires you to let go of the shame you're holding around "I should be further ahead" A remin...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 29: Her journey to taking her coaching business full-time with Tori Lynne

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - November 30, 2021 07:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Tori Lynne is a self love coach, a past client of mine, a friend, and a true soul sister! In less than a year, I've watched her go from, "I'm thinking of starting a coaching business but feel so lost with where to start" to quitting her job to run her coaching business full-time!  In this epis...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 29: Client spotlight: Taking her coaching business full-time with Tori Lynne

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - November 30, 2021 07:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Tori Lynne is a self love coach, a past client of mine, a friend, and a true soul sister! In less than a year, I've watched her go from, "I'm thinking of starting a coaching business but feel so lost with where to start" to quitting her job to run her coaching business full-time!  In this epis...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 28: What to do when your energy feels "off" or you feel low

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - November 22, 2021 19:44 - 21 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
How do you show up in your business when your energy feels off? And what kinds of rituals help you get back into alignment?  If you've ever wondered these things, this episode is for you!    We chat:  >> Why it's not realistic to think you need to be high vibe 24/7 in order to be success...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 27- Lessons learned growing my email list to 10k

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - November 16, 2021 07:00 - 31 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
A lot of times, when people hear I grew my email list to 10k subscribers in just over a year, they want to know, “How did you do that?!”  In today’s episode, I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing it ALL- what worked, what didn’t work, and my top suggestions if you desire to grow your email ...

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Ep 26: Three steps to getting clear on your core message

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - November 09, 2021 07:00 - 27 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
If you know it's time to get more clear on your core message (aka: your niche), and you're ready to feel more confident in your content, you're going to love today's podcast episode! In this episode we chat:  3 steps to getting clear on your core message How to really OWN your story and sha...

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What If You Could Boldly Be Yourself Without Fear Of Rejection?

Social Confidence For Life - November 03, 2021 22:11 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 22 ratings
For over 15 years, I felt scared of disapproval, and tried pleasing others to avoid it. But, I was miserable because I wasn't real. Tune into this episode to learn what those 3 steps are.  P.S. Have you heard? I'm holding a FREE webinar limited to only the first 200 Registrants where I explain...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 25: Anchoring into the belief, "People want to pay me"

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - November 02, 2021 06:00 - 29 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Have you ever found yourself feeling bad about selling because you don't want to feel like you're "taking money away from people"? If so, you're not alone. This is one of my favorite beliefs to help my clients shift! In today's episode, we chat: >> Why it's true that people WANT to pay you  ...

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Warrior Interviews Teaser

Warrior Interviews - October 28, 2021 00:25 - 21 seconds
Episodes will be uploaded shortly so check back soon

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Ep 24: Deciding you're capable of your next income goal NOW with million-dollar mama, Taylor Lee

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - October 26, 2021 06:00 - 37 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Oh my gosh, I am SO excited and honored to share today's podcast episode with one of my mentors, Taylor Lee. Taylor Lee is a business mentor and a mama who helps coaches go from 6 to 7 figures in their business through simplifying and mastering what really matters. I've been in many of Taylo...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 23: Allowing your business, niche, and message to evolve

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - October 19, 2021 06:00 - 32 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Have you been feeling the pull to change something major in your business? Maybe you want to start an entirely new business. Maybe you want to change your niche. Maybe you want to change the name of your business or go by a new title.  Whatever you're feeling pulled to change-- consider this e...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 23: Allowing your business, niche, and message to evolve

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - October 19, 2021 06:00 - 32 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Have you been feeling the pull to change something major in your business? Maybe you want to start an entirely new business. Maybe you want to change your niche. Maybe you want to change the name of your business or go by a new title.  Whatever you're feeling pulled to change-- consider this e...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 22: How to balance running a business when life things happen (sickness, grief, being busy, etc.)

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - October 12, 2021 15:05 - 38 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Hi, loves. Today's podcast is such a powerful one and I know is so needed for many right now.  If you've been wondering, "How do I still show up for my business when I'm sick? Or when I'm grieving? Or when unexpected life things come up?" ... then this episode is for you.  The truth is... li...

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Ep 21: Listen to this if you've been obsessing over likes and comments

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - October 05, 2021 06:00 - 25 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Are you ready to exit the loop of worrying, overthinking, and obsessing about your likes and comments? Have you been feeling discouraged about the lack of engagement in your content or have you found yourself thinking, “The people in my audience just aren’t the type of people willing to invest i...

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Ep 20: Celebrating yourself + measuring success in ways other than just income

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - September 28, 2021 06:00 - 26 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Hiii, welcome back to the podcast! Today's episode is one that's going to leave you feeling so good and empowered. We're chatting all about the importance of celebrating yourself, especially on your journey of entrepreneurship.    How do you tend to measure your success? For most of us in bu...

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Ep 19: How I make sales in the DM's and why I don't believe in cold messaging or doing sales calls

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - September 21, 2021 06:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
One of my biggest pet peeves is the way sales tends to be taught in the coaching industry. Cold DM's, manipulative sales tactics, overcoming objections, "pushing" people into the sale... honestly... yuck! lol.  I used to think if I wanted to sell, I'd have to do things that didn't really feel ...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 19: How I make sales in the DM's and why I don't believe in cold messaging or doing sales calls

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - September 21, 2021 06:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
One of my biggest pet peeves is the way sales tends to be taught in the coaching industry. Cold DM's, manipulative sales tactics, overcoming objections, "pushing" people into the sale... honestly... yuck! lol.  I used to think if I wanted to sell, I'd have to do things that didn't really feel ...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 18: The fear of losing people as your business grows and you create more success

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - September 13, 2021 06:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Something I've found is that at each new level of visibility and income in your business, this is a fear that can come in strong.    “What are my friends or family going to think?”  “Will someone be upset or triggered by me?”  “Will they talk about me behind their back?”    If you've...

TEXTURE w/Josh Gaines artwork

TXTR Post-Script: A Message & Proposal to Christians

TEXTURE w/Josh Gaines - September 10, 2021 19:02 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 18 ratings
This is the last episode there will be of Texture, and serves as an introductory episode to my new show ZEIT HEIST. Who has read the entire Bible? Has anyone memorized the Bible? What if you knew it in Hebrew and Greek? What if you had read every theological book you've been meaning to get to? ...

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[ARCHIVE] TXTR25: A Message & Proposal to Christians

TEXTURE w/Josh Gaines - September 10, 2021 19:02 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 18 ratings
Who has read the entire Bible? Has anyone memorized the Bible? What if you knew it in Hebrew and Greek? What if you had read every theological book you've been meaning to get to? What would be the end result of all this? Listen LIVE every Friday morning 10-11am PST on Shady Pines Radio: https:/...