Latest Selfdoubt Podcast Episodes

TEXTURE w/Josh Gaines artwork

IDMC1: Dating Apps and Tinkerbell's P*ssy

TEXTURE w/Josh Gaines - August 19, 2022 19:21 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 18 ratings
(a comedy podcast by Josh Gaines) Does this even qualify as a show? I don't know. I'm just "Drinking My Coffee" over here and saying things that make me laugh into a microphone. On this one I talk about Tinder and the woes of modern dating, cats in Disney movies and Baby Yoga from The Mandolin s...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 64: 3 things I’m currently doing to prep my biz for when baby comes!

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - August 16, 2022 19:35 - 16 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
I'm 17 weeks pregnant and SO excited to become a mama! And with that, I'm also working on some things in the back-end of my business to prep for when the baby arrives.  My vision is to work less, make more, and create more spaciousness and freedom in my lifestyle.  If you're also a mama-to-b...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 63: Growing to multi-6 figures as a multi-passionate with Amber Hagberg

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - August 10, 2022 20:10 - 29 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Amber Hagberg is a business coach for soulpreneurs and multi-passionates, currently living in Costa Rica. She's also a mom and yoga teacher who has built a multi-6 figure business online helping others build their passion based business.  In this week's episode, we chatted about: ✨ How to fe...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 62: 4 tips to Have More Fun With Content Creation

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - August 02, 2022 17:07 - 13 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Has content creation felt hard or heavy for you lately? Have you noticed a feeling of pressure when you go to write a post or the thought, "I need to say the right thing!!!" ? In today's episode, we're talking about how to release this pressure and enjoy the process of showing up online more. ...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 61: 3 steps to writing Scroll Stopping Headlines

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - July 26, 2022 20:06 - 20 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
In order to make an impact with your content, people need to be READING your content. And one of the best ways to get more eyes on your content, is by being really intentional with the first couple of lines!  Once people read the first line or 2, are they curious and excited to keep reading? O...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 60: How to set firm, but loving boundaries in your business

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - July 19, 2022 19:35 - 19 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Do you know it's time to tighten up some boundaries in your business and you'd love some guidance on how to go about it?  In today's episode, we're chatting:  ✨ Where to draw that line between what you share online VS. what you choose to keep sacred and to yourself  ✨ How to set boundaries...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 59: Money rituals and habits to receive more money in your business

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - July 12, 2022 05:00 - 34 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Today's episode is such a fun one!!! I'm taking you behind-the-scenes in my business and sharing with you some of my favorite money habits that have led me to go from $0 to $100k+ cash received over the lifetime of my business so far.  In this episode, we chat:  ✨ Some of the most common mon...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 58: Meditation for releasing perfectionism in business

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - June 29, 2022 17:50 - 9 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Grab a cup of tea, get cozy, and enjoy a 10 minute meditation to release perfectionism and come back to the reminder, "The more ME I am, the more successful I become." This meditation is for you if:  ✨ You've been getting in your head about if you actually know enough or if you're qualified ...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 57: A BTS look at changes I've been making to my business model

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - June 21, 2022 19:48 - 30 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
In today's episode, I'm sharing a behind-the-scenes look at some of the changes I've been making to my business model and why.  Every once in a while, it's really healthy to look at the big picture of your business and reflect on questions like, "What's working here? What's not? What's feeling...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 56: No one can share your unique gifts with the world like YOU can: A reminder of why your work is so needed.

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - June 14, 2022 19:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
A really common experience among entrepreneurs is this creeping feeling of doubt, "There's already so many mindset coaches/wellness coaches/empowerment coaches, etc.... why would people listen to me? Can I really offer something that hasn't already been said? Is there really room for me in this ...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 55: Not seeing much momentum with your free social media content? Try this.

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - June 07, 2022 13:33 - 31 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
In today's episode, I'm so excited to share with you my step-by-step process for hosting free workshops. If you feel like you haven't been seeing a ton of momentum from your free content, and you know it's time to shake things up and try something different, this is going to be a game-changer fo...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 54: The Power of Delegating and how to know when it’s time to hire a VA for support

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - May 31, 2022 06:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Karly Vee is a virtual assistant with over 10 years of graphic design and business experience. Her mission is to support feminine business owners to uplevel and grow their business by taking tasks off their plate like scheduling, posting, operations, graphics, and more! She’s actually been my pe...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 53: How to let go of the pressure to get your clients results

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - May 24, 2022 15:20 - 23 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
I recently came across this question in a FB group, "How do I make sure my clients get results?"  My answer: "The way I see it: it's my client's job to show up, do the work, and get their results. Not mine. My job: To follow through on my promises for the offer (if I say I'm going to drop X am...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

52: YOU are not your business. How to create a healthy separation.

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - May 18, 2022 17:59 - 19 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Do you sometimes feel like you need to be high-vibe and have it all together all of the time, otherwise you might not make sales or be successful?  I recorded this episode for the woman who is craving a bit of permission that it's OK to be human. It's ok to have down days. It's ok to be moving...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

52: YOU are not your business. How to create a healthy separation.

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - May 18, 2022 17:59 - 19 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Do you sometimes feel like you need to be high-vibe and have it all together all of the time, otherwise you might not make sales or be successful?  I recorded this episode for the woman who is craving a bit of permission that it's OK to be human. It's ok to have down days. It's ok to be moving...

Daily Mindfulness Lab artwork

Owning My Naivete

Daily Mindfulness Lab - May 11, 2022 20:06 - 14 minutes
If you could have a conversation with yourself back when you started your career in healthcare, what would you say? What does that person need to know in order to sustain their mental health over the arch of their career? Would you talk to them about naivete? Or how to approach one's naivete as ...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 51: 5 unexpected ways dream clients have found me and hired me

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - May 10, 2022 19:33 - 30 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
If one of your main goals right now is to sign private 1:1 clients, this episode is going to give you sooo much powerful evidence that it's possible! In this episode, I'm sharing 5 actual examples of unexpected ways dream clients have found my work and hired me! My intention is that by the end...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 50: My daily routine- 4 things I focus on every day to grow my coaching business

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - May 03, 2022 18:08 - 22 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
I always feel so inspired hearing about how others structure their day for success, so I thought I'd share a behind-the-scenes look at what my daily life looks like running a full-time online coaching business!  I'm breaking down what I do each day, the tasks that are non-negotiable for me, an...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 49: How I decide what to write when I sit down to create content

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - April 27, 2022 16:49 - 33 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Do you ever sit down to write content for social media and feel like, "There's so many directions I could go! I'm not sure where to focus"?  If so, today's podcast episode is for you! You'll learn: How I decide what to write about each day so that my content feels intentional and not "all o...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 48: Owning your results as good enough

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - April 19, 2022 17:41 - 11 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Today we're talking about something I see from my clients all of the time, which is: Holding back from really owning your results online! It can feel a bit uncomfortable to talk about your wins and write posts on social media around your own personal story. I get it. But one of the biggest r...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 48: Owning your results as good enough

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - April 19, 2022 17:41 - 11 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Today we're talking about something I see from my clients all of the time, which is: Holding back from really owning your results online! It can feel a bit uncomfortable to talk about your wins and write posts on social media around your own personal story. I get it. But one of the biggest r...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 47: A content tip that will help you become more magnetic to your ideal clients

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - April 12, 2022 15:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Ready to get into a consistent flow with content creation? And know how to create content that is SO magnetic to your ideal clients and leads to sales?  In this episode, I’m sharing one really powerful content tip that’s going to help you do that.  When I implemented this in my own business,...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 46: Where to begin with automation in your business with Alisa Wilcox

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - April 05, 2022 13:05 - 26 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Alisa is a success coach for entrepreneurs and she helps people create the freedom, time and money, with automated systems that bring in major revenue to their business. If you've been wanting to learn more about email automation and setting up systems in your business to make you more money, ...

Daily Mindfulness Lab artwork

A New Direction

Daily Mindfulness Lab - April 04, 2022 20:24 - 1 minute
What happens to the healthcare industry as providers go home feeling like they could have done more to care for their patients? While at the same time struggle to care about things in their personal life that used to be important? My name is Todd Brossart, and over the past 15 years of my career...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 45: Nothing is more important than just letting your message OUT!

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - March 29, 2022 05:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Nothing is more important than just letting your message OUT!  This episode is for you if you're ready to stop getting caught up in the perfection and busy work and actually do the REAL work that is going to grow your business! Dropping some major #truthbombs in today's episode that I know a...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 44: How to host your own weekend retreat! Sharing our experience.

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - March 22, 2022 19:51 - 31 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Have you been thinking about hosting your own weekend retreat? But feel a little overwhelmed with where to start?  In today's episode, I have my friend Krystal on and we're sharing the behind-the-scenes of how we hosted our first weekend self care retreat last year and how we're hosting our se...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 43: The Power of Just Deciding

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - March 14, 2022 19:58 - 15 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
In business, there are so many decisions we need to make. And I've found that the faster we can just DECIDE (even when we're not 100% confident in the decision) the faster we'll see success.  Today's episode is a short and sweet one where we chat:  ✨ The power of decision and certainty  ✨ ...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 42: 5 messaging tweaks to call in perfect-fit clients who are ready to work with you

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - March 07, 2022 20:18 - 29 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
This episode is for you if you are so ready to work with the type of client who is just ALL IN.  You’re no longer available for clients who miss their calls. Or miss their payments. Or who drain your energy. You want to call in the kinds of clients who show up, who take action, and who are r...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 41: How to get more eyes on you and your business (aka: let's talk audience growth!)

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - February 22, 2022 20:28 - 32 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Audience growth is one of the most important parts of running an online coaching business. You could have the most incredible content and offers, but if no one is there to see them, then that's where we need to focus! In this episode, we chat:  ✨ The mindset shift that helped me release old ...

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel artwork

Ep 40: How to find your flow showing up on social media

Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel - February 15, 2022 01:24 - 32 minutes ★★★★ - 7 ratings
Today's episode is for you if you're soooo ready to get into a better flow with social media! Maybe you've been lacking inspiration, feeling a bit directionless, or feeling hung up on things like, "Am I posting enough? Am I posting enough of the right kinds of content?"  In today's episode, ...