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Shift Your Perspective artwork

Your Life Won’t Change Until You Do, Until You Believe In Yourself

Shift Your Perspective - June 18, 2024 13:57 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Let’s face it: change isn’t easy (if it were, everybody would be doing it). Yet, something profound and unexplainable within us compels us to do just that. But in our progression of growth and change, we might be tempted to revert to our ‘old nature’ due to others’ misunderstanding of our acti...

Navigating the Customer Experience artwork

232: Embracing Technology and Human Connection in Customer Experience with Vaishali Dialani

Navigating the Customer Experience - June 18, 2024 08:30 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Vaishali Dialani is a multi-award-winning Customer Experience professional in the Middle East, has been recognized as a CXPA Emerging Leader, a finalist for CX Leader of the Year 2023, and has been ranked among the top CXMStars worldwide in both 2023 and 2024. She is a firm believer in the power...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

Who Do I Say I Am?

Shift Your Perspective - June 09, 2024 15:27 - 51 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Do you want to know why you haven’t obtained freedom yet? It’s solely because you haven’t confidently walked away from conformity; you haven’t ceased allowing others to define who you are. It’s your choice to say, “This is who I am and what I wish to experience in life,” not ‘The World’s;’ You...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

What Is Love, Really?

Shift Your Perspective - June 02, 2024 13:24 - 50 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Why do you believe “The World,” AKA: people, need to be healed before allowing yourself to live your life? Why do you feel guilty for having chosen Heaven Consciousness when The World around you is living in Hell Consciousness? To live in Heaven Consciousness,  AKA: Love, AKA: the fruition o...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

To Understand Love, You Must Understand Fear – Part III

Shift Your Perspective - May 29, 2024 15:54 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
We are told by ‘The World,’ “You can be ANYTHING you want to be if you only believe,” while simultaneously telling us, “as long as it fits within OUR prescribed set of options, assumptions, and labels of what you SHOULD be.” In other words, “Conform, or we will cast you out.” Conformity, by ...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

To Understand Love, You Must Understand Fear – Part II

Shift Your Perspective - May 28, 2024 12:49 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
How long have you sought happiness, courage, confidence, and direction outside yourself; how long have you sought outside of yourself the power to overcome Fear so that you may change your life? How many ‘self-improvement’ books, courses, and ‘self-love’ practices have you engaged in to find It?...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

To Understand Love, You Must Understand Fear - Part I

Shift Your Perspective - May 26, 2024 17:46 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Ask yourself, “Why do I allow Fear to control my mind?” Is it because you feel helpless to Fear? That Fear is a force outside of yourself that you cannot control? The truth is, you are not a subservient to Fear; Fear is your slave. The only way to stop allowing Fear to dominate your life i...

Navigating the Customer Experience artwork

231: Data-Driven Sales Excellence: Insights from 'Data and Diagnosis-Driven Selling' with Robert Scarperi

Navigating the Customer Experience - May 21, 2024 08:30 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Robert Scarperi, Bob has been a leader in professional services, SaaS, financial services, ad tech mar tech, and management consulting for 32 years. His company, Revenue Vision Partners is the industry's leading data-driven revenue growth consulting firm. Questions · Could you share with ...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

The Power Of The Present Moment – Part III

Shift Your Perspective - May 19, 2024 14:32 - 57 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Are you living in the present moment? If not, you are “dead;” you’re wasting your life! I am not saying your life isn’t meaningful or that you shouldn’t have dreams to work towards. I am asking you, are you wasting your life trying to “be” something that you are not, something according to o...

Lessons in Life & Love with Coach Riana Milne artwork

Dating Success for Grad Beth after Love Trauma Recovery Coaching with Riana Milne

Lessons in Life & Love with Coach Riana Milne - May 17, 2024 16:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 180 ratings
My Graduate Beth O. came to Coaching after a very Toxic Marriage and Divorce with a Narcissist, plus she has a major career change. Her Dating choices post-marriage resulted in RRS - Relationship Repetition Syndrome, where she kept attracting Toxic partners. Once healing her Subconscious Behavio...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

The Power Of The Present Moment - Part II

Shift Your Perspective - May 15, 2024 12:47 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Once you have freed yourself from old thought patterns and realized, "You become what you think about," you must shift your perspective toward creating a new future. Otherwise, you will continue to perpetuate the present moment, which is neither, spiritually speaking, hell nor heaven; it's a sta...

Navigating the Customer Experience artwork

230: Strategies for Customer Success and Retention with Rachel Stanley

Navigating the Customer Experience - May 14, 2024 22:08 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Rachel Stanley came to Banzai in 2019 with over 10 years of SaaS onboarding, training, implementation, consulting, e-Learning, customer success, adoption and support experience. When Rachel joined Banzai, Customer Success was the only customer-facing job function.  Since then, Rachel has added...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

The Power Of The Present Moment - Part I

Shift Your Perspective - May 13, 2024 13:18 - 56 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Being in the present moment is highly misunderstood. Why? The present moment is shaped by what was. When you focus only on the present moment, you only view what is, what is wrong, and what you lack. Things that keep you stuck running around in circles and never getting anywhere. And yet, yo...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

The World Is A Reflection Of You. Or Is It?

Shift Your Perspective - May 05, 2024 16:38 - 59 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
'The World' is not a reflection of you. Seriously, are YOU responsible for hatred, greed, war, poverty? What about joy, happiness, prosperity, and beauty? Yes, you may be 'experiencing' these things, but you are not responsible for what you see in 'The World,' whether good or bad. Thinking...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

The Mistakes Of Others, AKA: Freedom From The Guilt Of Others' Choices

Shift Your Perspective - April 28, 2024 16:28 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Why do you feel guilty for what other people have done to you? Is it because you feel responsible? Or that perhaps you owe them something? Whatever the reason, you will never be free mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc., until you learn this very important lesson.  Do you wish to know ...

Navigating the Customer Experience artwork

229: Embracing Change and Mastering Entrepreneurship: Insights from Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine with Jason Feifer

Navigating the Customer Experience - April 23, 2024 16:18 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Jason Feifer is the editor in chief of Entrepreneur Magazine, a nonstop optimism machine, and a widely recognized authority on business and how people navigate change. He is the author of the best-selling book Build For Tomorrow, a startup advisor, and host of the podcast Help Wanted and Probl...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel, AKA: The End Of Your Trauma

Shift Your Perspective - April 21, 2024 16:59 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Moving beyond the trauma of years of violence and abuse can seem like a neverending journey, but it does finally come to an end; there is a genuine release from your suffering caused by others, so NEVER give up; keep walking toward it and get your freedom!  Listen in as I share my experience o...

Navigating the Customer Experience artwork

228: Decoding the 5 C’s of Effective Communication: Insights from a Relational Intelligence Expert with Steve Cockram

Navigating the Customer Experience - April 16, 2024 16:51 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Steve Cockram is an inspirational communicator, serial entrepreneur, confidant to elite leaders around the world and co-creator of the world's premier “Leadership Toolkit”. He has co-authored The 100X Leader, 5 Voices and The 5 Gears with his business partner, Jeremie Kubicek. Their new boo...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

Quit Your Bitchin' And Play "The Game"

Shift Your Perspective - April 13, 2024 18:09 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
To be free from the past and able to move into your 'new story,' you must say "YES!" to life, which means you must accept what "Life" really is. Because if you resist it, it will persist.  Listen to learn wisdom gained from my out-of-a-life of violence and abuse. 

Shift Your Perspective artwork

Set Yourself Free, AKA: Stop Trying To Solve The Past

Shift Your Perspective - April 11, 2024 14:12 - 38 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Running around in circles trying to figure out the past and why they did the things they did to you? You will be on that merry-go-round your entire life if you don't stop and see the truth of who you are. Listen in for wisdom gained from having been there myself.

Navigating the Customer Experience artwork

227: Exploring the Spectrum of Leadership: From Visionary Insights to Introverted Strengths with Darby Vannier

Navigating the Customer Experience - April 09, 2024 08:30 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Darby Vannier, with over 20 years of experience, is a seasoned leader adept at building and growing organizations. As President & CEO of Indispensable Leadership Group, he excels as an executive coach, consultant, speaker, and fractional COO, focusing on strategic and leadership development. He ...

Digital Workflow Dentistry artwork

DWD Podcast #39 Are you Sure about that? Suresmile and Post Orthodontic Restorative

Digital Workflow Dentistry - April 08, 2024 13:00 - 25 minutes
DWD team interviews Cheryl Ludvingson from the Densply Sirona Suresmile team. Discussion into how aligner therapy and occlusion will guide future aligner plans. The concept of POR - Post Orthodontic Restorative is discussed as both a planning and treatment tool to prevent restrictions i...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

How To Experience True Love, AKA: Dating Advice From ABBA

Shift Your Perspective - April 01, 2024 15:40 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
You are instructed to "calleth those things that been not as though there where," so, how are you to experience 'true love' or your "Sunshine Family" when all you've known is pain, betrayal, abuse, and violence? Listen in for wisdom learned in moving beyond the 'old story' of victim consciousn...

Navigating the Customer Experience artwork

226: Unlocking Success: Conversations with Barry Klein on Cultural Alignment, Recruitment, and Customer Service Delivery with Barry Klein

Navigating the Customer Experience - March 26, 2024 08:30 - 27 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Barry Klein is Vice president of Success and Enablement at Austin-Based Talroo, the data driven job and hiring event advertising platform that helps businesses reach the candidates they need to build their essential workforce. Barry provides leadership to Talroo’s team of Customer Success Analys...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

The Saga of The Grasshopper: AKA How To Enter The Promise Land

Shift Your Perspective - March 25, 2024 14:01 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Imagine a life where you are free from the doubts and traumas of your past. A life where you have left "The Past" behind, crossed the Red Sea, and learned to be grateful, and now you have arrived at the gates of The Promised Land, AKA: your New Story—a life of "It's Possible for Me!" Even at...

Navigating the Customer Experience artwork

225: Passion, Persistence, and the Power of Storytelling with Cynthia Kay

Navigating the Customer Experience - March 19, 2024 08:30 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Cynthia Kay founded Cynthia Kay and Company media production which produces high-quality communications for organizations from Fortune Global 100 to small business. A graduate of Michigan State University, Kay holds a master's in communications from Western Michigan University.  Cynthia Kay is...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

Gratitude; Let's Talk About It

Shift Your Perspective - March 17, 2024 19:12 - 32 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
There is only one way you will make it beyond the life you are currently experiencing...that is the path of Gratitude. But what is gratitude really?  Listen up because you're gonna need it.

Navigating the Customer Experience artwork

224: Empowering Customer Connections: Insights and Innovations in Customer Experience with Serena Chan

Navigating the Customer Experience - March 12, 2024 08:30 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Serena Chan is a Research Advocate at Dovetail with a background in exploratory and UX research. She plays a pivotal role in crafting memorable experiences for customers, advocating for them within the company and partnering with people who do research to build a community and best practices at ...

Shift Your Perspective artwork

Why People Bully You And How To Stop It

Shift Your Perspective - March 10, 2024 15:19 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 155 ratings
Why do people bully? There are different reasons why people bully, including: wanting to dominate others and improve their social status. But in reality, they have low self-esteem and want to feel better about themselves and to mask how they feel about themselves, people who bully focus thei...

Lessons in Life & Love with Coach Riana Milne artwork

124: Ross Rosenberg guests: Traumas Role in Self-Love Deficit Disorder; Codependency w/ Coach Riana Milne

Lessons in Life & Love with Coach Riana Milne - March 07, 2024 20:15 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 180 ratings
Show #124 (AUDIO) Traumas Role in Self-Love Deficit Disorder; Understanding and Changing the Concept of Codependency; for Lessons in Life & Love Podcast.  I speak with Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC, is a leading global thought leader and renowned expert in Codependency, narcissism, and nar...