Latest Autoimune diseases Podcast Episodes

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The Benefits of Ozone and UBI

The Healing Reset - November 22, 2022 11:00 - 32 minutes
If you’ve been following us here on The Healing Reset, then you know I am a big fan of alternative therapies like Ozone and UBI. I think they’re a great way to start working on healing your body from chronic illnesses. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that instead of treating the body like a group of sep...

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On Pregnancy, Infertility, and Motherhood

The Healing Reset - November 15, 2022 11:00 - 53 minutes
Pregnancy is no easy feat. It takes its toll on mothers, whether physically or mentally. It is also one of the most beautiful times of a woman’s life. It’s full of ups and downs, yes, but every part of it is sacred and worthy of celebration. However, it’s not always blissful. Many women go th...

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COVID in the Future

The Healing Reset - November 08, 2022 11:00 - 41 minutes
These last two years have been pretty eventful, to say the least. They’ve been scary to many of us, so it is only natural that we’d try to find a way to combat COVID through functional medicine. The pandemic has truly changed the world and how many of us look at medicine.  Was it a blessing o...

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The Power of NAD

The Healing Reset - November 01, 2022 10:00 - 23 minutes
Here at The Healing Reset, we are always looking for ways to be stronger and healthier. Whether that’s alternative therapies or a change in diet, we’re willing to try it all. Something else we’re willing to try is supplements. Specifically, the NAD supplement. NAD is a supplement that helps wi...

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Healing People and Animals With Ozone Therapy

The Healing Reset - October 25, 2022 10:00 - 30 minutes
If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, then you know I love alternative therapies.  They are a different way for us to look at our bodies and heal them from the inside out.  Alternative therapies are also some of the only treatments available today that look at the body as a who...

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The Path Towards Medical Freedom

The Healing Reset - October 18, 2022 10:00 - 37 minutes
Medical freedom: What is it? And how do we achieve it? These are a few of the questions we answer in today’s episode of The Healing Reset. You see, no matter what others tell you, we don’t really have medical freedom. Many of us don’t understand the meds we take, their side-effects, or how th...

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How to Heal From Chronic Disease With the Root Cause Method

The Healing Reset - October 11, 2022 10:00 - 36 minutes
Those of us who suffer from chronic diseases know how difficult they can be to manage. One day you’re feeling amazing (or even just “normal”) and life is great and the next your disease is flaring up and you have to live your life around it. Chronic diseases can make this "flare-up-then-feel-o...

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Understanding Lyme Disease

The Healing Reset - October 04, 2022 10:00 - 42 minutes
Lyme disease is one of the most misunderstood diseases in the world. At least, misunderstood by Western medicine. Many will tell you that it can be cured with a short course of antibiotics, and many will also tell you that there is no way it can be chronic. However, you and I both know that Ly...

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Time to Say Bye to Botox

The Healing Reset - September 27, 2022 10:00 - 41 minutes
Like it or not, youth and beauty are valuable currencies in today’s world. There isn’t a person who hasn’t thought about getting a little bit of Botox or some fillers to “correct” a perceived flaw. How can we help it when everything around us tells us we need to be more; prettier, younger… per...

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Keeping a 21st Century Home Healthy

The Healing Reset - September 20, 2022 10:00 - 37 minutes
Hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new episode of The Healing Reset! Last week, I had on the podcast Kim Look, the lead trainer at Sopmed Training, for an interview about something I’m very passionate about, UBI and Ozone therapy. This episode is part two of that interview, and in it, ...

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Alternative Therapies: Everything You Need to Know About Ozone and UBI

The Healing Reset - September 13, 2022 10:00 - 51 minutes
Hello everyone and welcome back to another riveting episode of The Healing Reset! Today’s episode is part one of a brilliant two parter interview I’ve had with the one and only Kim Look. Kim is the lead trainer at Sopmed Training. She is also the leading industry voice in Ozone and UBI traini...

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How to Combat Chronic Illness

The Healing Reset - September 06, 2022 10:00 - 47 minutes
Dealing with a chronic illness can be daunting. You never know when you’ll have a flare up, you have to take medicine daily (and sometimes, for your whole life), and you never know how to explain to people that you can’t do certain things because of your illness. Chronic illness can also great...

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One Year in… What Have We Learned?

The Healing Reset - August 30, 2022 10:00 - 13 minutes
Friends, it’s been one whole year since you and I started on this journey together. We’ve learned a lot about health and how to take care of ourselves in better, more holistic ways. We’ve met doctors, nurses, and functional medicine practitioners from every corner in the US, and we’ve discusse...

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Conventional Medicine Is Failing Us

The Healing Reset - August 23, 2022 10:00 - 35 minutes
There are more than a hundred specialties and subspecialties in western medicine. Each body part has its own. So it only makes sense that traditionally-trained doctors would not know how to treat the body as a whole. And that, friends, is where conventional medicine fails us. We human beings ...

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What’s Missing in Conventional Medicine

The Healing Reset - August 16, 2022 10:00 - 48 minutes
When you get sick, many tell you to go to a doctor. And by that, they mean a western (or conventional) medicine doctor. However, many will not tell you that conventional medicine is missing a lot, and sometimes, when you see a western medicine doctor, you might be left with more questions than ...

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Everything You Need to Know About Hormone Imbalance

The Healing Reset - August 09, 2022 10:00 - 30 minutes
Are you feeling overly tired and run down? Or anxious and depressed? Is your sleep schedule getting worse? Or are you just feeling a bit under the weather? Then it might be time to get your hormones checked. This is especially true if you are a woman, as hormone imbalance is more common in w...

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Discussing Autism

The Healing Reset - August 02, 2022 10:00 - 51 minutes
As you know, the number of people with autism has been exponentially growing in the last few decades. Many of us know someone whose loved one suffers from autism. It’s not an easy diagnosis for anyone. However, why has it become so much more common? And how is it treated? These are the exact...

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Here’s How You Can Keep a Healthy Home

The Healing Reset - July 26, 2022 10:00 - 30 minutes
Keeping a healthy home is crucial to staying healthy. You see, our environment affects our physical and mental health much more than we might think.  So, you might be asking yourself: What is exactly a healthy home? And what can I do to make mine as healthy and non-toxic as possible? To answe...

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Everything You Need to Know About EBOO and Methylene Blue

The Healing Reset - July 19, 2022 10:00 - 40 minutes
Suffering from a chronic illness is never fun. Even when you're not dealing with a flare-up, you find yourself stressing out about every single new symptom you come across. People with issues such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, Hashimoto’s, and other chronic illnesses know exact...

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Who’s More Likely to Suffer From Long COVID? We Have the Answer!

The Healing Reset - July 12, 2022 10:00 - 26 minutes
The last two years and a half have been a whirlwind of heightened emotions everywhere in the world. And we all know the cause: the COVID pandemic. No one can get away from it, it’s everywhere; on the news, in social media, around you.  You’ve probably had COVID or you know someone who did. And...

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Here’s the Answer to All Your GI Issues

The Healing Reset - July 05, 2022 10:00 - 26 minutes
GI disorders are not easy to deal with. They can greatly affect your quality of life and make it difficult for you to do everyday tasks such as eating out or spending time with friends. This, of course, can have consequences on your mental health and lead to issues such as anxiety and depressi...

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HeartSmart: Heart Risk Prevention

The Healing Reset - June 28, 2022 10:00 - 34 minutes
More people die of heart disease than cancer. What makes it worse is that 50% of men and 64% of women die from cardiovascular diseases without prior symptoms! If you suspect that you could be part of the statistics, there’s something you can do before it’s too late. In today’s episode, I’ve in...

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Menopause: There IS Help!

The Healing Reset - June 21, 2022 10:00 - 35 minutes
As we grow older, our bodies go through many changes. One of the biggest changes for women is menopause.  Many find it to be the most difficult part of their life.  And it’s understandable: Suddenly, your body is changing in ways you weren’t expecting, and the experience can be harrowing. Wh...

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Your Diagnosis Doesn't Define You

The Healing Reset - June 14, 2022 10:00 - 33 minutes
Do you ever go to the doctor’s office and find yourself defined by your health issues? To them, you’re nothing but a diagnosis and a set of blood test results that they get to analyze.  Nothing more, nothing less. However, good doctors are those who see beyond the diagnosis, and work with the...

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Here’s How You Can Work on Your Stress

The Healing Reset - June 07, 2022 10:00 - 37 minutes
Stress can wreak havoc on the human body. It can affect everything from our mood to our sleep to our physical health.  The more stressed you are, the more likely you are to suffer from other health issues. Stress makes us more vulnerable, not only to fatigue and extreme tiredness, but also to v...

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How to Recognize and Treat Parasitic Infections

The Healing Reset - May 31, 2022 10:00 - 39 minutes
According to Healthline, parasites are “organisms that live off other organisms, or hosts, to survive.” Some of them don’t really have any side-effects on the host, others can reproduce, invade the body, and result in a parasitic infection, which can go from mildly uncomfortable to deadly. Wha...

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Chronic Hidden Infections and How They Affect Us

The Healing Reset - May 24, 2022 10:00 - 36 minutes
Infections are never fun to deal with. They make us feel weak and run down, and sometimes, our bodies need a long time for them to heal from one. However, have you ever asked yourself if these infections had any long term side-effects on your body? Or if you were even really fully healed? “Wha...

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Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Nutritional IV Therapy

The Healing Reset - May 17, 2022 10:00 - 32 minutes
Hello everyone, Jessica here! I’m so excited to have you back for another episode of The Healing Reset. Before we start, let me ask you a quick question: Do you suffer from vitamin deficiencies? If your answer is yes, then this episode is for you! Millions of people in the world battle with ...

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Healing From the Inside Out

The Healing Reset - May 10, 2022 10:00 - 38 minutes
“Treat your body like a temple,” some people say. Sure, our bodies are complicated, but taking care of them doesn’t have to be. Your lifestyle has a big impact on your overall health, be it physical or mental.  From the food you eat to the water you drink or the air you breathe, everything tha...

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How to Detect and Prevent EMF Exposure

The Healing Reset - May 03, 2022 10:00 - 32 minutes
It’s the 21st century, so it only makes sense that we’re always surrounded by technology. Smart TVs, laptops, wifi routers, etc… All of these are part of our daily lives. We take them for granted and barely think twice before using them. However, all of these everyday tools that we use without...

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