Next Episode: The Power of NAD

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, then you know I love alternative therapies. 

They are a different way for us to look at our bodies and heal them from the inside out. 

Alternative therapies are also some of the only treatments available today that look at the body as a whole and a group of interconnected systems.

Which is why, today, therapies like Ozone and UV Light are being used all over the country by functional medicine practitioners who follow the root cause method.

What are these therapies? How do they work? And how are they used on both humans and animals to heal their bodies?

To answer these questions, I’ve invited a paramedic and an expert of the field, Landon Keathley.

Are you ready? 

Let's dive in.


Key Takeaways:

Meet Landon (00:59)

Why is Ozone underutilized (02:37)

Using Ozone for pets (08:54)

The myths about alternative therapies (14:57)

The biggest impact of Ozone on humans (19:41)

Three things to do for better health (28:41)


Additional Resources:

To get in contact with us, send an email to: [email protected]

Learn more about us here.

For more information about Landon’s protocol, please email Jessica at [email protected]


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