Previous Episode: COVID in the Future

Pregnancy is no easy feat. It takes its toll on mothers, whether physically or mentally.

It is also one of the most beautiful times of a woman’s life. It’s full of ups and downs, yes, but every part of it is sacred and worthy of celebration.

However, it’s not always blissful.

Many women go through infertility and experience miscarriages. Which is why asking for the help of a professional is not just advised, but necessary in some cases.

And one of those professionals is sitting with me today!

Her name is Jasmine Emerick, she is a dear friend of mine and a postpartum specialist, and today, she will be interviewing me on her podcast, which is a welcome change of pace!

Listen in as she and I discuss my pregnancy journey, how to heal after a miscarriage, how I took control of my fertility, and more.

Are you ready? 

Let's dive in.


Key Takeaways:

Meet… me! (03:07)

Sharing my journey (04:17)

Talking about my miscarriages (13:32)

Why empathy matters (18:03)

Put your well being first (24:55)

Is your body ready? (31:02)

Don’t stop at the diagnosis (38:05)

Your body can do amazing things (45:27)


Additional Resources:

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