What Every Staffing and Recruiting Firm Should Know artwork

What Every Staffing and Recruiting Firm Should Know

125 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago -

A collection of topics regarding Back Door Hires Issues, Staffing Debt, and do's and dont's for staffing and recruiting firms.

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Monday Morning Memo: The Top 5 Things Medical Staffing Recruiting Firms Need To Do BEFORE They Look For Back Door Hires

December 10, 2019 23:13 - 16 minutes - 22.4 MB

Staffing and Recruiting is a business that is mired with a multitude of problems. Back door hires being one of them. However, Medical Staffing and Recruiting firms have even more risks attached to them because of the nature of the business. What Makes Medical Staffing and Recruiting Different? You might be wondering what makes it so unique when compared to other staffing and recruitment branches. The main thing that makes it so unique is the fact that a medical business can quickly and e...

Monday Morning Memo: The Top Reasons Why Medical Staffing Recruiting Firms Have To Be More Careful When It Comes To Their A.R. And Contracts

December 04, 2019 05:40 - 16 minutes - 23.2 MB

Going out of business is a fear for most businesses and their clients. If you’re someone who’s had a client go out of business, leaving you without payment, then this is the post for you! The Subtlety of Bankruptcy Bankruptcy can be a very subtle process. One moment you’re receiving regular payments like clockwork from a client, the next they’ve started delaying their payments by several weeks. This is the first sign that there has been a hiccup. They can make up excuses like “gee we hav...

Wilson Cole Interviews His Mentor Of 20 Years - Jay Abraham

November 08, 2019 00:09 - 42 minutes - 58.6 MB

This is a special day because we have the chance to sit down with a very special guest. He is the marketing mentor to Wilson Cole, president of AER and co-founder of staffing and recruiting solutions. Who is this mystery guest? He was named by Success magazine as “the greatest marketing expert alive”, been featured in Entrepreneur and Forbes, and has consulted with some of the top people in our industry including Brian Tracey, Anthony Robbins, and Mark Victor Hanson; yes, today we are lucky ...

Monday Morning Memo: Lawsuits - Timelines, And What To Expect As Your Case Moves Through The Courts

November 05, 2019 06:23 - 21 minutes - 20.7 MB

Lawsuits: Timelines, and What to Expect as Your Case Moves Through the Courts This can be a very cringeworthy subject because of the many unknowns that come with lawsuits. It may seem difficult to know what to expect with a lawsuit but they all generally follow the same path; there are always some variations in the process based on state laws, attorneys, etc. but the life span of all lawsuits is generally the same. With AER collections, we have found that 83% of the accounts will be coll...

Monday Morning Memo: They Said What?!

October 23, 2019 22:36 - 7 minutes - 7.12 MB

Today we are going to unofficially play one of Wilson’s favorite games, “They Said What?!” After all of our years in the staffing and recruiting business, collections, etc., we have a few stand out stories of things we have heard from our clients or through them that would just make you scratch your head. Here are some of our favorites, past and present included: 1. We had a recruiting client who had a debtor hire one of their candidates. They did not receive any payment because the debtor...

Monday Morning Meeting: Email Addresses Are Still The Keys To The Marketing Kingdom Even If You Never Email Your Prospect

September 24, 2019 06:54 - 6 minutes - 9.37 MB

One of the hardest challenges in marketing is reconciling old and new school methods for media. Formerly, companies focused on getting as many people as possible to click onto their webpage and give them their email. They would then take that information and use it to spam them for the rest of eternity. Today, we are a little more conscious of how to reach the new market of potential clients through less annoying methods. Regardless of the changes in technology and audiences, email is still ...

Monday Morning Meeting: How To Improve Trade Shows Results With Better Campaigns

September 18, 2019 00:31 - 8 minutes - 11.3 MB

We love to participate in trade shows! They are a great place to meet new clients in a face-to-face setting and compare notes with other companies in the industry. Recently, we won an award at a conference due to our targeted multi-media marketing campaigns. When we heard the good news, it got us thinking about some of our unique strategies that helped us win that award; one of which is our participation in trade shows. Some people may say that trade shows are a thing of the past, but that...

Monday Morning Memo: How To Be Successful And Happy Working In Family Business

September 18, 2019 00:26 - 10 minutes - 14.6 MB

In case you did not know, we are a family business. Our family members are involved in a variety of positions throughout the company. Some people are hesitant to work with their relatives because we all have heard the horror stories of Thanksgiving or Christmas being ruined by fights. So, we asked our family. “What do you think is the biggest pitfall, or mistake, that family businesses make?” The most important issue that comes to mind is navigating different personalities. There is always...

Monday Morning Meeting: Article On Creating Content Like A Media Company

August 27, 2019 06:53 - 10 minutes - 14.3 MB

One thing we have done exceptionally well over this past year is shifted our mindset to view ourselves as a media company and our products as commercials. Around one-third of our total expenditure is spent to produce content that is not, necessarily, outright selling our products; we have moved our focus to resource content that our clients need. Since we shifted our mindset, clients have asked us about producing their own content and how they can also become more like a media company. We ...

Monday Morning Memo: Getting The Deal Done And Covering Yourself Legally So You Get Paid

August 27, 2019 06:47 - 8 minutes - 12.1 MB

Contracts are, by their very nature, designed to protect two or more parties from each other and to hold them accountable. Unfortunately, contracts can be used to undermine and hurt the parties that they were supposed to protect. You have to balance the risk between being legally covered and getting the deal done. We often say that a one-page contract with 2 or 3 of our safeguards in it is safer than a 10-page contract with every addendum known to man hidden in it. Our clients come to us for...

Monday Morning Meeting: Using All Platforms To Promote Your Content Is Best, This Trick Turns It Into A 20-min A Week Commitment

August 20, 2019 05:57 - 9 minutes - 12.7 MB

We are fortunate in this day and age to have so many ways to connect with each other through social media, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. Each website has a different audience, shares a different message, and reaches people in different ways. There are countless arguments about which one is better; should you use Facebook or YouTube? Or Linked In? Or Twitter? If you ask us, we say all of the above. We believe in a wide range approach to marketing on social media. Our clients often c...

Monday Morning Memo: A Signed Fee Agreement Is Great But MAKE SURE You Know What You Have In Your Agreements

August 20, 2019 05:49 - 12 minutes - 16.6 MB

If you know anything about our company, then you know that we have preached for the last 27 years about always getting a contract signed. This applies to fee agreements, credit checks, and any other contract you can think of. You also want to make sure that when you create these contracts to bury safeguards in them to protect you. We previously held a webinar on how to turn a credit application into a contract, and we mentioned some of the things you should always put in them: attorney fees,...

Monday Morning Meeting: Monday Morning Meeting Our Auto SEO Website Optimizer Explained

August 14, 2019 01:39 - 17 minutes - 23.7 MB

SEO has become one of our hot topics lately because it is so important to the success of your company. We have previously discussed the “why”, but today we want to share the “how”. Our auto SEO optimizer is one of our best tools for improving our internet presence and now we want to share it with you! Usually, we manually evaluate our websites for improvement through our marketing team, but we also use a software that does the same appraisal on a more simplistic level. Since we feel it is ...

Monday Morning Memo: The 5 Best Worst Excuses That Debtor Have Used On Why They Did Not Pay Our Clients

August 14, 2019 01:26 - 9 minutes - 12.9 MB

We often talk about overly serious topics when it comes to our legal podcasts, so today we wanted to take a break and look at some of the best excuses that debtors have used on why they did not pay our clients. There is a certain procedure of events that must happen before we get involved. Before the claim becomes a legal issue it runs through collections and before collections it goes through the clients’ BS meter. Now that you know the steps, let’s look at the top five excuses! 5. “We ar...

Monday Morning Memo: If You Want To Collect The Balance That You Are Owed, Do Not Deposit 'Paid In Full Check'

August 06, 2019 07:58 - 10 minutes - 10.2 MB

We have recently seen a trend with some of our clients who ended up in litigation after receiving a check from their clients saying “paid in full” and here is our first piece of advice: you have the right to shut up and you should exercise it. Do not assume you know what is going on and call us. Unfortunately, we have a history of clients coming to us after accepting checks that said, “paid in full”. In the old days, if they wrote some special wording on a check, you still reserved your ri...

Monday Morning Meeting: SEO Reports How To Know Where Your Traffic Is Coming From

August 06, 2019 07:54 - 9 minutes - 9.95 MB

As we are moving into the third quarter for this fiscal year, we all are taking a look at summaries and reports about how marketing and SEO strategies have been used and the impact they have had over the last year. By creating SEO reports, we have been able to identify where our traffic is coming from and how we are going to treat it differently based on resources. Often, people make the mistake of grouping internet traffic into a singular category, but this ultimately hurts your ability to ...

Monday Morning Memo- What To Do If The Debtor Reach Out To You Once The Account Is Turned Over

July 31, 2019 03:57 - 8 minutes - 8.67 MB

When people come to us to help collect from a client of theirs that broke an agreement, we always advise that you refer all communication back to us. There are many problems that can arise if you try to personally deal with a debtor after turning the account over to us. We have often seen situations where a debtor contacts our client, after bringing us into the picture, and they try to make a deal; 90% of the time the debtor will not come through and our client is opened up for a lawsuit. ...

Monday Morning Meeting: Using The Right Kind Of Content Is Key

July 31, 2019 03:51 - 10 minutes - 10.2 MB

Time and time again we have discussed the importance of creating content to improve your company image and SEO. You also are probably aware that all marketing experts preach that content is king. But this is where the narrative seems to stop. What kind of content should you be creating? Well we are here to pick up the baton and take you to the finish line! First and foremost, the content you create should always be on brand. People seem to focus more on posting content rather than what it ...

Monday Morning Meeting: The Exact Marketing Funnel We Use To Land 6 New Clients Per Month

July 24, 2019 05:23 - 16 minutes - 16.3 MB

Pay attention closely because we are about to share our secret sauce of marketing. We are going to take you behind the scenes to show you the layout in the funnel of our main marketing plans and how you can replicate it. Basically, we are going to show you our website traffic and how we are getting things into our funnel. If you are able, click on our coordinating YouTube video to watch everything that will be described below. The first thing to look at in our funnel is the different place...

Monday Morning Memo: Know Who You're Dealing With And How To Relocate Your Signed Contract

July 24, 2019 05:15 - 9 minutes - 9.57 MB

There is one piece of advice that we wish every client knew: always know who you are doing business with and get your contracts signed! If you think we sound like a broken record, you are not wrong, but it is shocking how many problems are the direct result of not following this advice. When it comes to contracts, you need a process for getting everything signed and filed correctly. There are two major issues that we want to address and the first is not knowing who you are doing business w...

Monday Morning Memo: The Power Of Right & Wrong Backlinks

July 10, 2019 23:15 - 7 minutes - 9.92 MB

We have spoken in the past about the value of SEO, search engine optimization, and how to promote your website to the top of Google searches. Another great way to increase your website traffic is through backlinks; this essentially means that you have a link on someone else’s website that goes back to yours. This can be a great way to not only promote your Google presence but also to connect with other people in your industry and draw on their audience. One of the best ways to set up backl...

Monday Morning Meeting: Why You Should Consider Automated Remarketing As Your Follow Up Process

July 04, 2019 02:57 - 11 minutes - 15.5 MB

We are big proponents of getting work done without having to physically do the work yourself, and we try to implement this system in every possible aspect of our business. If you are a small business, or remember way back when, then you are familiar with the struggle when you go to market and drum up so much work that you stop being able to market. Then your business declines because you have run out of work, and the cycle continues. This is where automated remarketing comes in! Our marketin...

Monday Morning Memo: The Two Out Of The Seven Biggest Credit Mistakes

July 04, 2019 02:47 - 8 minutes - 12.2 MB

If you know our company, then you are aware that for the past 27 years we have been advising companies on what we call “the Seven Deadly Mistakes in collections”. These are the most common and serious mistakes that we have seen in credit collections. Recently, we held a webinar on these mistakes and plan on holding another one very soon. For those of you who missed it, here are the two mistakes that have proven to be the most destructive for our clients and how you can avoid them. The firs...

Monday Morning Meetings: How To Launch A LinkedIn Marketing Ad Campaign

June 26, 2019 02:17 - 8 minutes - 11.4 MB

Are you ready? Get excited because we are going to take you behind the scenes in how to create a marketing campaign! We have proven over the past 27 years to be the best collection source for the staffing and recruiting industry and that is because of our dedicated focus on marketing. So, sit back and get comfortable as we walk you through the steps we took on our marketing campaign “Backdoor Hire Solutions”. People are often intimidated by the idea of marketing on a digital platform, but ...

Monday Morning Memo: Just In Case You Missed Our 7 Deadly Mistakes Webinar

June 26, 2019 02:09 - 9 minutes - 12.6 MB

Everyone is busy, we understand that better than anyone, so if you missed our webinar on the 7 deadly mistakes people make in the staffing and recruiting collections industry, here is a quick recap on what you missed! The first mistake that we often see is that companies do not get a personal guarantee when they extend a line of credit to a client. This is a deadly mistake that can cost you money because 80% of businesses will go out in the first two years and an additional 80% will go out...

Monday Morning Meetings: Old School And New School Marketing Techniques Do Not Have To Exclude Each Other

June 19, 2019 00:21 - 9 minutes - 13.3 MB

One of the most prevalent debates in the business world is whether companies should continue with old practices or implement new ones. This is especially important in marketing divisions and the techniques they need to use to appeal to the modern customer. We are here to tell you that you do not and should not pick one side over the other. There is room in your marketing campaign for old school marketing techniques, like print and trade shows, along with new school techniques, like Facebook ...

Monday Morning Memo: Do Not Sign Anything That You Do Not Fully Understand

June 19, 2019 00:08 - 11 minutes - 15.1 MB

A recent trend in the staffing industry has appeared as the result of the low unemployment rate and the increased use of recruiters on a broader scale. This trend is to hide binding confidentiality agreements in contracts to try and trap companies into paying extra money to high end debtors. In fact, this has become a shockingly common practice by insanely predatory high-end debtors, and we are thankful that most of our clients have had the insight to not sign these contracts. We are seein...

Monday Morning Meetings: Branding & SEO Strategies For Getting To The Top Of Google

June 12, 2019 03:47 - 10 minutes - 14.9 MB

Our company is one of the top staffing agencies that comes up in Google searches and that is because we implement strategic methods on our websites to ensure they are one of the first ones any internet searcher sees. We refer to these branding strategies and tactical plans as our secret sauce, and today is your lucky day because we are going to share them with you! One of the most shocking things we have found when talking to clients about their SEO, search engine optimization, is that man...

Monday Morning Memo: Why You Want To Have An Email Address You Control When Setting Up Your Digital Assets

May 16, 2019 00:51 - 10 minutes - 14 MB

This may not be the most fun or interesting topic, but it is vital to your company. Every business uses email and has some kind of internet presence. Email is the primary form of communication between employees and clients, so it is important to have complete control of your company’s email and any services that are associated with it. Always create your own email domain, account, and password, and NEVER delegate this job to an employee or manager; this applies to all social media accounts t...

Monday Morning Memo: Going Old School Getting A Credit App Filled Out First When Supplying Staffing

May 16, 2019 00:34 - 9 minutes - 13.4 MB

One of the first steps you should take when signing on a new client to do contract or staffing work is to have them fill out a credit application. This may seem like an old school idea, but it is imperative if you want to keep your business safe. Just think about this: if someone approached a bank to get a loan for $50,000 to $100,000 for staffing, the bank would run all sorts of credit checks before giving them a contract. Another important thing to note from this example is that a credit c...

Monday Morning Meetings: Using Content To Help Your Keyword SEO

May 16, 2019 00:25 - 10 minutes - 14.5 MB

One of the best and worst things about our modern business world is that people who are looking for specific services can find them with a quick search on the internet. The first page of results that they see will most likely be the only ones that they click on and explore. This has led us to start working hard on our client’s websites and our own website to make sure that we are in the top of every Google search. Question: How is this done? Answer: by getting it SEO. SEO means that it pul...

Monday Morning Memo: Reasons For Counter Suits And The Additional Safety Net Of Adams Evens Ross Collection Review

May 16, 2019 00:09 - 9 minutes - 13.7 MB

We have spoken in the past about counter suits and the various reasons that they can occur, but this article will go a bit deeper into how we work to help prevent them. First, it is important to note, that about 80% of our collections are done in house and no attorney is every involved. For most agencies, 30% to 35% of the collections will be given in attorney fees for outside counsel. We do not have that problem because of our in-house counsel that is included in the initial fee; this is on...

Monday Morning Meetings: Old School Lead Generation Using Telemarketing LinkedIn

April 25, 2019 03:33 - 12 minutes - 17.3 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER), and Ally Cole, brand manager for ELOC Global, explore lead generation using LinkedIn. Ally says that LinkedIn is such a good place for lead generation because when people log in to LinkedIn, they are typically already in a business mindset. While people may log in to Facebook to post pictures of their family, Twitter to read the news, or Instagram to document their dinner, the general consensus is that LinkedIn is for business. It is al...

Monday Morning Memo: Why You Do Not Want The Phrase Prevailing Party In Your Agreements From A Collection Standpoint

April 25, 2019 03:25 - 16 minutes - 22.8 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Samantha Cole, in-house counsel for AER, give advice on some things they’ve found in client contracts that can be “ticking time bombs” which prevent successful collection down the road. The specific example that Wilson and Samantha are eager to warn clients to keep out of their contracts because they saw it in a contract recently and it made them scratch their heads is something similar to “the prevailing party will have their court co...

Monday Morning Memo: Digital Signatures Your Excuse For Not Getting A Signed Contract Is Over

April 25, 2019 03:15 - 12 minutes - 17.1 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Samantha Cole, in-house counsel for AER, revisit the important topic of getting a signed contract. Samantha explains how disheartening it can be to receive a case that looks perfect for collections in by all other indications but then it turns out the contract is not signed. If you’ve had clients give excuses for not signing the contract or putting it off, she says you would be far from the first. Some of the popular excuses include ...

Monday Morning Meetings: Why You Still Want To Use E-Newsletters To Communicate With Your Client

April 25, 2019 02:57 - 8 minutes - 11.5 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) is joined by Ally Cole, brand manager for ELOC Global, to look further at positioning yourself (or your company) as an expert. Wilson believes that a good tool to position yourself as an expert, even though it may be a little old school, is regularly sending out an e-newsletter that provides good value and is not too self-promoting. That is not to say you can’t add in any information about promotions you might have going on with your pro...

Monday Morning Meetings: Why You Want To Have A Secured SSL Certificate Website

April 12, 2019 05:33 - 8 minutes - 11.7 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Ally Cole, brand manager for AER, are talking about customers’ websites (staffing firms’ websites) showing up as unsecured, after just finishing their annual travel season. Ally explains that this is in no way a small or insignificant problem, though unfortunately some clients may view it that way. First, the URL is going to notify potential visitors that such websites are not secure. That’s a credibility hit right off the bat, on to...

Monday Morning Memo: Back Door Hire Excuses 7, 8 & 9

April 12, 2019 05:27 - 13 minutes - 18.5 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Samantha Cole, in-house counsel and wearer of many hats for AER, finish their series on the top excuses for back door hires. On top of these podcasts, AER is also hosting a free webinar on the topic of back door hires. If you want more information about the webinar, feel free to send an email to [email protected]. Excuse number 7 is when the company says “we didn’t hire the candidate as an employee, we hired them as a consultan...

Monday Morning Meetings How To Pre hype Your Webinars For Maximum Conversion

April 03, 2019 03:15 - 8 minutes - 11.7 MB

Ally Cole, brand manager for Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Wilson Cole, President of AER, discuss creating hype for your webinars to make people want to watch them. Ally says that laying the ground work for successfully marketing your webinar is similar to the concept of dating. In dating, instead of asking the person to marry you on the first date, the odds of a successful relationship are much better if you gradually build anticipation and excitement over time and after several encounters...

Monday Morning Memo: The #5 & #6 Excuse That Your Debtor Uses When You Get Back Door Hired

April 03, 2019 03:10 - 13 minutes - 18.9 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Samantha Cole, in-house counsel for AER, continue the theme of the previous podcast; “excuses debtor companies give for back door hires.” First up for this podcast is “we hired the candidate, but they did not last the 90 days.” When Wilson hears this excuse, his first hope is that the creditor’s signed contract with the company has a clause that says something to the effect of “our guarantee is contingent upon payment being made in a t...

Monday Morning Memo: The 2nd 3rd Excuse For Back Door Hires

March 27, 2019 03:00 - 15 minutes - 21.2 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Samantha Cole, in-house counsel for AER, sit down to discuss 2 more excuses companies give for back door hires. The top phrase that Wilson looks out for when evaluation whether the back door hire was an honest mistake or specifically planned by a person who never planned on paying the staffing or recruiting agency is “we never signed an agreement.” Wilson does not get surprised when an attorney says that phrase because it’s a standar...

Monday Morning Meetings: Simple SEO Strategies That You Can Do In An Afternoon

March 27, 2019 02:50 - 15 minutes - 21.1 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Ally Cole, brand manager for AER, run down a list of SEO hints and tips to improve your marketing. Ally said one key component is using content to boost your SEO. To do this, you would write content and then post it to Facebook or other sites and create backlinks from the content to your website. The way the Google algorithm works with SEO is that it’s all about credibility; credibility is built by having your website referenced in mor...

Monday Morning Marketing Meeting: Using Digital Media To Segment Your Marketing

March 20, 2019 00:36 - 11 minutes - 16.3 MB

Ally Cole, brand manager for ELOC Global, and Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) discuss marketing to different demographics using different strategies on today’s podcast. Different audiences on different social media platforms respond differently to the content that they experience. For example, skilled marketers would communicate to audiences on Facebook differently from how they would communicate to audiences on Instagram. Skilled marketers can also pick which of their s...

Monday Morning Memo: Back Door Hire Excuses 1&2

March 20, 2019 00:29 - 8 minutes - 11.3 MB

Samantha Cole, in-house counsel for Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER), and Wilson Cole, President of AER take a few minutes today to talk about top excuses companies give for back door hires. Annually, AER interacts with about 3,000 staffing and recruiting firms globally (about 1,500 staffing and about 1,500 recruiting). The terminology for back door hires differs slightly depending on the industry and can also be known as “tempnapping” or “conversions.” Excuse number one is that the company “alrea...

Monday Morning Marketing Minute: Lead Magnets Step One In Your Funnel

March 14, 2019 06:38 - 6 minutes - 9.53 MB

Ally Cole, brand manager for ELOC Global, and Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) discuss lead magnets and engagement on the podcast today. Wilson says that lead magnets used to be known as direct response advertising, but while the name has changed over the years, the function is the same. Instead of a company advertising directly to customers to buy their product, they advertise for other goodies that will get the customers in the door (or in this case onto a website), suc...

Monday Morning Marketing Minute: How Much Better Conversion You Get With Video

March 14, 2019 06:31 - 11 minutes - 15.7 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) takes a minute to go over marketing and its importance to those who wish to succeed in the collections industry. The person who plays a big role in marketing related to AER is Ally Cole ([email protected]), Wilson’s daughter. In this and future podcast episodes, she and Wilson will explain the marketing processes that AER employs to land clients. AER has over 3,000 staffing and recruiting clients (which translates to a large market share...

Monday Morning Memo: Why Settlement Offers Have To Be Brought To You

March 14, 2019 06:02 - 11 minutes - 15.5 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Samantha Cole, in-house counsel for AER, explore the specifics of what happens when a debtor makes an offer to settle part of their debt with a client. First and foremost, Wilson completely understands that these offers can frustrate clients even further, after already being frustrated from having to jump through hoops to get money owed to them by the debtor in the first place. But he says AER is legally bound to present the offers to ...

Monday Morning Meeting: Do Not Ever Tell A Client You Have Voided Their Contract

February 27, 2019 01:58 - 15 minutes - 21.4 MB

Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Samantha Cole, in-house counsel for AER, explain the importance of never telling a client you have voided their contract. First of all, if a staffing agency is turning over a case for collections they should always turn over all information they have related to the case (good, bad, or indifferent) at the onset. Failure to do so can lead to the collections firm being ambushed and ultimately sink the chances of collecting on the debt. La...

Monday Morning Marketing Memo: The Perfect Webinar, The Original Content Marketing

February 27, 2019 01:50 - 11 minutes - 16.2 MB

Webinars as marketing tools are what Wilson Cole, President of Adams, Evens, & Ross (AER) and Ally Cole, brand manager for ELOC Global, expand on during this podcast. For the purposes of this podcast, Wilson specifies that he is talking about longer webinars, such as 45 minutes or longer, not short videos, such as those under 5 minutes long. Ally points out how webinars can be part of the content portfolio that a person or company can put together to help position them as an expert in their ...