One thing we have done exceptionally well over this past year is shifted our mindset to view ourselves as a media company and our products as commercials. Around one-third of our total expenditure is spent to produce content that is not, necessarily, outright selling our products; we have moved our focus to resource content that our clients need. Since we shifted our mindset, clients have asked us about producing their own content and how they can also become more like a media company.

We believe in a multitiered approach when it comes to any content or marketing that we produce. The first step that we suggest to every client is to change their perspective. Content should not be about your company rather about making the client’s life easier. What answers are they trying to find? If you can answer that question, then you can make effective and enticing content. Key words are going to be your best friends; you need to pick out a few of them that pertain to your area of work and include them in everything you publish. Any words, topics, or videos with the special key words that garner traffic will bring more internet users to your website.

One of our favorite stories to tell our clients is one of our content writers asked where should they promote their story. Should it be on Facebook? LinkedIn? Twitter? Our brand manager answered with one word: yes. You need to post content on any and every platform that you possibly can and it does not take a huge team to do it! We make videos once a week and use them to produce podcasts, articles, quotes, and memes. This does not have to be a daunting process; you can use a team, have your receptionist and a college kid do it, or subcontract out to a company like ours. Subcontracting does not have to be expensive; we, and other companies like ours, offer a variety of programs where we produce magazines, videos, articles, podcasts, and other forms of marketing for a low price. It takes away the stress of time and resources that you may not want to spend on content production.

Let’s circle back to how you can make informative and appealing content for clients. We discussed how our video helps us produce things to publish on a variety of platforms. This is an important tip because different people get information in different ways. You need to cater to your entire audience by making videos, articles, and memes. Anything you can do to increase your visibility on the internet and reach a wide range of viewers without breaking the bank.

Always put the client first. This should be your guiding principle for every piece of content you produce. Your services may make their life easier, but it is not about your products. What is the number one question that you are asked? Write about it, create a video, record a podcast, and do anything you can with it so people will know to come to you for the answer. We hope this advice helps you as much as it has for us. Do you have any questions? Are you interested in the services we offer? Contact Ally Cole at [email protected].

Quote 1: You need to post content on any and every platform that you possibly can and it does not take a huge team to do it!

Quote 2: You need to cater to your entire audience by making videos, articles, and memes.