We love to participate in trade shows! They are a great place to meet new clients in a face-to-face setting and compare notes with other companies in the industry. Recently, we won an award at a conference due to our targeted multi-media marketing campaigns. When we heard the good news, it got us thinking about some of our unique strategies that helped us win that award; one of which is our participation in trade shows.

Some people may say that trade shows are a thing of the past, but that is because they do not do the proper background work. First, our outbound marketers reach out to people attending the tradeshow or companies in the area. We tell them about the upcoming show and give them a sneak peek of the opportunities we can offer them. After we have made the initial contact, we use backlinks to retarget our potential audience on multiple platforms. Anyone who uses the internet can probably tell you about pixels; companies use them to catch users who click on their page, look at their content, or research similar businesses. One of our secret weapons when it comes to remarketing is catching customers’ emails so that we can gain access to their contacts. At trade shows, we collect emails from attendees and retarget them through their connected social media accounts and find their connections who hold similar roles. By using pixels, we others who may be interested in our work and call them. We love hearing from our customers that they found us through ads on social media, phone calls, trade shows, or any combinations of the above. This gives us the power to create a custom audience of specific types of recruiters.

In our industry, people are often caught off guard when they find that they need the help of a collections agency; it goes with the idea that when you have plenty to eat then you are not concerned about your next meal. It is only when you run out that you start looking for help. We try to get our name out there so that companies know who to call if they need to collect from a debtor. In addition to that, our goal is to train and educate clients, so they are prepared when they come to us.

Next time you hear about a trade show, think about our strategy and use the opportunity to your advantage! If you need any help or want to use our services, contact our brand manager, Ally Cole, at [email protected].

Quote 1: In our industry, people are often caught off guard when they find that they need the help of a collections agency.

Quote 2: One of our secret weapons when it comes to remarketing is catching customers’ emails so that we can gain access to their contacts.