One of the best and worst things about our modern business world is that people who are looking for specific services can find them with a quick search on the internet. The first page of results that they see will most likely be the only ones that they click on and explore. This has led us to start working hard on our client’s websites and our own website to make sure that we are in the top of every Google search. Question: How is this done? Answer: by getting it SEO.

SEO means that it pulls up in searches by strategically creating content on your website that has keywords which Google will find and use to pull your website up in the search results. If you just shuddered at the phrase “creating content”, you are not alone. There seems to be this deep-rooted hatred from companies in regard to writing articles to put up on their websites. The most common question from our clients is: if I write an article, who is going to read it? Every company is trying to work as efficiently as possible and content creation seems like a big waste of time and money because no one is going to read the content that you create. Well we are here to say, that idea is wrong.


There is so much more to content creation than having people read your article. It is important to place relevant content on your website because that is what is going to alert Google to show your page whenever someone uses the search engine. Without adding any articles to your website, generally, the words that people will use to search for services will not be found on your page. It is hard to slip in relevant keywords on a business website that lists only its hours and services, so this is where article creation comes in.

In order to successfully utilize content on your website, make sure that any keywords that are important to your business are found in the first hundred words of the article. This way Google will be more likely to find the keywords and pull up your website instead of others. For example: on our Backdoor hires website, we have articles about the nine most common excuses for Backdoor hiring. These articles include some of keywords that are relevant to our business such as placements and collections. Once we put that content on our website, we have seen an increase in the amount of traffic and attention our website gets. All because we put a few articles with carefully chosen words, Google will find and suggest us to people using their search engine.


This is all part of the bigger picture of content creation. Even if no one reads it, you want something to help get those keywords on your website. Articles using keyword SEO are an easy way to explain to Google what you do and place important words on your website in a natural way. One important note is that despite the main purpose of the content is to highlight those keywords, it is still necessary to have good content in the surrounding text.

You may still be hesitant because despite the clear advantages of writing content for your website, this is a time-consuming process that you may not be well-equipped to do. Not all of us are English or Journalism majors, so we do a video blog which will then be used by our content writes to create an article. It is a win-win situation because we can quickly create our video blog and then send it over to the content writers to finish the job. We also have found that keywords naturally come up in our interviews and then our writers transcribe them into an article.

Another bonus that comes from using your content to help your keyword SEO, is that once you have about ten to twelve articles, you can take them and turn them into chapters for a book. Any small publisher can take your book and produce a few copies which you can hand out at trade shows!

We cannot emphasize enough how content creation can be HUGE for your website; we have seen a 50-70% increase in website traffic by using this idea. It is not painful, and you do not have to be an English major to do it well. If you have any questions about how content creation can help your keyword SEO, please reach out to Ally Cole at [email protected].

Quote 1: Articles using keyword SEO are an easy way to explain to Google what you do and place important words on your website in a natural way.

Quote 2: In order to successfully utilize content on your website, make sure that any keywords that are important to your business are found in the first hundred words of the article.