Today we are going to unofficially play one of Wilson’s favorite games, “They Said What?!” After all of our years in the staffing and recruiting business, collections, etc., we have a few stand out stories of things we have heard from our clients or through them that would just make you scratch your head. Here are some of our favorites, past and present included:

1. We had a recruiting client who had a debtor hire one of their candidates. They did not receive any payment because the debtor said that they did not pay the employees for the work they did for them, so technically they were volunteers and the client did not deserve payment.

2. Disclaimer: we have previously gone over how to avoid predatory master service agreements from clients and that is very important to this story. The debtor asked our client for resumes. Now, in their contract they have a very specific, convoluted, way that resumes had to be submitted to them. The HR manager told the hiring manager that the recruiter was cleared to send them the documents, so the manager reaches out and our client sends them resumes for candidates. The debtor then claimed that they did not have to pay because the resumes were not sent in the way outlined in the contract.

We also have some interesting stories about debtors and clients wanting to pay us in… unique ways:

3. We once had a client that ran a pot farm, and they wanted to pay us back in pot stock. It was just stock in the company and not in the actual pot farm, or at least we think.

4. One client wanted to pay us in escrow of a truck. Yes, they want to pawn the title of the truck to pay our fees.

5. One attorney argued that the debtor had caused them damage because our client let them get six months behind on payment. They gave the debtor notice that they wanted a partial payment, a sign of good faith, in the next two weeks and it was not paid.

An oldie but a goodie, this is the original story that we featured on our Facebook series “They Said What?!”:

6. Our client was a recruiter that provided three candidates to a debtor who needed to really quickly fill a position that was open. The debtor hired one of those candidates but later argued they should not have to pay the fee since they were not given enough variety in candidates.

Quote 1: After all of our years in the staffing and recruiting business, collections, etc., we have a few stand out stories of things we have heard from our clients or through them that would just make you scratch your head.

Quote 2: We also have some interesting stories about debtors and clients wanting to pay us in… unique ways.