Pay attention closely because we are about to share our secret sauce of marketing. We are going to take you behind the scenes to show you the layout in the funnel of our main marketing plans and how you can replicate it. Basically, we are going to show you our website traffic and how we are getting things into our funnel. If you are able, click on our coordinating YouTube video to watch everything that will be described below.

The first thing to look at in our funnel is the different places that we catch our target audience. This includes advertising on social media, buying ads, videos on YouTube, emails directing people to a landing page for our webinars, and (not pictured in the video) calls from our telemarketers. All of these are methods for bringing in traffic and they follow the same path. Underneath each of these icons there is an option to insert three pixels: what is happening? Pixels are, essentially, cookies that let us know who has visited our page so we can know to retarget them.

Fun fact: these were nicknamed pixels because in the early ages of the internet it used to be a pixel by pixel picture that was uploaded. Whenever someone would download the screen, a company was alerted because the pixels were uploaded to another computer.

If you ever click on our website or webinars, we will later show up in your social media feeds and news sites. This is because we spend the majority of our marketing budget on remarketing. Let’s say you have watched one of our webinars, a link will pop up to send you to a sales page for our services. We want to educate you by presenting great content in our webinars to use on your own, but it also is an opportunity for you to sign up with one of our services. Our funnel will catch on if you click on an offer, but do not buy, we are alerted to send an email reminding you of the offer and send out additional information for a link to our website. We then present the blog page with a link to our chat teams in case you want to talk to someone about the post.

Other websites will use downloads as an invasive way of sending content to people they catch in their funnels. Everyone is tired of giving out their email address every time they want to download a report, so we use our pixels to get basic information to try and reengage. Our goal is to effectively spread information and engage our audience without being invasive. Two things happen once a person clicks onto our website: we get information to send off emails down the road and we can put pixels on a blog post to send ads using remarketing pixels.

Many people have been lamenting about how advertising on Facebook, and other social media websites, is becoming increasingly expensive. While some big companies still advertise on television, the likelihood of being seen is slim. Social media is really the best way to target people instead of using billboards or television which cast a wide net. By using points per click advertising, you can really identify basic supply and demand. One of the things we have been purposeful about is finding our market and dedicate our advertising efforts on them. Most of the people that make buying decisions for companies are in the over 50 crowd and they spend more time on Facebook than millennials. So, we know that it is worth spending more on those social media sites to find our customers.

In this market, we need to delineate our self by using education of the industry to get brand recognition. If you see our webinars, common sense says that you should use our services. Even you do not want to buy from us, at least we are passing along valuable knowledge. It is important to think about what you provide potential clients and how they can

benefit from you. Forget about how amazing you are and really home in on how a customer benefits from your help. We have been in business for 28 years and clients do not care about that number aside from establishing some credibility. If they turnover their account, how can we help collect for them? The reason people come to us is because of our staff attorneys, seasoned collection crew, and set process that work 80%-81% of the time.

Using our funnel, we have been able to accomplish three goals as a company: educate, improve the work of clients and the overall industry, and find how we can fit a client’s needs. It does not matter what avenue we use to advertise because the message is still the same! We hope that by following these tips and taking our advice that you can improve your marketing funnel and find an easy way to land more clients! Do you have any questions or need any help? Contact Ally Cole at [email protected]


Quote 1: We are going to take you behind the scenes to show you the layout in the funnel of our main marketing plans and how you can replicate it.

Quote 2: Using our funnel, we have been able to accomplish three goals as a company: educate, improve the work of clients and the overall industry, and find how we can fit a client’s needs.