Start Fueling Better: Nutrition & Wellness artwork

Start Fueling Better: Nutrition & Wellness

52 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 10 ratings

Our culture, society and loved ones have a strong impact on our food choices and how we feel about ourselves inside and out. Paige Penick, a registered dietitian nutritionist and certified personal trainer gets real about topics centered around nutrition, health, wellness, and life.

Health & Fitness Society & Culture health mindfuleating mindfulness emotionaleating food life nutrition overeating relationships wellness
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When All The Food Is Staring At You

November 30, 2021 23:52 - 14 minutes - 6.5 MB

#052 - When you walk into a gathering, there's lots of food that looks super tasty and next thing you know you've downed 5 cookies. You're not sure how you downed all of those, but it happened. You always seem to do this when you go to gatherings. It sucks and you don't know how to stop. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Holidays, Food And Family

November 25, 2021 02:45 - 17 minutes - 8.51 MB

#051 - Holidays and the food and family that come with them are difficult for a lot of people. Let's talk about this and what you can do to make them more pleasant. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Bring In Noise, Bring In Funk

October 26, 2021 08:00 - 12 minutes - 6.04 MB

#050 - This episode is about noise from the outside world, and how letting that in has a huge impact on us. I'm also talking about what to do instead that can dramatically change how you eat and feel. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Waiting For Weight Loss

October 19, 2021 08:00 - 15 minutes - 7.4 MB

#049 - "I'll do that when I lose weight." Ever said something along those lines? If so, you might be "waiting for weight loss". That's what this episode is all about. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Calorie Counting: Should You Or Shouldn't You?

October 12, 2021 08:00 - 18 minutes - 8.89 MB

#048 - Calorie counting has only one stay within your calorie range. Which may seem attractive over diets that have multiple rules to follow. Let's talk more about calorie counting and if it is a healthful, long-term solution. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

If You're Not Feeling Great About Yourself...

October 06, 2021 03:55 - 15 minutes - 7.52 MB

#047 - Clients often say that they don't feel great about themselves. They struggle with confidence. Other people impact how they feel and what they think. This is what we're talking about this episode. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

What's Important On A Food Label?

September 28, 2021 08:00 - 19 minutes - 9.38 MB

#046 - Clients often tell me they don't know how to read a food label. They also don't know what to look for on a food label. That totally makes sense, because food labels are filled with misleading and questionable marketing. This episode I'm breaking down food labels. They don't have to be so confusing! Let's separate facts from fiction. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

My Spouse Eats Bad Food: What Do I Do?

September 22, 2021 05:19 - 17 minutes - 8.13 MB

#045 - What do you do when your spouse (or others in your life) like to eat bad food? If you're in this situation, we're breaking down two things you can start doing right now. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:  

Do I Need 10,000 Steps Per Day?

September 14, 2021 08:00 - 18 minutes - 8.75 MB

#044 - Been hearing a lot lately about tracking steps per day. Do you need 10,000 steps per day? Let's talk about it. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Making Meals Easier And More Nutritious

September 08, 2021 03:43 - 18 minutes - 9.09 MB

#043 - Dinner (or any other meal for that matter) doesn't have to be a 5 course extravagant experience. We've made food way too hard. It doesn't have to be like that. Let's talk about what really matters, and what you can do to make meals easier...but also more nutritious. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

So Many People Struggle With This

August 17, 2021 08:00 - 17 minutes - 8.61 MB

#042 - Have different expectations for yourself than you do for others? They can take a day off, or eat the cake, but you can't? If this sounds familiar, listen to this episode. It's so common and so important to address. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

So You Overate Or Binged...Now What?

August 12, 2021 16:40 - 18 minutes - 9 MB

#041 - This episode is about what to do after you overeat or binge. Maybe what you've been doing thus far isn't helping you. What can you do instead? We talk about that in this episode! You don't have to keep overeating and having binges. There is a solution to your struggles. Check out this episode. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Disordered Eating, Relationships, and Self-Love with Rachael Chisenhall

August 03, 2021 08:00 - 32 minutes - 14.9 MB

#040 - Rachael Chisenhall, LMFT talks with me on this episode about a number of really important topics. Including discussion around shame, rule breaking and worthiness. This is a great episode. Check it out! For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Summer Heat And Body Image

July 27, 2021 07:00 - 19 minutes - 9.52 MB

#039 - Wearing lots of clothing when it's hot outside is pretty uncomfortable. However, when you don't feel great about your body it may be your reality. Other people's words often impact how we feel about ourselves and what we do and don't do. Sometimes that means we miss out on life. Let's talk about this. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Comparison, Self-Growth & Social Anxiety with Stella Cuomo

July 20, 2021 08:00 - 37 minutes - 17.4 MB

#038 - This episode I'm talking with Stella Cuomo, LCSW. Stella is a psychotherapist and works at an addiction treatment center. We cover a number of topics including comparison, self-growth and social anxiety. We also talk about making connections with other people. Which a lot of us could use more of right about now. Check this episode out because it's a good one! For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

July 14, 2021 05:21 - 17 minutes - 8.66 MB

#037 - Diets include specific rules we are to follow. When we decide to start a new diet we go from our current way of eating to following the rules of the diet the very next day. It's hard to go from what you've been doing to taking on a bunch of new rules the very next day...especially when they don't fit well into your lifestyle. Let's talk about a different way to approach things. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Stress, Communication And Life Skills With Emily Stevens

July 06, 2021 08:00 - 32 minutes - 15.4 MB

#036 - This episode I'm talking with Emily Stevens of Laidback Achievers. Emily is a licensed therapist and life coach. We cover a number of topics including stress, tips for better communicating and important life skills that don't come naturally to most of us. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Food Facts Vs Food Fear

June 30, 2021 05:06 - 20 minutes - 9.94 MB

#035 - A lot of messaging around food is geared toward our emotions and it pulls us in. Then these messages become facts in our minds. The problem is that these messages usually lack in legitimacy and aren't even worth our time. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

A Different Perspective On Weight Loss

June 22, 2021 08:00 - 21 minutes - 10.1 MB

#034 - There are often two sides when it comes to the topic of weight loss. Those that support it at all costs and often disregard health. And those that feel any desire for weight loss is bad and unsafe. Let's talk about what lies between the two of those. The option that often gets overlooked. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

You Need More Of This In Your Life

June 15, 2021 17:32 - 17 minutes - 8.64 MB

#033 - This episode we're talking about something pretty much all of us could use more of. Chances are high you aren't doing it at all. Life is busy and we just can't do everything. However, this is really important and a bit of prioritizing might be all it takes to set you up for success. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

5 Tips For Better Health

June 08, 2021 23:11 - 23 minutes - 11.2 MB

#032 - The topics of nutrition and health are so confusing. It doesn't need to be that way though. This episode we're breaking down 5 Tips for Better Health. Follow these to better set yourself up for success. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

You're Exercising All Wrong

June 01, 2021 17:43 - 19 minutes - 9.56 MB

#031 - This episode let's discuss what so many of us are doing wrong when it comes to exercise. And what you can do instead that's way better.   For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

I Used To Weigh My Food

May 25, 2021 17:29 - 17 minutes - 8.62 MB

#030 - Ever weighed your food? I used to. It took up a lot of time! Let's talk more about weighing food, where it stems from and why I don't recommend it. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Do This To Stop Binges And Overeating

May 18, 2021 08:00 - 22 minutes - 10.8 MB

#029 - If you struggle with binges and overeating listen to this episode. There's a simple, but not so simple solution to your problem. In this episode I talk about what you need to do to break the cycle centered around dieting, food rules, binges and overeating.   For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Don't Get Stuck In Your Feelings

May 11, 2021 19:58 - 20 minutes - 10 MB

#028 - This episode we're talking about feelings. Do you sit in your feelings sometimes? Just feeling the feels sitting there frozen? Taking no action? Sadness, stress, overwhelm...if we sit in how we're feeling and don't take any action we aren't going to make any progress. Making progress helps us get where we want to go. Listen to this episode for tips to help you take action and make progress. As opposed to sitting frozen in your feels. For show notes and links from this episode, head ...

This Can Make Or Break Your Eating

May 04, 2021 04:00 - 23 minutes - 11 MB

#027 - Are you trying to change how you eat? Trying to lose weight? This episode we're talking about something that may make or break your eating. And it's not an uncommon struggle. We're discussing what it is and what action you can start taking right now to help address it. So it doesn't make or break you...or your eating. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

How Often Should I Be Eating?

April 27, 2021 18:50 - 18 minutes - 9.08 MB

#026 - It's common for people to be unsure about how often they need to be eating. We're discussing some of the not so helpful choices I've made in the past. As well as where you can get started, and then a longer term goal as you progress.   For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Liquid Chlorophyll: Changing Lives One Drop At A Time

April 20, 2021 21:20 - 19 minutes - 9.47 MB

#025 - Been hearing a lot about chlorophyll drops the last week. So I did a bit of "research". We're discussing my findings and thoughts on the subject. Should you or shouldn't you?    For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Carbs Make You Fat

April 13, 2021 21:48 - 14 minutes - 6.89 MB

#024 - This episode we're talking all about carbohydrates. Breaking down the why behind their bad reputation, when they really matter, and some adjustments you can make to better your own eating.   For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Other People's Opinions

April 06, 2021 21:33 - 17 minutes - 8.22 MB

#023 - So many of us worry about what other people are thinking about us. We let it get in our way, impact our mood and how we feel about ourselves. In this episode we're talking all about this and how to start the "un-doing" of these thoughts.   For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

It's Your Turn

March 30, 2021 22:13 - 26 minutes - 12.4 MB

#022 - It's time to reframe how you're approaching food and nutrition. It's time to get actual results and change. Time to feel good about yourself and drop the confusion around food. I want this for you. Do you want it for you? I know you can do it.  For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Weightloss: Solves All Your Problems

March 23, 2021 18:01 - 19 minutes - 9.27 MB

#021 - "Lose weight and you'll be happier." It's presented that this can be our reality. Everything will fall into place in your life. Everything will be better. It's sold that way, but it's not that simple. There are other things that need to be addressed. If not, with or without weightloss, you'll still be struggling. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Obstacles Getting You Down?

March 16, 2021 20:38 - 15 minutes - 7.68 MB

#020 - Obstacles can freeze you and hold you back. Which can end in frustration and feeling bad about yourself. Or simply just not achieving what you want to achieve. We dive a bit deeper into obstacles and how to overcome them so you can breakthrough whatever is holding you back. For show notes and links from this episode, head to:

Expectations In Marriage. - 019

February 26, 2019 03:21 - 35 minutes - 16.1 MB

Do/did you have expectations about marriage? We discuss our expectations before marriage. As well as situations that may happen in marriage that you didn't see coming, and how things aren't always black and white.

Food Sensitivities. - 018

February 19, 2019 05:47 - 36 minutes - 16.5 MB

We're talking food sensitivities. Wondering if they are the same as food allergies or food intolerances? We cover that. As well as the "controversy" surrounding the topic, and why Paige feels the way she does about food sensitivities and the use of LEAP and MRT.

Celery Juice: The Secret No One Knew About. - 017

February 12, 2019 03:55 - 31 minutes - 14.6 MB

Paige is losing her mind. We talk about why. As well as discussing celery juice, sugar addiction and food addiction. 

Sometimes You Need A Second Opinion. - 016

February 05, 2019 04:07 - 29 minutes - 13.3 MB

Getting a second opinion can make a huge difference in your life, whether it's in regard to your health or just about anything else. Paige shares some personal stories surrounding this topic, and (semi) regrets doing so.

Social Media World. - 015

January 29, 2019 04:58 - 44 minutes - 20.1 MB

The world we are living in is filled with misleading information and images. Which can make it hard to know what's real nowadays and what isn't. This applies to the world of nutrition, but also many other topics as well. 

Josh's Past Eating Habits Might Surprise You. - 014

January 22, 2019 00:08 - 25 minutes - 11.5 MB

Nowadays Josh loves his fast food and delivery, but years ago he ate much differently. We discuss what that consisted of, as well as other details. It's quite a drastic difference when compared to his current eating habits.

I Call B.S. On Sugar-Free. - 013

January 14, 2019 23:26 - 22 minutes - 10.1 MB

The term sugar-free can be misleading and doesn't necessarily mean what many consumers think it does. We discuss what it does mean, food packaging, sugar alcohols and other things sugar related.

Overeating, Emotional Eating and Cravings. - 012

January 08, 2019 02:11 - 34 minutes - 15.7 MB

Struggling with overeating, emotional eating, and/or cravings? If so, you aren't alone. Lots of people have these struggles, including Paige. We talk about the struggle she had with this, and something new coming from Start Fueling Better that might be of help to you!

Special Guest: Lisa Andrews. - 011

December 18, 2018 04:31 - 36 minutes - 16.6 MB

Lisa is a registered dietitian and owner of Sound Bites Nutrition. She and Paige talk food and nutrition related to self, relationships and life.

It Is A Marathon Not A Sprint. - 010

December 11, 2018 02:48 - 26 minutes - 12.2 MB

Our culture has demonized certain foods and created labels like "good" and "bad" to describe foods. Which has helped to create poor relationships toward food, as well as negative thoughts around food. The truth is, eating ice cream or a "bad" food doesn't define your overall health.

Weirdos With No Kids. - 009

December 04, 2018 01:09 - 31 minutes - 14.5 MB

Discussing societal norms around having kids and how we as a couple have gone against those norms. As well as how it seems these norms may place more expectations on women than men.

The Change That Can Make You Happier. - 008

November 27, 2018 02:00 - 40 minutes - 18.6 MB

On episode 008 we discuss something a lot of people struggle with, but can definitely improve upon with a little effort and self-reflection. It has a strong impact on life, relationships, and marriage.

My Forty Thousand Dollar Oversight. - 007

November 20, 2018 02:25 - 1 hour - 27.8 MB

You spend about forty thousand dollars and then realize things aren't necessarily what you thought they were. We discuss what this money was spent on, how it relates to the world of nutrition (and you), and if it was worth it or not. 

My Nutrition Story. - 006

November 13, 2018 01:32 - 35 minutes - 16.4 MB

My experiences with food, nutrition, health, being overweight, and weight loss had a huge impact on where I am now. As well as why I do what I do and why protecting other people, their health and their money is so important to me. 

My Number One Piece Of Advice. - 005

November 06, 2018 00:27 - 36 minutes - 16.7 MB

People will ask what's one thing I recommend, or what can they do now for better health later. We discuss the answer to that in this episode. 

Mindfulness Revolution. - 004

October 30, 2018 01:29 - 32 minutes - 14.8 MB

Mindfulness isn't a new thing, but many of us aren't actively doing it. Let alone even know what it is or how to do it. Using mindful living and mindful eating on a daily basis can be life changing. Imagine understanding your emotional eating or overeating? And knowing how to address and prevent it in the future. Practicing mindfulness isn't necessarily hard, but it does take time and patience.

Food Pushers and Know It Alls. - 003

October 09, 2018 04:32 - 33 minutes - 20.5 MB

In this episode we discuss food pushers and know it alls. The people that like to tell others what they should and shouldn't be eating. We discuss this type of person and the situations where this may occur. Paige offers some tools and tactics to deal with these scenarios.